Samut's Sprint

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Samut's Sprint


Target creature gets +2/+1 and gains haste until end of turn. Scry 1.

Lezen on Izzet Prowess - Modern

3 years ago

I think you should go with Assault Strobe instead of Temur Battle Rage and of course you need Slip Through Space, those 2 it's always a win on 4th turn.

For creatures Sprite Dragon works much better than Stormchaser Mage and I would change Bedlam Reveler and Young Pyromancer for Beamsplitter Mage , Kiln Fiend or Soul-Scar Mage (I run those 3 and the Dragon), then I would suggest you to try Samut's Sprint and Titan's Strength, two of each.

You can check mine in my profile.

ambitiouspuddle on $15 RW Heroic

4 years ago

The combo between Favored Hoplite and Rile is really good. Also, Ephemerate and Center Soul or Stave Off protect your creatures and provide more triggers. I have a weird love for Artful Maneuver, but Idk if it's objectively worth it. Unfortunately, Zada won't trigger everyone else's Heroic abilities, but it's still a very good card. Combo with Defiant Strike, Samut's Sprint, or Titan's Strength for big card advantage. Seeker of the Way is a popular include in Boros Feather, and it could probably make it's way into here. Monastery Swiftspear Monastery Mentor, Dreadhorde Arcanist, Boros Charm, Temur Battle Rage and Feather, the Redeemed are all good options to upgrade with if you have the money for them.

triproberts12 on Need Card Suggestions for Kalamax, …

4 years ago

It really depends on what kind of deck you want to build. If you're trying to infinitely copy Fork or something, Survivors' Encampment, Holdout Settlement, and Springleaf Drum are basically free, repeatable self-tappers. A more aggressive deck that wants to attack with lightning-butt the turn he comes down might prefer the package of Expedite, Crimson Wisps, Samut's Sprint, and Accelerate.

psionictemplar on Weird Paradise

4 years ago

You can cast weird on turn 1 and equip it turn 2 so a turn 2 win should in theory be possible. Cards I think you could add are Lava Dart ,Noxious Revival, Steam Vents, Manamorphose and Samut's Sprint. I know these aren't completely cheap, but should be reasonable to acquire.

NoopyNolife on Beamsplitter Blitz (UR Prowess)

4 years ago

rjphilla I agree, Titan's Strength works wonders in the deck. I've been thinking about adding a couple of Samut's Sprint too, but I think the deck might start to lack in interaction if there's too many buff spells (so most spells will be dead if there's no creatures on the board), especially if I take creatures out.

Kiln Fiend is completely broken, I'm just annoyed at its low toughness and lack of haste. It's arguably better than Stormchaser Mage but at least that's coming in for 1 damage before it gets removed and is easier to protect from bolts.

Any thoughts? I might just be grossly underestimating Kiln Fiend.

loricatuslupus on WIzzet Prowess

4 years ago

I...guess that makes sense. But lots of your stuff already has haste, so aren't you better with stuff that also gives a buff like Samut's Sprint? Plus then double-casting with Arcanist gets exponentially better even if he only has himself to target. Good point on the Spell Pierce!

Frosto on

4 years ago

Looks like a fun idea. I do remember seeing a few decks on youtube with these cards a year ago. I'm not too sure if Light Up the Stage is the best fit for this type of deck. You might want to think about some cards to protect your creatures such asTeferi's Time Twist or aNegate. Your guys have no way of attacking immediately and will be sitting ducks.Samut's Sprint or Maximize Velocity could put in some work. Either way, it does look fun. Good luck!

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