Needle Drop

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Needle Drop


Needle Drop deals 1 damage to target creature or player that was dealt damage this turn.

Draw a card.

SufferFromEDHD on Torbran's Goblin Hose

4 months ago

Interesting idea. Torbran definitely speeds up the goblin aggro clock.

Marton Stromgald the OG aggro lord. The commander for my goblin build (Torbran is in the 99)

Aether Vial your deck has that low Legacy curve

Needle Drop Torbrans can tripping Lightning Bolt

City on Fire speed up the clock

Hammer of Bogardan I really like this in my deck. It might not be appropriate in your build. You know what would be really interesting in yours...Thunderblade Charge! The Torbran boost might make this janky rares 5 graveyard cost worth it. Unique wording. As long as it doesn't get exiled you can do it every combat phase.

Thebestnoob on Burn, till there's nothin left

1 year ago

whys Needle Drop so expensive ;-;

Dead_Blue_ on Budget Burn

2 years ago

I want to point out that Goblin Guides are only 5$ right now. Pretty much the cheapest they’ve ever been.

Another budget card I’m fond of is Needle Drop

Niko9 on Does this infinite combo with …

2 years ago

I like it! Looks like a fun combo, and yep, seems like it would work.

What do you think about Aetherflux Reservoir to go with your infinite spell casting? It would also give you the option to use phyrexian mana spells like Gitaxian Probe to start the combo on 0 mana. After the first two casts, the probe will be netting you life, and will go into reservoir's second ability.

You could also use something like Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip and Lightning Bolt then every other spell cold be bolt and every other could be Needle Drop for double infinite : )

I think the hard part of this deck will be getting the right creatures on board in what's largely a spells deck. It's doable, for sure, but may take a lot of work testing.

And, maybe Angel's Grace might be good in this deck in general. If you plan to be recasting things over and over, that's a great way to stall : )

Quickspell on Does this infinite combo with …

2 years ago

I'm pretty sure this works but I just want to make sure I don't overlook anything.

  1. I have Kykar, Wind's Fury and Displacer Kitten on the battlefield.

  2. I cast a cantrip like Needle Drop, let it resolve (using or ignoring the optional Kitten trigger) and create one spirit with Kykar.

  3. I cast another cantrip like Ancestral Anger, let it resolve (using or ignoring the optional Kitten trigger) and create one spirit with Kykar.

  4. I sac those two spirits for and add to play Ardent Elementalist and bring back to hand one of those cantrips, say Needle Drop.

  5. I recast Needle Drop triggering Kykar to create a spirit, Kitten to flicker the Elementalist, and that to bring back Ancestral Anger from my graveyard to hand.

  6. let everything resolve and have Needle Drop go to my graveyard.

  7. Using the spirit created in step 4, I recast Ancestral Anger to repeat steps 4 & 5, creating a loop.

This should allow me to draw my deck (and actually, by repeatedly casting Needle Drop kill at least one opponent who was dealt damage this turn).

It doesn't matter whether I use a sorcery cantrip or an instant, because it always has to resolve and go to the graveyard in order to recurr the other. (Obviously instants allow me to do this on my opponents turn.)

Is this correct?

And do you have any recommendations on how to optimize this?

Fuzzy003 on Ping and Fling

2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions :) Have been meaning to update this one for a while.

Arcane Teachings was in to give Kyren Sniper some more to do.

Gonna keep Fling over Thud as it also helps against those pesky destroy effects at instant speed.

Love the Cinder Pyromancer. Might not see huge reuse but enough to make him worth swapping out the sniper + teachings.

Thinking of adding something like Needle Drop for some extra draw even if a playset is almost half the cost of the rest of the deck.

Niko9 on best draw cards for modern …

2 years ago

For a purely casual burn deck, I really love running Syr Carah, the Bold for some card advantage. She plays really nice with Rift Bolt because you will be untapping when rifty-B does it's damage. And this is just me, but I like Needle Drop

Uggh, this makes me want to dust off my burn some draw some Izzet deck. Thanks!

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