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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Pre-release Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Patchwork Banner


As this enters the battlefield, choose a creature type.

Creatures you control of the chosen type get +1/+1.

: Add one mana of any colour.

Craeter on Avian Uprising

2 days ago

jaketheaccountant I think I know what you mean, as the deck is predominantly / with a small amount of and even less . This deck does struggle a bit with color balancing, but it seems to work out most of the time in my play testing. There are a number of cards that can produce any mana color: Ancient Ziggurat, Command Towerfoil, Vivid Crag, Chromatic Lantern, Commander's Sphere, Paradise Mantle, Patchwork Banner, Migratory Route and Sword of the Animist can search for a missing basic land.

That being said, this deck could likely benefit from more options for any colored mana. So let me know if you have any specific suggestions. Switching all of the to isn't really an option for me, as like said the basis of the deck is / birds. To take out all of the would involve building a whole new deck essentially. And Nadu is the best bird commander atm so I'd like to stick with him.

I'm not very attached to Stolen by the Fae, any color mana ramp or Forest tutoring would be better than that card imo for instance. I might just swap it out for Thornwood Falls or something similar and go a bit over 1/3 lands here for more mana options.

Nunu312 on Calling All Doctors!

3 days ago

While I might like to suggest Maskwood Nexus... I don't actually think it helps you considering the lack of non-doctor creatures. It may still be useful though for pushing you over the line to reach 13.

Three Tree City is a card that might be good though.

K-9, Mark I is really good. Your board state is very important to you so forcing people to pay just a little extra to interfere with it might help you edge out a game. But at the same time, several of the doctors have to attack to activate their abilities and this will help them not die when the do so. Psychic Paper and can also do something rather similar, but might also get you that extra doctor you need. Brotherhood Regalia is another similar card.

I like where you're going with Glasspool Mimic  Flip, but it wont bypass legendary. Instead Sakashima the Impostor and Sakashima of a Thousand Faces can both help get around this. Even if they aren't also land.

Similarly Mirror Box is good... but doesn't synergise with what you're doing as you don't have many duplicators for it to work with. I feel like you were going a bit more for Helm of the Host?

All in all though, these are just minor tweaks, the question is what part of the game does this deck operate around? Many of the doctors are spread over a lot of the game, which leads to them being quite unfocused. But I feel you are bringing this towards being a very upkeep centric deck? The question is how to maximise that. It will help Gallifrey Stands go off, but will also help your suspended cards and other triggered effects.

Lithoform Engine could help you in several ways, duplicating doctors, but also duplicating the trigger effect of Gallifrey Stands. While not quite as useful, Annie Joins Up will also double the triggers on your doctors. Roaming Throne is also a trigger doubler... though it's a little dull because it's in every bloody deck now.

Paradox Hazefoil similarly gets you that extra upkeep, but it falls into the problem that a lot of such things do... One extra upkeep per turn is good, but a turn is a long time. While it may be the best option, a way to get creatures into play might be a better slot in your deck?

But there is also another two problems all decks have, mana and getting the right cards. Firstly, mana. You have a lot of expensive cards and you want to be able to cast all of them. Lotus Petalfoil is good... but I don't see it being better than a normal mana rock as you have no ability to recurse it for free. Herald's Horn would probably be better as it can remove about 25% off the cost of all your important cards, and lets you take a peek for them. Leyline of the Guildpact can help with mana fixing, though wont actually set you ahead, as would Three Tree Mascot (which also counts as a doctor). Patchwork Banner is a newer mana rock that helps buff your guys a little. Mirari's Wake is also a solid mana doubler, if a little expensive.

Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy is also very cheap and solid, though works better if you have more mana rocks.

You've got a bit of recursion from The Eighth Doctor, which is more likely to turn up due to your commander, but that means that you can take advantage of the search lands. It would require changing out a lot of the land you do have, but if you use the typed dual lands like Canopy Vista or Godless Shrinefoil (because you may need 1 mana more than 2 life), you can search for them and then recurse the search land like Flooded Strand (which could search for any dual land as long as it's part plains or part island). If you want to find what land works like this it's best to google mtg land or some such, there are whole websites dedicated to it. Considering you're running 5 colours, Bloom Tender and Faeburrow Elder can also help supercharge your mana.

As for getting cards, I feel like you've got a decent search to get the doctors, but you are a little lacking in turn to turn draw. This often means you'll end up sitting in a game with only one card to play a turn and that's not fun. The One Ring is another groan worthy staple for how good it is (and therefore in everything), but only really relevant if you're running proxies. Collector's Vault is something I'm fond of, while it wont give you card advantage, it's cheap and you don't really mind discarding doctors anyway. Sylvan Library is also insanely powerful.

A lot of the search you do use is really expensive as well. Conflux and Diabolic Revelation are good... but they each cost a huge amount of mana, after which you still have to actually cast the cards. These are things that might help you on turn 10+ without a lot of acceleration. Instead something to get your creatures directly onto the battlefield like Victimize or possibly Pyre of Heroes.

Anyway, that's enough from me for now. Remember, look for cards that get you to your win conditions. Omniscience is great, but only if you can cast it AND if you've got the cards to play AND they are cards that lead you to victory. Perhaps 1 mana per turn or 2 cards might have been more useful.

Vessiliana on What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)

1 week ago

YamishiTheWickedOne, I am always glad to talk Edgar! <3

I have not gotten a hold of Three Tree City. (A lot of Bloomburrow left me cold, so I have pretty much avoided that set...) It does look amazing in Edgar, though, and in every Elf deck ever!

As for look at cards to switch out, how often do you find yourself using Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord's last ability? Because the lower your vampire curve, the less useful I have found him, as well as the fact he does not give you the token for a vampire he cheats into play. Maybe he could become a Patchwork Banner?

YamishiTheWickedOne on What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)

1 week ago

@Vessiliana hey, been a while huh? You've kinda become the person I bounce ideas off of by this point. I've updated the maybeboard with stuff I would love to include but I'm worried about messing up my curve, which feels comfortable where it's at now. Those 5 cards though I think would be quite useful. Graywater is a card I'm playtesting and his synergy with a lot of my other combo pieces has proven to be worthwhile in this spot (I dropped Pit Fighter).

Your thoughts? I feel like the most vital card I want in here is Patchwork Banner

Have you tried Three Tree City? Really impressive ramp in an Edgar EDH.

Wesinator69 on Kudo,King Among Bears EDH

1 week ago

I don't think the +1/+1 counter stuff is as good in hatebear theme. Maybe run some more anthems instead of Abzan Falconer and Hardened Scales. Here are some cards to consider.

Patchwork Banner, Welcoming Vampire, King Darien XLVIII, Trostani Discordant, Reverence, Rally the Ranks

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