Necromantic Summons

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Necromantic Summons


Put target creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control.

Spell mastery — If there are two or more instant and/or sorcery cards in your graveyard, that creature enters the battlefield with two additional +1/+1 counters on it.

Jabber on Liliana, Baby of Chaos

1 year ago

Cards id Consider adding:

Diabolic Tutor should be in the deck

Killing Wave should add this great finisher and liliana text

Command the Dreadhorde Liliana with great artwork and a nice finisher

Mutilate great board wipe with Liliana text

Liliana's Specter goes with the current theme

Oath of Liliana good removal and on theme

Liliana's Scrounger great for all the planeswalkers and removal

Liliana's Scorn bad removal but also works as a tutor

Liliana's Reaver fits into the discard theme

Liliana's Influence tutor and kind of a board wipe

Liliana's Indignation direct damage and fill graveyard

Liliana's Elite weak but gets stronger with graveyard

Liliana's Contract kind of bad draw but on theme

Liliana, Death Wielder old planeswalker but could be fun

Liliana, Death's Majesty token maker and is pretty good

Liliana's Shade Bad but kind of ramp

Entomb great card

Reanimate great card

Gravecrawler great card for combo but idk if it fits here

Settle the Score bad removal but helps with planeswalkers

Triumph of Cruelty on theme with discard

Demonic Tutor Liliana art work and quote

Finale of Eternity finisher and removal

Professor Onyx on theme and decent

Baleful Force bad top end but cool quote


Dread Summons


Mind Rot Liliana quate and discard theme

Rise Again

Rise from the Grave

Rottenheart Ghoul

Tainted Remedy

Dark Petition

Necromantic Summons

Young Necromancer

Swap to these lands:

SenseiKreese on Skeleton Tribal

4 years ago

Added Necromantic Summons, subract Stir the Grave

The benefit here is that +1 +1 counters can be applied, for proliferation. Still looking for suitable cards to add to the deck.

triproberts12 on Go Ninja, Go Ninja GO!

6 years ago

Mostly, I'm confused about what you're planning on getting with your Transmute cards. The best targets for a Yuriko deck at the 5 mana slot are Conspiracy and Xenograft, which are both in the Maybeboard. Same for Arcane Adaptation at the 3-drop slot.

I see stuff that makes creatures unblockable, but auras seem pretty bad with ninjas. Cover of Darkness is what I would use in a tribal deck, or you can just put in more unblockable cheap stuff like Slither Blade , Triton Shorestalker , etc. If you want to Surveil, then Nightveil Sprite is well-suited to both purposes. I also see Thalakos Seer in the Maybeboard, which is obscene with Yuriko, so I would maindeck that ASAP.

You're packing a lot of different card types, so Emrakul, the Promised End would be good in this deck. It's high CMC to burn the table with Yuriko, but you should be able to consistently cast it for 8 or less.

As for cuts, Rise from the Grave is pretty bad. You can Extract from Darkness , Necromantic Summons or Liliana, Death's Majesty for the same cost. I don't like Mirko Vosk, Etrata, Mind Grind, or Traitor's Clutch, either. The a graveyard subtheme makes sense, but mill cards don't.

triproberts12 on Sexy sacks Yahenni

6 years ago

I like Undying Evil for this kind of deck. Does great things with Gary, Tree of Perdition, etc. Also, since you can sac at instant speed, Mesmeric Fiend permanently exiles, since you can sac it in response to the ETB trigger, making it better than Kitesail Freebooter and other newer cards that have been worded to avoid that interaction. I agree that Grave Pact is a must-have. Some more ramp and card draw wouldn't hurt. I'm partial to Jet Medallion , Charcoal Diamond , Mind Stone , and Thought Vessel for rocks, and Syphon Mind is my favorite mono-black draw spell.

I would cut Ritual of Soot, since it scales very poorly in EDH. Crux of Fate , Damnation (if you've got the cash), Decree of Pain , Toxic Deluge , take your pick.

As for lands, Crypt of Agadeem would be good here. Phyrexian Tower just got reprinted. It's a bit pricey, but it is VERY good, and having been $60 just a few months ago with no likely reprint in the near future, pick it up now. Temple of the False God is a bad card, full stop. It is never correct to include it. Ever. That's not just me talking, but virtually every EDH content creator out there.

I'm not sure how you feel about the budget issue with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed , but it would be a very good addition, even before taking the combo with Walking Ballista or Triskelion into account. It's a solid addition to a black deck, and there are some affordable tutors that can get both pieces like Beseech the Queen , Diabolic Intent (on theme, so maybe add it regardless), Sidisi, Undead Vizier (also on theme!), and Netherborn Phalanx .

As for reanimation, Rise from the Grave is pretty inefficient, and upgrading to Animate Dead , Victimize (on theme!), Dread Return (apparently there's a lot of sac'ing in black, who knew?), Sepulchral Primordial (great with repeatable ETB effects), Rise of the Dark Realms (expensive, but a black staple in EDH), Necromancy , Thrilling Encore (great if you can sac with Dictate of Erebos or Grave Pact ), Ever After (one more mana for twice the value), Whisper, Blood Liturgist , Champion of Stray Souls (so much sac'ing), Hell's Caretaker (again, so much sac'ing), Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni , Rescue from the Underworld (on-theme), Infernal Offering (sac!), Necromantic Summons (strictly better than Rise), Zombify , and Footsteps of the Goryo (...sac).

The last thing I would do is check out the EDHREC pages for Yahenni, the color black, and sacrifice to see what others are running. Good luck!

cole20112 on The Deck Formerly Known as Grimgrin's Free Zombies

6 years ago

Some more suggestions I've found are Gravespawn Sovereign, Zombie Trailblazer, Plague Belcher, Noxious Ghoul, Zombie Master, Fleshbag Marauder, Cryptbreaker, Corpse Harvester, Corpse Connoisseur, Buried Alive, Noosegraf Mob, and Phyrexian Delver.

Every tribal deck that I build and that Ive seen others build typically have about 35-ish members of the tribe in the deck, so maybe cutting some of the 5 mana reanimation and other mediocre cards for more zombies would be wise.

Some suggestions to cut are Corpse Hauler, Divination, Necromantic Summons, Rise from the Grave, Sightless Ghoul, Butcher Ghoul, Highborn Ghoul, Skeletal Vampire (unless you're planning on running death baron then definitely keep him), Walking Corpse, Servant of Tymaret and Sidisi's Pet.

Loreshadow on

6 years ago

What's the point of Living Lore in this deck? You have no real spells to abuse. Any time you play UB with Living Lore, you should have a high mana cost revive to create a loop effect. Necromantic Summons for example. Throw in a Distortion Strike as followup and you're dealing 14 unblocked damage over two turns.

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