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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Elemental Shaman

: Add two mana in any combination of colors to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast Elemental spells or activated abilities of Elementals.

nuperokaso on elemental lorwyn block constructed

7 months ago
  1. Play 4 Reflecting Pool. Works great with Vivids and Primal Beyond. No need to play Prismatic Omen.
  2. Supreme Exemplar is not very good. It works only with Incandescent Soulstoke.
  3. Horde of Notions is the best card you have. You should be playing more of them, most likely 4. If one is answered, you drop a second one. If not answered, he'll overtake over the game.
  4. Play more lands. Your deck is mana hungry, and even with Smokebraider you always have expensive things to cast or activate Horde of Notions.
  5. I would replace one Island with Mystic Gate. You have white and blue spells with double mana and this filter will help you casting them.

Shorketh on Scavenge Returns

1 year ago

Lightning Serpent Is an amazing elemental, I've been modifying $50 Sack of Elementals And once you pull the right cards like Incandescent Soulstoke and Smokebraider then it's pretty low mana cost. Lightning Serpent is a good little mana funnel, especially late game. (If a deck that's basically only elementals ever reaches late game)

DigTheDigger on Miau! Mio! / Mono Red Elementals

2 years ago

seshiro_of_the_orochi , thanks for the suggestion. I really like the flavor, but unfortunately Savage Firecat and Blistering Firecat wouldn't synergize with Incandescent Soulstoke. Chandra's Embercat would fit but it just seems like a worse Smokebraider.

lagotripha on Lightning Cajones

3 years ago

There are some fixes for tri-colour mana for elementals, especially if you are racing to higher mana. Pentad Prism and Smokebraider do a lot. The triple costs for ball and skele can be awkward still - its all about how it feels in testing.

Assault Strobe also turns that t4 ball lightning with celebrant into a otk.

lagotripha on Lightning Cajones

3 years ago

There are some fixes for tri-colour mana for elementals, especially if you are racing to higher mana. Pentad Prism and Smokebraider do a lot. The triple costs for ball and skele can be awkward still - its all about how it feels in testing.

StopShot on Rule 0, Non-Legendary creature commander …

3 years ago

I came across the Rule 0 format recently and its interested me a lot recently. My favorite card in the game is Evershrike and I've always wanted to build a deck with it as my commander. The problem is I used to run Evershrike a ton in my single-player 60 card deck, and the color red was always present in making that particular deck shine. Evershrike doesn't have red in its color identity, but I heard rule 0 can allow the pairing of two commanders even if neither has the Partner keyword. I'd like to build a two partner commander rule 0 deck with one commander being Evershrike and the other being some card that splashes in Red and no other color.

Most importantly, I know two-commander decks can be pretty strong and I want this deck to revolve only around Evershrike with the red commander serving an incredibly minimal role. I could make it something inconsequential as a Dwarven Trader to pair it with, but I feel like most players would find that distasteful and/or lacking any meaningful relevance with the other commander to be worth justifying this two partner pairing. So I'm looking for a second commander with red in the identity that is too weak by itself to be to push the power level of Evershrike but synergistic enough with Evershrike to be considered worthwhile as a pairing. I guess that sounds paradoxical, so let me provide an example:

Evershrike + Smokebraider - I wouldn't plan on running any elementals in the deck, so Smokebraider's only use would be for casting Evershrike. It should also be noted that the mana Smokebraider creates can't be used on elemental abilities outside of the battlefield accroding to its rulings on gatherer, so it only has merits in casting Evershrike from the command zone. Essentially the Smokebraider plays a tiny role, but it still has some kind of synergy with Evershrike to justify its inclusion while also providing the red splash.

I'm wanting to know if there are other red cards I could use to partner with Evershrike instead of Smokebraider that sort of has the same level of underperformance and synergy.

passimo on Spicy Hot Meatballs

3 years ago

Very original deck!

Really like your idea with the Coal Stoker, simple but effective.

Every time I see Smokebraider I think of old Lorwin tribal spells, like Nameless Inversion and Wings of Velis Vel. If you ever think of adding another color, these would be good imo!

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