Brightstone Ritual

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Brightstone Ritual


Add (Red) to your mana pool for each Goblin in play.

GorramScoundrel on Krark/Sakashima Shenanigans

1 year ago

I’d definitely recommend all the rituals, Desperate Ritual, Brightstone Ritual, and Pyretic Ritual (and Seething Song. Also might benefit from spells like Rite of Replication and Twinflame.

Made_Compleat on

1 year ago

You seem to make a lot of goblins, so Brightstone Ritual might be a good card. I'd also recommend March of Swirling Mist to set up an alpha strike, protect your creatures, and make more goblins. Nice deck!

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Red Goblins

1 year ago

Nice deck (+1), Legion Loyalist and Rundvelt Hordemaster are definitely good inclusions. Have you considered cards in the 8-whack style decks such as Goblin Bushwhacker, Reckless Bushwhacker, and Battle Cry Goblin? Battle Hymn might be a decent substitute for Brightstone Ritual. Hope this helps.

patricklvanduyse on Zada Storm

2 years ago

Could I recommend adding in Reiterate? It's (if anything) a more powerful infinite combo piece than Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame or Dualcaster Mage + Heat Shimmer . Given enough mana to pay its buyback cost, it typically results in both infinite mana and infinite cast triggers with Inner Fire, Battle Hymn or Brightstone Ritual. It can even feed off of Seething Song if you have at least 2 or 3 of Runaway Steam-Kin, Helm of Awakening and Ruby Medallion on the field.

KBK7101 on The Fine Art of Cruelty

2 years ago

Are Skirk Prospector and Brightstone Ritual really worth it with only eight goblins? I know Krenko can make stupid amounts of them, but the payoff seems a bit low with so few of them. I'd consider dropping them and maybe a land or two. Maybe add Chaos Warp and/or something like Enchanter's Bane for some protection from enchantments, Pariah's Shield for more defense from Hidetsugu's tap ability, Knollspine Dragon to draw massive amount of cards after Hidetsugu levels everyone and maybe Hellkite Courser to cheat out Hidetsugu out of nowhere.

Love the deck, though. Kamigawa is such a cool plane and I love the new Kamigawa Ink Secret Lair arts.

MaltOMeal on Goblin Politics

3 years ago

Hey lobsternips! Thought I'd jump in and give you my take on what you've got going on. Your noncreature spells look fantastic, not much I would take out, but if you can find a way to fit in some creature recursion in Rise of the Dark Realms or Thrilling Encore with your mass creature destruction in dictate or Killing Wave . Also bounce-type effects like Conjurer's Closet could make use of your etb effects, you'd definitely see some usefulness there. The only problem I see with this deck is its SUPER heavy into red, there are some non-red Goblins out there, but you'd basically be playing a Red deck splashing white and black for support. However, Goblins are funny and mean just like Negan.

As for creatures, I love what you're doing. Lots of synergy, and I love the Goblin tribal theme. Also, love the Kiki-Jiki inclusion, plus with snoop you sorta just win.

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Hope I helped some, I probably didn't seeing as I gave more inclusion suggestions rather than cuts. If you decide on doing one thing like "Go Wide" or "Go Tall", adjust your cards to reflect that. Aside from that good luck on your deckbuilding!

HeyImVegan on [Grenzo] Basement Goblins

3 years ago

Thanks for the recommendation! You r absolutely right, will add Goblin War Strike later!

also considering adding Brightstone Ritual

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