Steady Progress

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Steady Progress


Proliferate. (You choose any number of permanents and/or players with counters on them, then give each another counter of a kind already there.)

Draw a card.

Chessplayer1 on Maximum Proliferate!

5 months ago

I have some feedback instead of Steady Progress you can use Contentious Plan

TheOfficialCreator on kalamax commander

1 year ago

Ooh! This looks like it could combo off pretty quickly. Have you thought about adding Isochron Scepter, Inexorable Tide, or Steady Progress?

Guerric on Izzet Discount Spell Emporium

2 years ago

Nice list! Mizzix is the ultimate control commander in EDH, and one of the few who can truly seize control of the game. And X-spells are absolutely the way to go! Have you thought about any proliferate cards? Steady Progress, Fuel for the Cause, and Tezzeret's Gambit directly increase your experience counters, which is fabulous. I also love tutoring in the deck since I usually win with Reiterate and Turnabout, so Solve the Equation and Invert / Invent are amazing newer tutors, and there is also still good old Mystical Tutor as well. If you're interested my deck is here- Mizzix puts the "X" in Excellence!. I haven't written a primer on it yet or promoted it much, but I have kept it updated with cards as new sets come out and it performs well.

nlabelle on Atraxa(infect)

3 years ago


Budget -2 Plains +2 Forest +1 Gemstone Mine -1 Temple of Silence -1 Zagoth Crystal +1 Astral Cornucopia -1 Gyre Sage +1 Fynn, the Fangbearer -1 (3 total) more Plains for a Blight Mamba . I think we are good w/ 38 lands.

Non-Budget Not sure what to cut in this section, but if yo' wallet is feelin' like a pimp, go on brush yo' shoulders off. Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider Once you add the fetches + shocks, Become Immense becomes...immensely better. Usually will cast for G.

Personal Choices - Prairie Stream - Sunken Hollow + Vivid Grove + Vivid Creek Prairie and sunken will come into play tapped most of the time anyway, so might as well make rainbow colors and get some counters back on them late game.
-1 Render Silent (casting cost is prohibitive). +1 Fuel for the Cause -1 Fathom Mage +1 Steady Progress . Fathom Mage seems iffy for card draw. Steady progress feels more stable, instant speed, and proliferates. -1 Despark +1 Inexorable Tide . Ups your CMC aka mana value by a bit, but I'd rather go the proactive than reactive game plan. -1 Lazav, the Multifarious . He will appear as one of your infecty boiz from the yard, but at that point you're already behind, and he has no forms of evasion. Maybe +1 Sword of Truth and Justice instead. (It's slow) -1 Supreme Verdict (prohibitive casting cost, you're probably the one with the most valuable creatures). +1 Contentious Plan for more draw and more dirty HIV. -1 Phyrexian Juggernaut . Too slow, probably a dead card in your hand, chances of it not getting blocked are small. I imagine best-case scenario is that it goes unblocked and you pump it, but 'bout Roalesk, Apex Hybrid . Ain't nobody gonna attack you when they get proliferate juices on their shirt.

But wait, do you want to make the deck WORSE? Contagion Engine + Magistrate's Scepter . Take all the turns. 7 mana + a boardstate is a steep setup, but do you want to be a winner, or a JANK-ASS BISS?

I'm not really sure if these are good or not. So this section is useless. Strionic Resonator . Seems kinda win-more. But meh. Idk.

Let's f* with Hop -1 Generous Gift +1 Teferi's Protection . I am a terrible human being.

I most definitely could be wrong in this section. -1 Ancient Tomb . You'll take a heavy amount of damage, and your color requirements are strong. I'd replace with +1 Inkmoth Nexus

Aight baby gurl, bedtime. May your infectious love for infect cause infectious hate upon you. Love, Jake Stremers

nlabelle on Atraxa(infect)

3 years ago

This whatcha boi be thinkin' to improve dat' dirty poison build. CMDR next to Atraxa (on the input section) will make her appear as the commander rather than as a creature.

Non-Budget Show

Personal Choices Show

But wait, do you want to make the deck WORSE? Show

I'm not really sure if these are good or not. So this section is useless. Show

Let's f* with Hop Show

I most definitely could be wrong in this section. Show

Aight baby gurl, bedtime. May your infectious love for infect cause infectious hate upon you. Love, Jake Stremers

Neotrup on Do abilities on cards activate …

3 years ago

In sergiodelrio's example, you'll use "last known information" to determine what Aether Vial looked like when it was destroyed. Since Aether Vial is no longer on the battlefield, it doesn't have 2 counters anymore, but you look to when it last existed on the battlefield to determine how many counters it had at that point. This could be useful if your opponent casts Steady Progress in response to your activation, you could Shatter your own Aether Vial in response so that the game remembers it having 2 counters instead of 3.

In answer to your follow up question, yes, both the creature and the target of Argentum Armor will be destroyed. The targeted permanent is also still destroyed if the Shatter the Argentum Armor .

Spirits on Mizzix of the Izmagnus

3 years ago

I did quite a bit of playtesting, was very happy with Flux Channeler, I'm really thinking hard on adding into my deck. With Mizzix of the Izmagnus in play, a Gamble for a Reiterate (or Electrodominance) get you 2 Experience and then I cast Electrodominance for (+ 2 Experience) gets you to 4 Experience then Reiterate for (+4 Experience). Initiating off a Desperate Ritual or something same result. So a win-con (assuming you have already Drawn/Muddle the Mixture/Spellseeker/Mystical Tutor the Electrodominance).

The lands were a little bit lean, but I think it's because your still 15 cards over, so skewing the testing a little bit.

I did have a hand with Fork, Reiterate, Increasing Vengeance, which was uncomfortable, but infrequently it happened.

You could cut Dualcaster Mage / Twinflame / Imperial Recruiter / Vedalken AEthermage since you have Bonus Round combos as a secondary win-con. (Primary being Reiterate + Electrodominance or Turnabout/Finisher).

Also have Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter too. Could add a Runic Repetition combo line too since you already have Mystic Retrieval so only 1 card). I like enjoy the Dualcaster Mage line though because it's only with 1 Experience and a Mizzix of the Izmagnus to copy.

Depending on which cards you have, if your looking to cut money Reset isnt' totally necessary since your have Reality Spasm

Curse of the Swine easy cut. Mind's Desire easy cut.

After I got my Intuition from boxing day sale I put Enter the Infinite in my deck, I personally didn't like it, so I took it back out lol, but I get why it's in there! Instead I'm using these tutor win-lines with Intuition: Firemind's Foresight + Past in Flames + Mizzix's Mastery or Turnabout + Past in Flames + Mystical TutorReiterate. I almost feel like Enter the Infinite need a Show and Tell/Omniscience lol, but can't tutor that Omniscience (similar to the Aetherflux Reservoir)

Fork pretty expensive compared to the other copies, could cut that if you don't have one for budget, and too many copy spells, BUT... a Ral, Storm Conduit + any two copy spells is a win, I respect that line too!

Trim 1 of the protection boots (not Lightning Greaves) maybe, you wouldn't want to accidently ever draw 2 and like devastating if you draw all 3. Hexproof > Shroud but Attach > Equip, situational call, would use both in the appropriate situation, like in response to removal Attach is key, especially if you can stack multiple attaches like Equip, opponent responds with removal, in response Attach as a game example.

Gilded Lotus or Steady Progress one might argue are too slow, but they didn't play bad in testing, the CMC3 on Steady Progress was annoying though.

Your pretty close, couple more cuts and your there. Im still testing T6-8, I had a T4 win with your deck playtesting. I had thought of a T1 and was going to add to my primer when I got to a PC, then I forgot it lol, have to think what it was, I know we have T1 potential.

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