Funeral Rites

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Funeral Rites


You draw two cards, lose 2 life, then mill two cards. (To mill a card, put the top card of your library into your graveyard.)

immakinganezehaldeck on Anje Reanimator (Casual CEDH)

1 year ago

11/23/22 - Madness update

I'm really low on madness cards. Needs to be far higher for an anje deck.




Removed most end game threats + interaction that didn't have madness, since madness tech needs to be there in high density and the deck can win through that stuff mainly.

TypicalTimmy on Atraxa, Phyrexia's Champion

1 year ago

So your very first upkeep that she's out, you draw 5 cards and lose 5 life? That seems pretty unbalanced. Yes it is on par with cards such as Sign in Blood which trades 1 life per card (2 life, 2 cards). Other examples are Funeral Rites, Night's Whisper and Read the Bones. There's also the theme of 1 life per card when you move up into Ambition's Cost, Ancient Craving, Demonic Offering and Harrowing Journey.

So to suddenly shift it back to 5-for-5, then 6-for-6, then 7-for-7, then 8-for-8... that's where the overpowered nature comes from.

Add on lifelink, and there threat of losing the game is essentially nullified. Even if she is chump blocked, you still get 100% of your life back. So what's the problem? Well, the problem is that this trend breaks with Infernal Contract and Cruel Bargain.

Worse still is that with having vigilance, you can get the life even on blocking. With flying, the evasion makes her largely unstoppable in most games, and with the advent of deathtouch, suddenly she's nearly impossible to really handle in terms of just combat.

Add onto that 4 colors, you have a toolbox bigger than most decks.

I apologize if I sound like I am insulting the design and being mean about it. I understand my tone can come off as stern. I'm truly not meaning to; I am simply explaining where the unbalance exists.

What if, as a solution, you Scry X and lose X life where X is her power, then you draw 2 cards? Now you are basically filtering the top half of your library and grabbing exactly what you want, when you want it <3

trippy_mcfly on Cumly Cube

2 years ago

Introducing Cumly Cube 1.1! 6 months ago, Cumly Cube was launched to resounding approval. However, in response to feedback from fans, several cards in the pool were deemed unplayable, uninteresting, or overpowered. For Cumly Cube's six month anniversary, I have chosen to update the card pool. Here are the changes, provided with brief justifications:


  • Abomination: too weak in power level
  • Anger of the Gods: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
  • Birthing Pod: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Black Dragon: too weak in power level
  • Black Lotus: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Bloodcurdling Scream: too weak in power level
  • Cavalier of Night: too on-theme for a black card
  • Cinderclasm: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
  • Dack Fayden: too powerful
  • District Guide: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Dockside Extortionist: too strong in multiplayer games considering the dominance of the "treasure matters" archetype in this card pool
  • Dread Reaper: too weak in power level
  • Edric, Spymaster of Trest: too powerful
  • Eviscerator: too weak in power level
  • Grim Strider: too weak in power level
  • Hypnox: too weak in power level
  • Jungle Creeper: too weak in power level
  • Mind Bomb: too weak in power level
  • Mox Emerald: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Jet: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Pearl: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Ruby: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Sapphire: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver: too weak in power level
  • Nix: too weak in power level
  • Obelisk of Alara: too weak in power level
  • Patagia Golem: too weak in power level
  • Phantasmagorian: too weak in power level
  • Prismite: too weak in power level
  • Rootcoil Creeper: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Shattering Blow: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
  • Shatterskull Smashing  Flip: MDFCs are interesting cards, but it does not make sense to have only one in the card pool
  • Smelt: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
  • Smog Elemental: too weak in power level
  • Spirit of the Night: too weak in power level
  • Storm Spirit: too weak in power level
  • Tibalt's Trickery: introduces too much variance for an enjoyable experience
  • Unholy Strength: too weak in power level
  • Vampiric Link: too on-theme for a black card
  • Wooded Bastion: this was included on error instead of its Golgari counterpart


ZXddgsw12 on Jarad vod Savo

2 years ago

Atrocious Experiment can be another Funeral Rites if you need more card draw while adding more self milling effects

Druidic Ritual is another self mill card and can recur a land and a creature when you need it during later turns

another new card is Monster Manual that has self milling effect but can summon a creature from your hand cheap

Vlasiax on The Ladybug: An Apex Predator

3 years ago

I've recently started looking for low cost creatures with 2+ keywords and I'd like to know your opinion about them:

  • Mire Triton - Deathtouch and mills 2 cards, both things seem to be quite impactful in this deck
  • Nullpriest of Oblivion - Menace (quite rare keyword) and Lifelink (uncommon keyword) + when kicked it can for reanimate another creature if Kathril already got her keywords or there's nothing better to do with lots of mana laying around lategame
  • Winding Constrictor / Conclave Mentor - both make it easier for Kathril to become lethal voltron
  • Danitha Capashen, Paragon - 3 keywords on 3 CMC creature, looks for me like a good bargain - I've personally swapped Aerial Responder for her, since I have lots of Flying creatures anyways

Also how do you feel with running only 34 lands? I run 37 and card draw spells like Painful Truths or Funeral Rites and still sometimes get to a point where I need lands or I have completely empty hand.

ROUROU on Is there an easier way to mythic?

3 years ago

Goblinballer Hello and thank you for the vote! I already have 4x Village Rites and i need Funeral Rites's mill to reanimate ;)

Goblinballer on Is there an easier way to mythic?

3 years ago

I would swap Funeral Rites for Village Rites. That's two less CMC at instant speed and useful for all the death triggers you have in the deck.

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