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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Renegade Tactics
Target creature can't block this turn.
Draw a card.

Iehovah on
Pauper Red go BRRR
1 year ago
Although I haven't played much pauper, a quick search led me to some card for you to consider. Ancestral Anger might be worth running over Crash Through, Mutagenic Growth always pairs well with Kiln Fiend, and Renegade Tactics might be worth considering for the sideboard.
Gattison on Izzet Defender Idea (Pauper)
3 years ago
Cinder Wall is cheap if you want more defenders. As for support spells, you'd want mostly cantrips imo. Things like Crash Through, Opt, Renegade Tactics, Slip Through Space. Even stuff like Faithless Looting and Thrill of Possibility could be helpful if you want to include flashback/retrace stuff, like Flame Jab.
zapyourtumor on
3 years ago
20 creatures feels like too many, I'd cut the stormchaser mages and go down to 16. Also I think you can go down to 18 lands. You could consider replacing the blistercoils with Stormwing Entity.
For the instants and sorceries, you have a lot of draw a card effects, but I don't think Renegade Tactics + Slip Through Space + Expedite are worth it. I'd add some removal in Play with Fire and Wild Slash (I recommend 6-8 of these in total). Then some card filtering in Consider, card draw in Of One Mind (since you'd have 8 humans and 8 non-humans), and maybe a singleton Treasure Cruise for mid game.
Milesfuzz on
3 years ago
Beamsplitter Mage acts as a mini Zada/Mirrorwing Dragon. Makes all of your targeted cantrips pretty good!
Also there's a few extra cantrips to consider. - Leap - Cloak of Feathers - Cerulean Wisps - Renegade Tactics - Thermal Flux
Bad cantrips that are just good for triggering Zada/Magecraft/Mirrorwing - Twisted Image - Chilling Trap - Fleeting Distraction - Stream of Unconsciousness
Guerric on
Feather Token Storm
3 years ago
Spawning Breath doesn't do much in this build other than to store mana for a later time. If I were focused on tokens it would be better, but in my build Sudden Breakthrough is a strictly better upgrade in that it pumps Feather while also storing mana for another time.
Reckless Charge OUT Deflecting Palm IN
I'm generally underwhelmed with cards that only work at sorcery speed in this deck, and with the addition of Sudden Breakthrough I've already added one back in. Deflecting Palm has always been a great Boros card, and gives me the option to send direct or infect damage right back into my opponents' faces. Comeuppance creates some epic moments and commander, so why not have a few more of them!
Renegade Tactics OUT Birgi, God of Storytelling Flip IN
Tactics is sorcery speed, making it a pretty bad draw spell compared to my other cantrips, and otherwise useless. Birgi is a great ramp engine. My opponents tried in vain to remove her four times the other night because of the practically limitless mana refund she provides, though all those attempts were in vain!
Smothering Tithe OUT Storm-Kiln Artist IN
Tithe is an amazing card but as Control_Train has observed, it is really suited better to slower, grindier control decks. I've taken it out, and it will find a great new home in my upcoming Ranar the Ever-Watchful deck. Storm-Kiln Artist , on the other hand, can spew out treasure tokens in this deck like you've hit the jackpot on a slot machine, and is a great new addition from Strixhaven.
lagotripha on
The zada's death touch Pezzent
3 years ago
I'll suggest Irresistible Prey & Renegade Tactics - they play nice with zada. Heat Shimmer/Twinflame can do silly turns, Otherworldly Outburst and Make Your Mark let you resist wraths. Beast Within is its usual versatile self with an added 'my board is now 3/3'.
nathanielhebert on
1792- The French Revolution
3 years ago
Loving the concept — always looking for new uses for the Unruly Mob ! In practise, I played through different options for card draws — Crash Through granted trample damage and brought about some victories, and Renegade Tactics is similar to the Topple the Statue .
9-lives on
3 years ago
I want to raise my card number to 65. What should I add? I took out a lot of Renegade Tactics
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