Land Tax

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Land Tax


At the beginning of your upkeep, if an opponent controls more lands than you, you may search your library for up to three basic land cards, reveal them, put them into your hand, then shuffle your library.

AstroAA on Edh options

1 month ago

I run a Adeline, Resplendent Cathar tribal humans/anthems deck that can get out of control very quickly. If you're in a four-person pod, Adeline makes three tokens a turn. If you stack anthems like Cathars' Crusade, all creatures you control permanently get +3/+3, including the tokens that just ETB'd off of her effect, making you go from 7 power on board (Adeline + three tokens) to 19 power on board (7 from Adeline, 12 from 3 4/4 tokens).

The only problem with the deck is it's mono-white, however I honestly genuinely enjoy building in mono-white. It's a challenge due to all your mana ramp being weird like Tithe or Land Tax, and all your card draw options giving opponents benefits like Secret Rendezvous or Cut a Deal. Either way, I enjoy the challenge. Since Adeline, Resplendent Cathar is mono-white, you have a fairly wide range of prison/stax options if you really wanted to go that route to control the board. Smokestack is a great option since you're constantly generating tokens and can just pay for it with them.

Gbickel on Aurelia, the Warleader

1 month ago

Auerlia is one of my favorite commanders. So glad that you are building her. Boros has historically been terrible with ramp and draw, but there's a lot of things you can to now to shore up those problems in these colors.

I'm not sure your budget, but here are some of my recommendation. Ramp: Fellwar Stone, Oketra's Monument, Pearl Medallion or Ruby Medallion, Talisman of Conviction, Land Tax, $Smothering Tithe, and Curse of Opulence. Curse of Opulence is such a fun card to get gold token and insentivize your opponents to attack someone else.

Draw: Aurelia, the Law Above, Geier Reach Sanitarium, Mikokoro, Center of the Sea, Mask of Memory, Faithless Looting. I love running Palantir of Orthanc. Its fun messing with opponents to get the draw or hitting them for lots of damage. I enjoy running wheel cards, but the Aurelia I play is a reanimator deck. So I have no problems with my creatures in the graveyard.

But a big weakness I see is spot removal. You do have boardwipes. They are okay, but sometimes you need to remove one problem permanent instead of resetting the board. I would encourage adding removal for different types of permanents. This is something that Boros excels in.

fluffyeel on Sythis enchanting all

1 month ago

Enchantress decks are always worthwhile. Looking at yours, here are some thoughts:

  • My favorite enchantress is Argothian Enchantress: it's as fast as Sythis, plus the counterplay against a permanent with shroud is difficult for very many decks (I've noticed).
  • In terms of fun enchantments, Greater Auramancy and Privileged Position are each an extra layer of protection for your board. Other enchantments of varying degrees of enchanted-ness are Abundance (makes a great combo with Sylvan Library); Smothering Tithe (given); Land Tax (you have the basic lands to support it, not to mention you also have land acceleration!); and Sphere of Safety (if you are in a combat-heavy playgroup). There, of course, is the classic Earthcraft/Squirrel Nest combo, but it's quite pricey (money-wise)...
  • Enlightened Tutor is highly recommended for getting the important enchantments (and given you have lots of creatures that are enchantments, too...), maybe also with Worldly Tutor as more ways to get the key creatures you want/need/desire. You could also consider things like Eternal Witness and Regrowth for getting back things and stuff.

Profet93 on Play EDH they said, it will be fun they said

4 months ago

Karn, the Great Creator > Kataki - One sided null rod with ability to animate artifacts and recur some of yours.

Mother of Runes - Protection

Mentor of the Meek - Draw. Don't necessarily need but I don't see a lot of draw in your list.

Land Tax - Lands/"Draw"

Darksteel Mutation > Mandate - Commander removal

Archivist of Oghma - Draw

Mangara, the Diplomat - Bit expensive but potentially worth it depending on meta

Aura of Silence - Fits perfectly into the deck

Generous Gift - Sometimes permanents just need to go away.

NV_1980 on Angel tribal EDH

4 months ago

Fun Angel-tribal deck! I like how you've gone all in with this strategy :) I have some suggestions but I'm not sure how much you want to spend on this, so just let me know if I'm going over the top.

Let's start with your mana. Right now, you've got 31 lands and one ramp-artifact. This is really on the low side, consdering the average amount of mana you need to spend for most of your creatures. I'd really recommend some mana-rocks like Arcane Signet, Caged Sun, Gilded Lotus, Pearl Medallion and definitely Sol Ring. Some more ramp like Archaeomancer's Map, Land Tax and Weathered Wayfarer. Lastly, I know it's expensive, but if you can get a cheap Urza's Incubator somewhere, go for it; would be awesome in here. Any of these suggestions (and there are cheaper alternatives to most) would increase the speed of your deck.

Next, let's talk opportunities this deck offers to draw additional cards. You've got five options, of which three are repeatable (because they're permanents :)). Some additional ideas on this: Archivist of Oghma, Endless Atlas, Mind's Eye and Smuggler's Share. Like with the stuff mentioned for mana, all of these would increase your deck's pacing.

To strengthen your angelic forces, you could consider Adarkar Valkyrie (which is awesome at resurrecting any Angels you lost during combat or even better, an opponent's creature lost in battle!), Angelic Arbiter (cast or attack, your opponents must choose), Battle Angels of Tyr (expensive card but insanely powerful balance-bringers in case you're behind with card-draw, mana or life) and Platinum Angel (as long as it's got indestructible and hexproof, opponents will have a very hard time snatching victory from you).

In case you're looking for more ideas, here's my Angel tribal deck, enjoy!

MTGBurgeoning on Linvala, Giada, & Akroma

5 months ago

Thank you for the suggestions! Land Tax, Smothering Tithe and Urza's Incubator are great recommendations and will be slam-dunk inclusions once copies of them become available. Adding Starnheim Aspirant and Youthful Valkyrie are also strong considerations, especially Starnheim Aspirant. With SOOO many Angels from which to choose, Youthful Valkyrie got squeezed out during the initial construction of this build, opting instead for Angels the provide more versatile abilities, which applies to Starnheim Aspirant. Revisions may be on the way! Thank you and happy brewing!

Ukon on For the Emperor

6 months ago

Thanks for the feedback! It's tough making choices to add more lands, but I brought up the land count to only 34 for a few reasons. Smothering Tithe, Phyrexian Alter, and the newly added Land Tax should give me more versatility with my mana pool in addition to the mana rocks.

Since the majority of my deck runs off of 4 CMC cards, with some higher mana spells for more of a win more option like Finale of Glory, I think the tempo on it should be on par.

I've done some testing of the deck before these changes, and I can say that so far I haven't had a big issue with mana.

Reconnaissance was a much needed addition! Many times I was wishing I had this card in here while playtesting.

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