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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Return target nonlegendary creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield with a -1/-1 counter on it.

ACrispyTaco on zombies can't be killed

1 month ago

Nice deck so far. I also really like Zombies and have a zombie recursion themed deck. Check it out for some ideas. Gravewater

I would consider adding Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Cauldron of Souls By themselves they can keep your zombies on the field, but when they are both on the field together their abilities cancel each other out and will keep zombies coming back over and over until they are removed.

Also pulling Rot Hulk from the Graveyard with cards like Persist comboed with Gray Merchant of Asphodel is disgusting.

Im not a huge fan of most Planeswalkers except Liliana, Dreadhorde General is pretty good. They tend to get focused down quick and some their best abilities require a minimum of 3-4 turns to get built up.

Hope this helps!

wallisface on Card Discussion: Grim Discovery

6 months ago

The problems with it, as I see:

  • It's sorcery speed and two mana, which is both very slow and quite high-mana for a card that doesn't apply any pressure at all (it's not affecting the board state, and only setting you up for future-turn plays). Scam decks typically rely on applying constant pressure - they're not designed to out-grind the opponent, their plan is to cause early-game havoc and then win while the opponent is trying to stabilize from their turn-1 trauma. I don't think Grim Discovery is a good fit in that regard.

  • In regard to trying this in a Yawgmoth, Thran Physician brew, I just don't see them wanting this kind of effect. They already have tons of ways to fetch creatures into play, and so can get additional copies of whatever happened to die. Plus they have Agatha's Soul Cauldron which does a much better job of turning the graveyard-creatures into huge value. They also don't want to have to rely on the graveyard too-heavily, as that's going to be one of the primary ways the opponent will be attacking the deck post-sideboard.

  • Generally speaking, the card is only barely creating a net-positive in card-advantage, and only really in the form of a land. That's a pretty low return considering that the card costs 2 mana, and only puts these cards into hand. Compare this to Unearth or Persist which get the creature into play immediately and so have immediate impact - while they're not giving you a land with their effects, they're giving you some virtual mana-advantage by yeeting the creature into play instead of making you have to go to the trouble of casting it.

imo it's not seeing play because it's just not any good. It's really slow, barely creates any kind of meaningful card-advantage, is liable to be useless if your deck is already graveyard focused (because your opponent will bring hate), and there are just much stronger effects in this vein which more proactively advance the boardstate.

nbarry223 on Viga-BOOM! (MH3 updates)

6 months ago

I really need to go through and update the deck’s description (lots has changed since ban update) but really liking my new concept of Burning-Rune Demon + Persist tech to get Primeval Titan in hand with a threat on board. Might actually be better than the namesake card against removal, since we don’t need extra mana for Tolaria West shenanigans.

Still playing around with numbers, and I do sort of miss Elvish Reclaimer as well, going to keep playtesting before revamping the entire description.

RangerOfPower on 7-Drop Tribal

7 months ago

king-saproling I've actually tested Street Wraith and Gitaxian Probe and wasn't really a fan. These cards don't really give me confidence if a starting hand is keepable or not. With my luck, they turn into the worst card I could cantrip into and end up bricking my hand haha.

If I can find more room for ramp Farseek would be the first include. Dark Ritual is close too, but I think Sacrifice would be a better fit as a ritual for this deck. For Unmarked Grave and Persist, there just aren't enough good non-legendary 7 drops (bummer, I know). And I just straight up can't afford Intuition.

But all that said, Dance of the Dead seems like a fantastic include. I don't know how I missed this one before but this is exactly the type of card this deck needs.

And I was skeptical about Mesmeric Orb since unlike all the other selfmill effects in the deck, it doesn't help find lands. But the sheer volume of cards it mills might outweigh the downside of not replacing itself with a land. I'm definitely gonna test this one out.

Thanks for the ideas!

king-saproling on 7-Drop Tribal

7 months ago

Also Mesmeric Orb might be neat here

king-saproling on 7-Drop Tribal

7 months ago

This is a really neat deck! What do you think of these? Gitaxian Probe, Street Wraith, Dark Ritual, Farseek, Intuition, Dance of the Dead, Unmarked Grave, Persist

wallisface on Permanent Destruction

9 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • I would be playing Ashen Rider instead of Angel of Despair, as the mana-costs are irrelevant (the games not going long enough to cast either) but exiling instead of destroying is much stronger (particularly as there's a bunch of indestructible cards and lands available).

  • Zirda, the Dawnwaker seems very weak/useless here, as for the cost of getting it into play you could have just triggered Necrotic Sliver anyway. Though Necrotic Sliver also feels very slow clumsy regardless of whether there's a cost reduction. Personally I'd be thinking just running 8 creatures, the Ashen Rider and Angel of Despair, would serve you better.

  • You need some proactive ways to pitch your high-mana creatures into the graveyard for reanimation. Bone Shards could be good for this purpose, running the full playset of Collective Brutality would also be helpful.

  • I'd suggest running a single Unburial Rites so that you can fetch up a reanimation effect in a pinch with Unmarked Grave.

My changes would be something like removing the 4x Necrotic Sliver, 2x Zirda, the Dawnwaker, 2x Inquisition of Kozilek, 2x Unmarked Grave, and 1x Footsteps of the Goryo, and in their place adding in 4x Ashen Rider, 1x Collective Brutality, 1x Persist, 1x Unburial Rites, and 4x Bone Shards

Icbrgr on Modern Horizons Light

11 months ago

I am curious if players would be interested in a Modern format which included cards that Modern horizons sets have retroactively made old standard cards legal into the format but excluded cards that were created out of the aether.

These would be example of cards that would be legal because they were previously existing cards that went through standard at some point.

would be examples of cards that would not be allowed because they never went through standard.

The follow-up question would be does Magic the Gathering have a preexisting cardpool that is not on the reserved list to create such a format and keep it healthy/diverse? And could this be done while keeping Modern and Legacy/vintage separate identities? In theory in such a format we would certainly lose Force of Negation but could possibly get access to Force of Will if it were to be printed or made legal.

I have always loved the idea of Modern because it was a non rotating format that I could find a home for both old and new cards... but at the same time I wasnt an active player/investor in the very beginnings of magic... I always felt gatekept from paper legacy play because I would never be able to in a fiscally responible way get access to all the tools available to me due to the reserved list... and I respect that for what it is.... for a longtime I felt gatekept from Entering Modern simply because of the price of Fetchlands and thank god they have been meaningfully reprinted so now are far more accesible.

But With Modern horizons it just feels sad knowing that Modern is ultimatly a soft rotating format based on the whims of whatever comes in the next Modern Horizons set....or some set like the Lord of the rings set whichj just comes into modern for some reason.

This is kinda what is pushing me towards Pioneer.... but I just cant help but feel frustrated.... Dont get me wrong I honestly don't hate Modern Horizons in its entirety I was really happy about getting access to old magic cards and that felt fun and cool to a taste of getting into legacy or something.... but something about legacy I NEVER had interest in was random spinoff product entering the format.... Commander cards...Universes beyond cards... Planchase cards ect ect.

Currently the top 3 deck in Modern

  • The One Ring Tron

  • Crashing footfalls Cascade

  • Rakdos Scam

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