Murktide Regent

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Murktide Regent

Creature — Dragon

Delve (You may exile cards from your graveyard as you cast this spell. Each card you exile while casting this spell pays for .)


This enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each instant and sorcery card exiled with it.

Whenever an instant or sorcery card leaves your graveyard, put a +1/+1 counter on this.

TheOfficialCreator on Angels Modern

2 weeks ago

I think a third Giada, Font of Hope could probably do a little better than the one Serra Paragon. I get not wanting to have too many of the same legend, but with Giada it actually works in your favor since any duplicates will just be stronger because the original will boost the P/T of the new one. If you play the duplicate on your second main you actually get to have a big blocker that turn cycle too.

I've found that Secluded Steppe's cycle of lands helps me in Modern decks that are a bit slow.

While I understand Wrath of the Skies's synergies with your deck, I think it honestly will disproportionately hurt you because you know you're low to the ground. Skywrath won't be able to take out a Murktide Regent, Wurmcoil Engine, or a Draco. A regular Wrath would be more effective as a sideboard option, I think. (Could also run some recursion in the sideboard to go along with it, though I'm not sure if TOR would just balance that out as a result of drawing a bunch of cards anyway).

Paya on Dimir Midrange/Control

3 weeks ago

Hi. Since you have 3x Murktide Regent maybe could be more useful to play Consider instead of Preordain. To get some more utility you can try +1 Archmage's Charm and -1 The One Ring in main and 1 The One Ring can go to sideboard.

In sideboard can be useful to have some anti grave spells like Surgical Extraction or Nihil Spellbomb. Some more Consign to Memory will be good.

wallisface on Surgical Forfeit

3 months ago

mooffalosystema i have played a load of competitive mill, winning tourney with it, and know full-well the ins-and-outs of competitive play.

If you do the math on Mind Funeral you’ll find that it is absolutely terrible when compared to almost all other 2-and-3 mana mill spells. There’s a very good reason no competitive builds ever run that card.

Indiscriminate discard is always worse than being able to target and remove the card that actually poses a threat. There will be a bunch of games where Inquisition is only able to grab the cards the opponent doesn’t really card about. Not being able to grab a Sheoldred, the Apocalypse or Scion of Draco or Murktide Regent or Yawgmoth, Thran Physician is a massive mistake when these are all very-commonly seen threats.

Your assessment of Lazotep Plating baffles me. It only temporarily stalls some combo decks, and feels negligible anywhere else. I think Storm is the only deck that would ever need to be cautious of this card, and nobodies playing Storm atm anyway cause it’s bad. If your local playgroup somehow validates this cards existence, it’s still only a sideboard card at-best (and even then, a terrible one - there’s sooo many better options!).

wallisface on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

5 months ago
  • Preordain is miles better than Serum Visions

  • yes you can trigger Lion Sash multiple times. You’d presumably always do it in the opponents end step.

  • I should reiterate as I have been this whole thread that your artifact creatures aren’t very-well suited for a control or aggro shell at-all… this is why i’d suggested a bunch of creatures that would actually help you. I know you like Ethersworn Canonist but this is a really bad home for it - trying to force it into this deck is going to make it’s performance bad, and the deck worse.

  • Haughty Djinns 3-mana cost can be a little awkward, but i’ll note Murktide Regent is two mana and survives fine. The trick is to know the matchups well enough to gauge when to ”shields down” to cast it - or wait till you have 4-5 lands so you can also Spell Pierce or Counterspell.

  • Tolarian Terror is 1 mana and wins the game on its own. You’re in no massive rush to dump it down, but tempo-control builds could often get it down by turn 3-4 no problem.

  • Touch the Spirit Realm is fine, but not great. You’re unlikely to ever channel it, but it’ll still be decent-enough.

  • Detention Sphere is decent.

  • of course opponents will be paying 2 mana to crack clues, but only if its the best thing for them to be doing fir their turn. Them gaining clues is an advantage for them.

wallisface on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

5 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • Last time you started a thread about a deck, it was described as you wanting to make a deck more competitive, but when those suggestions came through you decided you'd rather the deck be casual than strong. Is this the same scenario, or are you legitimately looking for advice on making a strong control deck.

  • Azorius Conrtol already exists as a well-defined meta archetype, consistently hovering between 1-5% of the meta. There is an established deck list here

  • The kind of deck your describing (being aggressive while also controlling the board state) is basically what the current Murktide Regent lists do - deck here. I think it is going to be very hard to justify playing white over red in such an archetype, because red brings most of the aggression, but it's probably still achievable with some concessions.

Some thoughts on your current list specifically:

  • For the deck to work, you need to be running the minimum amount of creatures possible - between 12-15. Running more than this makes it too hard to control the board, and running less than this puts you at risk of not being able to threaten damage.

  • All the creatures you run need to be able to quickly close-out the game on their own. If you check the Murktide list linked above, you'll notice all of those creatures are able to dish out extreme pressure. So far, NONE of your creatures are even remotely threatening. You want to be playing creatures that can end the game fast and can do everything they need to by-themselves. You should really be playing cards like Murktide Regent, Ledger Shredder, Tishana's Tidebinder and Solitude/Subtlety instead of these extremely weak creatures.

  • Any number of Academy Ruins is excessive when you have no real reason to want to recur any of these artifacts.

  • 3 mana countermagic is always bad - there's no reason to run Render Silent especially when you still have room to play another Counterspell instead.

  • Assemble the Players is a terrible card and shouldn't be here.

  • you need waay more wawys to powerfully interact with cards that the opponent resolves - Oppressive Rays is too weak for this. You need cards like Prismatic Ending and Leyline Binding.

  • You are severely lacking in efficient draw. I would expect Preordain instead of Peek at a bare minimum.

dnthymamai on Hedron Alignment Esper

5 months ago

I love the Demonic Bargain + Pull from Eternity synergy! The latter was useful back in the day only for handling big and dangerous suspend cards that were about to be cast for free. Nice to see the new synergy! So flavourful that it fits like a glove to a Hedron Alignment deck!!

Murktide Regent as an alternate win con is great too.

So happy to see an old rare enchantment as the center of a win con. (Cool of you to think of the old Misthollow Griffin too)

Great deck!!!

IXALAN_Crazy on Dimir Midrange/Control

10 months ago

4 Archmage's Charm seems a little high, it might be worth cutting 2 to go up to 3 Murktide Regent and adding a one of of Dismember

wallisface on Dimir Murky Mill

11 months ago

I’m really not convinced by Murktide Regent here. Any opponent is likely to be presenting more offensive pressure (to life totals) so i don’t see how it’s going to help win any games. Furthermore, it not being a mill spell is likely to cost you a bunch of games - mill decks should be focusing completely on emptying the opponents deck, and this card does nothing to help with that.

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