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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Return target creature to its owner's hand.

Draw a card.

RizzolRat on Yusri deck

2 years ago

Thank you Deathblossom

I will for sure look into replacing Galestrike with Repulse, makes a lot of sense, and adding some land.

Trying to keep the cost down at the moment but I did consider Krark's Thumb however a bit pricey.

Deathblossom on Yusri deck

2 years ago

A couple of suggestions:

I'd replace Galestrike with Repulse.

Depending on how much you're looking to spend, the card that would have the single biggest impact on your commander's performance would probably be Krark's Thumb (possibly supported by some combination of Muddle the Mixture and Fabricate to tutor it).

I'd really encourage you to play more lands. Even adding just Forgotten Cave and Lonely Sandbar would improve your ability to consistently hit your land drops by so much.

king-saproling on Bounce n draw with a special lil falcon

2 years ago

Cool deck! You might like these: Drift of Phantasms, Merchant Scroll, Step Through, Vedalken AEthermage, Apprentice Wizard, Springleaf Drum, Sea Gate Oracle, Augur of Bolas, Repulse, Drag Under, Capsize, Salvager of Secrets, Mnemonic Wall, Scrivener, Rush of Knowledge.

Also I noticed you're running Treasure Cruise, which is banned in pauper. If your group doesn't care about the banlist, you might also consider running Peregrine Drake as it combos with things like Displace + Archaeomancer.

supa_tim on Talrand of the free and home of the brave

4 years ago

I would drop:

  • Clairvoyance
  • Fleeting Distraction
  • Grip of the Roil
  • Obsessive Search
  • Radical Idea
  • Reach Through Depths
  • Spell Syphon
  • Twisted Image
  • Slip Through Space
  • Apprentice Wizard
  • Deranged Assistant
  • Hedron Crawler
  • Manakin
  • Sea Scryer
  • Prismatic Lens

One reason is that you have a lot of cards that do nothing but draw one card. Which is usually fine in 60 card 1v1 as they function as almost running fewer cards. This lets you draw into your business spells with more consistency. However, in EDH multiplayer, I feel like you want cards with more impact. I kept in cards that let you scry or let you decide card quality because those have more impact.

The other reason is that you really aren't accelerating into anything big, so why do you need a bunch of mana ramp cards? You definitely want to hit all your land drops, but your 2-for-1 and 3-for-1 draw spells should keep filling your hand with lands. You want more business spells that keep you in the game long enough to get Talrand into play and start beating down.

I know Talrand tempts you to play a bunch of cantrip spells to have a sort of combo finish. However, in my experience it is better to have a more solid lock down of the game and win with inevitability than just trying for an alpha strike. A few 2/2 flyers can go a long way.

I would go up to 36-38 lands to make sure you keep getting those land drops.

Then I would add a few more counters:

Then some more bounce (although you have most of the good ones in there already):

Then maybe a couple more recursion spells:

Just to give you some card advantage in other ways or to get back powerful spells that you were forced to use early.

Blue shenanigans can be hard to play. Sometimes you want to be aggressive with your countermagic and bounce to stall your opponents. Other times you want to hold back and wait until the more opportune time.

Hope this helps.

rasck on Tips for Mizzix ? 5th iteration

4 years ago

Great deck!
I would consider consider double your number of ramp artifacts from 5 -> 10, so your total amount is 11. Next I would look at the sorcery spells list and see if could find alternatives at instant speed.
I think you are on the low side on protection spells for mizzix. You can use counter spells, protective equipment/enchantments or bounce spells. I dislike protective equipment/enchantments because they don't give experience counters, and they typical get attached at sorcery speed. Counter spells can be good but I have come to love bounce spells the most. I can see you have a few like Regress. They are good because in the early game, they still give you an experience counter before Mizzix gets returned to your hand. With counter spells in multiplayer im often able to counter one thing, and then there are 2 other players i can't defend against. It is easier if just get Mizzix back to my hand. Bounce spells that also can draw or get back to your hand are nice, such as Capsize, Blink of an Eye, Repulse, Mystic Confluence.
You could consider mana spells Mana Geyser, Inner Fire (if you often can draw many cards), Brass's Bounty. Mana Geyser could even be considered a replacement for mizzix (if she get hated), it is not unlikely in a late multiplayer game to get +30 mana from it. Anyway, these "ramp" spells help you storm off better.
For win conditions, it looks like you are storming. Why not also use Ignite Memories? If you experience that you often sit with a an empty hand you could consider some "wheel" effects, Commit / Memory, Windfall.
Some defensive spells i like is AEtherize and Aetherspouts. Once your opponent have tried running into these they will hate attacking you in the future.
Finally i have had some fun with Radiate. Its instant speed, so you can use it just before your own turn. If you combine it with a kicked Blink of an Eye you can return all non-land permanents and draw a card for each permanent you bounced this way. The total cost is i 9 CMC without Mizzix. You could also, with Mizzix make a game ending combo with Radiate + Supplant Form. In your case it could be used with your burn spells (that targets single creature/player) or with Prophetic Bolt.

Swsd42 on Mono Blue Faeries

5 years ago

Gcen where do you think Curfew could fit in? Maybe two of instead of Repulse ?

MontaukMonster on Testudo Tactic Holy Cadre

5 years ago

I can't advise you on specific cards to add because my set knowledge stops at around 2011.


I ran this against Psychatog and got smashed 100% of the time. A good contemporary standard deck should beat Psychatog.

Your mana curve is horrible. You have a win condition that feels like it wants to be aggressive but it doesn't start building until turn 3. You're missing a 2-drop. What your deck kept wanting to do was turn 1, vampire, turn 2, vampire, turn 3 Radiant Destiny , turn 4 sit on counterspells and combat tricks

You have too much boost for not enough creatures. Time after time, Squire's Devotion kept getting stranded in my hand waiting for a critter to put it on, only to get killed by a Repulse (remember Psychatog was once standard). As a general rule, creature enchantments suck. Unless it's on the order of Rancor don't waste the space.

You have a serious color problem. Picture this: your three drop is Benalish Marshal and your 4-drop is Essence Capture . The only way to pull that off is by skipping an early clock to play a guildgate, which neutralizes the marshal. You want that on turn 3, you're attacking with 5 damage.

You have absolutely no board control. I have always argued in favor of maindecking Disenchant (obviously the variant that's current in this format) based on the observation that decks that tend to win major events tend to do this. That and spot removal for creatures, planeswalkers, and problematic lands is useful.

You're not using blue. Not really, anyway. Divination is poo. The power of a good draw spell is that it's an instant so it gives you something to spend when your opponent fails to walk into your counterspells and it's cheap so it helps you early on to dig for creatures when your opening hand is weak. Think: Impulse For a sorcery draw spell it needs to fill my hand. As for counterspells, yours are just not versatile to be worth it. You're going to end up with a Negate When your opponent kicks a Desolation Angel or an Essence Capture when your opponent throws out a Wrath of God . Or whatever the contemporary version of these events, you get the idea. If you can ramp up your creature assault you might look at something like Remand , Memory Lapse , or some other form of Time Walk often mistaken for counterspells.

If there aren't any good draw/counter spells in this environment or decent tricks like Ray of Command you're probably better of going mono-white.

This concludes my TED talk =)

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