Autumn's Veil

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Autumn's Veil


Spells you control can't be countered by blue or black spells this turn, and creatures you control can't be the target of blue or black spells this turn.

Maaloufler on 7 lands? Good!

9 months ago

Cool deck. Some creature options you might want to consider Cultivator Colossus for a beater, Wild-Field Scarecrow can act as a second Armillary Sphere, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild can help combo for infinite mana with Magus of the Candelabra.

With all the excess mana you're going to be making Jinxed Choker, Goblin Cannon, Rocket Launcher, and Magma Mine are pretty tempting to one shot an opponent.

Protection for your commander can come in a few forms. You're already running a great one, That Which Was Taken. Tyrite Sanctum, can give your commander indestructible. Heroic Intervention can help as well. If you're worried about targeted exile cards like Tamiyo's Safekeeping, Autumn's Veil, and Veil of Summer can help protect.

Azoth2099 on Jungle Rot

9 months ago

This has got to be one of the most underrated commanders! Have you considered Allosaurus Shepherd, or it's more economically feasible cousin Destiny Spinner? Fauna Shaman should probably join the party as well. If money isn't an object for you (or if your pod is pro-proxy!) Survival of the Fittest is essential here. Some other staples like Veil of Summer, Autumn's Veil, Heroic Intervention, Worldly Tutor, Chord of Calling, Eldritch Evolution, Natural Order, Green Sun's Zenith, Summoner's Pact & Asceticism will make things more consistent and adaptable.

Good luck refining this one, I'm sure it will end up incredibly powerful!

NV_1980 on Fuck Blue

10 months ago

Some more fun additional ideas to fuel your anti-blue hate-boner:

nbarry223 on In defense of Veil of …

1 year ago

I would actually argue that powerful but niche cards like Veil of Summer and Aether Gust is something the format needs more of. They aren't strictly better than other counterparts, but give some "narrow" hate that can be quite powerful in the right matches. We need more hate-cards in the format which are relevant in this manner. Wedge hate cards like this are great, and it's a shame that they aren't all at the same power level.

Cards like Devout Decree, Celestial Purge, Noxious Grasp, Deathmark, Fry, and Rending Volley just aren't powerful enough. White does get some decent creatures that fit the mold like Auriok Champion and Sanctifier en-Vec but those require a little more than a slight splash.

So in conclusion, rather than argue that Veil of Summer (a fixed Autumn's Veil) is too powerful, I would argue that the counterparts from other colors are just too weak, being outclassed by normal removal options.

We need more narrow cards that fit into what the color wants to do, and hate against what its enemy colors want to do better. For example, maybe some kind of Searing Blaze type of effect (deals with creatures and goes face) for against , and a effect against that punishes them for swarming and is a form of removal.

DreadKhan on Meren (becoming) cEDH

2 years ago

What do you usually fetch out with Protean Hulk, and am I right in assuming that's usually how you win, dig out Hulk which digs out an infinite combo?

You might take a look at Dawntreader Elk and Diligent Farmhand, maybe Yavimaya Granger, as ways to ramp while generating XP. It's also nice that Meren can recur one of these if you've got nothing strictly better to be recurring, ramp and XP are generally a good thing that will let you do something bigger later.

It's not cheap, but Entomb is pretty helpful for cEDH Meren, as is Veil of Summer and perhaps Autumn's Veil, you want those two often to deal with the endless interaction. There is also Imp's Mischief to help out. In cEDH I think I'd want to run Culling Ritual, both for the big mana and to wipe out most permanents, people don't run a ton of high MV permanents, so even if it will hit some of your stuff it'll hit everyone else harder.

I would definitely cut Putrefy for something better, probably a creature that removes stuff like Plaguecrafter (there are quite a few that are slightly worse), I would even run a couple of these creatures, they are often a very good thing to recur with Meren. I would remove your other spell-based removal for stuff like that and use Caustic Caterpillar or Foundation Breaker, removal that you can repeat feels good when you're not using much/any mana to do it. You can probably run stuff like Abrupt Decay and Assassin's Trophy, they are among the best removal spells ever printed.

For some extra card draw, I like Grim Haruspex and Midnight Reaper, conveniently you can sac them to prevent decking yourself.

JrtGil on Modern Dragons

2 years ago

Finally got the chance to play this at Modern events and have made a couple changes based on what I've found. One, Runed Halo can cripple decks that rely on one card to do most of the heavy lifting and provides better coverage than some of the stuff I had before. Two, Veil of Summer trumps Autumn's Veil in every way (even if it is more $$). And finally, the Bedeck / Bedazzle is in due to a few cards I've encountered with protection from certain colors/monocolored. Plus, if it is used with Moonveil you get to draw 2 cards.

Also, the biggest strengths of this deck lie in the ability to 5 color remove just about anything through prismatic and also flip smoldering. Biggest struggle is definitely against aggro creature removal, so if you come up against that I would say play a more patient game and do your best to survive and set up Reap the Past to get all those guys back -- they will run out of removal eventually (or burn up their hands to the point of top decking late game).

If you have more suggestions, I'd love to hear how you guys would continue to improve this deck. Try it out and let me know!

AstroAA on Punching in Pillow Fights

2 years ago

I appreciate the compliment, thanks!

I use On Thin Ice with only 7 basics in my deck and it works fine, albeit I run fetches like Prismatic Vista, Windswept Heath, Wooded Foothills, etc so I can easily filter for basics if/when I need them.

As for enchantments that do 'control'ing things; I'd urge you to look at my deck. It's designed to control they game and grind it to a halt. However, I'm afraid that's a completely different deck than what you've got going on here. With your deck, you're trying to use auras in order to make one to two creatures as scary as possible to beat your opponents into submission - not lock them out of the game and preventing them from being able to play Magic. If you diversify your strategy too much, your deck would just become a mess - I'd recommend picking one approach and sticking with it.

On that note, you're quite vulnerable as well if someone deals with your aura-fied creature. Consider running things like the following to help protect your creatures:

Also, if you aren't wanting to add any more creatures due to wanting more enchantments, consider adding enchantment creatures. They also draw you cards whenever you play them since they're still enchantments. A good basic list of stuff you should consider is:

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