Crippling Fear

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Crippling Fear


Choose a creature type. Creatures that aren't of the chosen type get -3/-3 until end of turn.

SufferFromEDHD on

4 months ago

Changeling Outcast solid rat.

Species Specialist serious card draw.

Crippling Fear/Kindred Dominance tribal destruction.

Haunting Voyage tribal reanimation.

Cover of Darkness tribal evasion.

Deserted Temple utility.

Vesuva utility/Inkmoth #2

Jet Medallion ramp.

Gate to Phyrexia artifact destruction in

Contamination control.

Apollo_Paladin on Warlock Life Drain

6 months ago

Kudos on a unique build, if nothing else. I have to say I'm kind of at a loss for any real suggestions as Warlock is such a strange tribal type to come across.

Really though, +1 for even giving it the effort, even if it is a bit all over the place. Maybe something like Icon of Ancestry could help you along? Also, Cavern of Souls is an excellent use of Mythic wildcards if this is indeed an Arena deck.

The only other things that spring to mind for suggestions would be other generic creature-type cards like Crippling Fear which could be a decent control card naming Warlock, Herald's Horn could be decent here, or even Vanquisher's Banner - but 5 mana with no real ramp in the deck can be a bit "yeesh", and Faceless Agent can be fun to play with should you lean real hard into the tribal archetype.

Either way, neat attempt here truly. Feel free to add me on Arena if you ever want to talk deck tech or run some test games. Info is on my profile here - good luck!

Quicksilver2785 on Marrow-Gnawer Goes Wide

8 months ago

I know you are going more budget with this but figured I could suggest a few Rats or cards that help a chosen creature type: Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm, Lord Skitter, Sewer King, Ratcatcher, Karumonix, the Rat King, Twisted Sewer-Witch, Skemfar Shadowsage, Kindred Dominance, Haunting Voyage, Crippling Fear, Aphetto Dredging.

Wolfen5207 on Mischievous Schemes - Alela EDH

9 months ago

Vedalken Orrery probably would be in this deck. I simply just don't own a copy of the card and I prefer to only use cards I own in paper for my lists. Whenever I decide to get one, it would probably take the place of Crippling Fear.

LynxGoddess on Alela's Huge Goads

10 months ago

Tsukimi Sure thing! Feel super free to keep those pet cards around, big haymakers are really fun even if they can be a bit win-more. If you find the big expensive cards get stuck in your hand too often, you can go ahead and make som changes later anyways!

For now though, if you'd like to keep to the theme, you might be interested in Crippling Fear perhaps? It's a cheaper tribal board wipe, but might not have quite enough oomph. Or maybe lean in real hard for Plague Wind just because you can even though you'll probably never have the mana for it (except if you pull off coffers/urbog stuff), what do I know?

As for mana rocks, there are a few that might fit the bill:

Coldsteel Heart is simply both diamonds at once for starters.

Liquimetal Torque, Fractured Powerstone, Thought Vessel and Prismatic Lens all add colorless mana while lens can mana fix for you as well.

But perhaps Pillar of Origins or Pentad Prism might be the rock of choice here?

msimcoe on Discardelves

1 year ago

So to flesh out the mana base, in essence I would recommend: - increasing the number of dual lands over basic lands and the quality of the dual lands, i.e. Verdant Catacombs, Woodland Cemetery and Nurturing Peatland. (Having perfect fixing often is the difference between winning and losing.) - and just bumping up the number of lands to something like 21, I know it would feel weird in a deck with so many mana dorks, but in the outlandish event you face a deck playing Fury or Fire / Ice, I think you'll be happy to have land-drop number four over mana dork number four.

Secondly, since you fancy playing Devoted Druid in the main deck, maybe you could take advantage of her combo potential or at least her synergies with cards like Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler especially in place of Tyvar Kell who I don't seeing being a very impactful four-drop. Or alternatively, you could just cut a few mana-dorks for a playset of Waste Nots who would help get you some advantage off of the opponent's discard. And while on the topic, I would suggest playing more just strict "target opponent discards a card" like Funeral Charm over the hand-hate like Inquisition of Kozilek and Dread Fugue since a.) you don't really care about hating on the opponents pieces as much as just making them discard, b.) instant speed discard is always better than sorcery speed and c.) it scales better into the late game.

As well, side note, Harmonize over Beast Whisperer just seems a little too low-impact for the modern format, sure it's a guaranteed one-for-three, but at four-mana it doesn't touch the board and beast whisperer is probably a better investment with all your small creatures that ramp you into more small creatures ramp imo.

Lastly, you asked for some sideboard suggestions, I might play one or two Crippling Fear as one-sided board wipes. As well, pioneer sideboard all-star Go Blank might be good in this shell with some more main-deck discard synergies. Also, just general good green and black sideboard cards are like Veil of Summer, Force of Vigor and Fatal Push

Thats all that I have for how I might build this list, and I hope this was even mildly helpful! Overall, this is an interesting list! A solid idea that I find very similar to The Rack strategies in modern!

legendofa on infinite rats

1 year ago

So it is Dragon tribal, be cautious about Patriarch's Bidding. I think it has a place in this deck until proven otherwise, but make sure you get at least as much value out of it as Atarka-deck does.

What I see here is a bunch of high-mana dragons, and I assume the mana dorks to support it will be in there, too. Crippling Fear has potential to be an all-star. I don't think you need more fear, since your commander grants fear and you have pretty good stall capacity until Marrow-Gnawer comes out. I'm not sure what ramp to recommend if you're at your budget limit, but Dark Ritual, Cabal Ritual, Crypt Ghast, and Nirkana Revenant are all cards to keep in mind.

legendofa on infinite rats

1 year ago

Umbral Juke isn't great in here. The Inkling token has no special utility or synergy, and paying three mana so the opponent can toss their worst creature is a pretty bad deal. The dream is to cast a Crippling Fear or other boardwipe, then pick off a supercharged planeswalker, but I expect that more often than not you'll be paying three mana to kill a Goblin token or something.

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