Arbor Armament

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arbor Armament


Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. That creature gains reach until end of turn.

Profet93 on Elves go brrrrr

4 months ago

DeoCroma +1 counters are not in my wheelhouse, but I'll do my best to help.

Hurricane - Bye bye fliers

Heart Warden - Elf the mindstone

Devoted Druid - Ramp

Regal Force - Draw

Elvish Guidance - Ramp

Legolas's Quick Reflexes > Arbor Armament

I think fight cards might be a better alternative to plummet. While they are reliant on having a high power creature, that doesn't seem to difficult given the deck. The flexibility allows you to hit other non-fliers as well. Inscription is definitely a potential consideration. Kami seems solid as well. I'd say include them as test swaps at least and see how they perform.

I can offer potential cuts should you wish.

OldSince92 on +1/+1 Counters

1 year ago

wallisface Thank you for the feedback! I took a lot of your advice. Im currently play testing an adjusted version of this on Moxfield. Right now, I took your advice about remove Ajani and doing a playset of Hardened Scales. In terms of creatures, I went with Scavenging Ooze and Undergrowth Champion. I dropped Snakeskin Veil and Arbor Armament. I dropped Arbor because I believe the Falconer still gives me a flying edge. Snakeskin I feel was just taking up space. I going to see if I can get more counter production going from creatures. When I find a version I like I'll update this decklist.

Apollo_Paladin on Steroids Taste Good

1 year ago

Nice build!

This reminds me of a Green/White deck which I built specifically to run off of +1/+1 counter generation.

I myself went with Hardened Scales as a primary 1-drop & I think it could fit well with your build, as I also use Luminarch Aspirant as a means of building things up.

My method was to use Hardened Scales as a first-turn drop (sometimes even second turn drop, since I run 4 of them) as well as 4x Conclave Mentor, and then play creatures which come in with counters already (See: Servant of the Scale, Barkhide Troll, Ochre Jelly, Mikaeus, the Lunarch).

Few other thoughts:

  • Hydra's Growth can make for a nice finisher in any +1/+1 counter-based deck
  • Snakeskin Veil is a better alternative to your Arbor Armament since it can protect a creature with many counters already on it
  • Basri's Solidarity combo's amazingly well with Hardened Scales and Conclave mentor, and overall is more powerful than some of the other Sorceries that you're currently running.
  • Incubation Druid provides silly amounts of mana early-on provided you can get a counter on him (easy combo for mana ramp)
  • Charge Through is a nice workaround for decks which have many blockers, as without Trample, even the strongest creature can still be blocked. This fires at Instant-speed as well, so it can be used as a finisher against an opponent hoping to block a large creature with a weenie blocker.

ZendikariWol on The Feywild

4 years ago

Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen would help you win the race against mono-black. Also RDW but that's not really a thing in pioneer ig??

Elvish Clancaller is a lord, and if the game goes long, you can tutor up another.

Wildborn Preserver can get big if the game goes long.

Pelt Collector is a one-drop that gets bigger.

Renata, Called to the Hunt can get biiig!

Aspect of Hydra can make a random dork swing for a million damage out of the blue. Great for breaking up stalemates, or just for closing out the game.

Arbor Armament , Stony Strength , Wild Onslaught , Enter the Unknown , and New Horizons , as well as your entire sideboard, are just bad cards. I really think you should make this green elves, play lords, and throw in Aspect of Hydra to close out the game. That's the optimal build of this deck.

That said, if you're not looking for optimal, I understand. I am willing to root for a deck that's winning the flavor game. If this is the deck you want, that's 100% chill, as long as you're all right with it not being as strong as other decks.

Optimator on Bastards on Parade

4 years ago

Some potential cards. Most of these might be side-grades or out of budget but are worth noting in the Maybeboard. I have a few of these:


Creatures are obviously optimal, what with elf anthems and counters and stuff. I would try to squeeze in the first three if you can. The tempo of getting your commander down on turn 2 is amazing.

Fyndhorn Elves , Priest of Titania , Boreal Druid , Farhaven Elf , Leyline of Abundance , Castle Garenbrig , Llanowar Tribe , Overgrowth , Reap and Sow , Kodama's Reach , Explosive Vegetation , Nature's Lore , Ranger's Path , Skyshroud Claim , Grow from the Ashes , Emerald Medallion , Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip, Harrow , Circuitous Route


Rishkar's Expertise , Soul's Majesty , Mirror Shield , Zendikar Resurgent , Primal Rage , Heroic Intervention , Return to Nature , Overwhelming Stampede , Overrun , Beastmaster Ascension , Loxodon Warhammer , Colossal Majesty , Rancor , Vivien, Champion of the Wilds , Blossoming Defense , Withstand Death , Titanic Brawl , Ancient Animus , Momentous Fall , Nature's Claim , Once and Future , Regrowth , Wildest Dreams , Road of Return , Creeping Corrosion , Season of Growth , Blanchwood Armor , Sandwurm Convergence , Garruk, Primal Hunter , Vivien Reid , Vivien of the Arkbow , Ghost Quarter ,

Aspect of Mongoose is nice but prevents untapping shenanigans with your commander.


Some obvious out-of-budget stuff here and some lower-powered stuff too but I'll suggest them for posterity.

Llanowar Reborn , Karn's Bastion , Forge of Heroes , The Great Henge , Incubation Druid , Loyal Guardian , Tuskguard Captain , Pollenbright Druid , Solidarity of Heroes , Biogenic Upgrade , Durable Handicraft , Planewide Celebration , Courage in Crisis , Verdant Confluence , Bow of Nylea , Contagion Clasp , Contagion Engine , Hydra's Growth , Path of Discovery , Retreat to Kazandu , Forced Adaptation , Evolutionary Escalation , New Horizons , Nissa, Voice of Zendikar , Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter , Vivien, Arkbow Ranger , Kalonian Hydra , Arbor Armament , Stony Strength , Savage Summoning , Hunger of the Howlpack , Soul's Might , The Crowd Goes Wild , Armory of Iroas , Weapon Rack , Predatory Hunger , Primeval Bounty

I have a Drove of Elves I'm not using

Skippyeights on Adaptation

5 years ago

I was browsing the Dominaria card list and came across two cards that could work well for you:

Arbor Armament works like the Stony Strength but gives reach for a turn. Other than the Pteramander s you have little air support, and it could take awhile before you can adapt them to make them big enough to kill something. Arbor Armaments might be better in your sideboard depending on your local meta.

The better card I saw in Dominaria is Wild Onslaught . It can give lots of counters and it is an instant. Cast it end of opponents turn, kicked if possible, using Wilderness Reclamation and mana dorks. It's another sneaky (and on-color this time) way to get your Simic Ascendancy to go off without your opponent being able to respond.

tyhaddow on Simic Tap Dance (shark-tempo-crab)

5 years ago

Thanks for all the sideboard suggestions. For now, the deck will only exist on Arena, and I'd like to use it in the new BO3 format.

I definitely need some protection against flying in the sideboard. Definitely Arbor Armament and Skatewing Spy . I wonder if it's worth mainboarding the red aggro hate cards, since it's so dominant in the arena meta that I'd likely lose half of my game 1s in BO3 without them.

Also thinking it's probably worth sideboarding-- or even mainboarding-- counterspells and/or enchantment removal. Ravnica Allegiance is stocked with great enchantments, and so that could help me disrupt the slower decks in the meta, especially the Wilderness Reclamation gate stuff, which I see a lot of. And for the same reasons a lot of people are mainboarding enchantment removal (I see a lot of Mortify ), so Negate could be a big help.

All that said, I haven't been able to do any testing, since I'm still building up the wildcards to actually put the deck together.

boguscheesecake on Simic Tap Dance (shark-tempo-crab)

5 years ago

In reference to Quadsimotto, I agree that there is some concern in matchups vs aggro red being in such a good spot right now. Although krasis is a great card, I think Fountain of Renewal also deserves a sideboard slot, not to mention being cheaper than $35. In reference to the suggestion of skatewing spy and tower defense I would also throw in considering Arbor Armament as it gives the added benefit of a +1 counter for our sharky friend.

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