Banishing Knack

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Banishing Knack


Until end of turn, target creature gains "Tap: Return target nonland permanent to its owner's hand."

Dabsolux on Pauper and PDH combos

1 month ago

I would like to create a list of all Pauper and PDH deck combos. Most of them are created by NateDiggity7 (Moxfield) and PenguinPete (MTG Salvation). Here some:

BG - Golgari

BR - Rakdos

C - Colorless

G - Green

RG - Gruul

UBG - Sultai

UB - Dimir

UG - Simic

URG - Temur

U - Blue

WB - Orzhov

WG - Selesnya

WR - Boros

WUB - Esper

WU - Azorius


BR - Rakdos

BG - Golgari

U - Blue

UR - Izzet

G - Green

UG - Simic

W - White

WG - Selesnya

LightEntropy on Retraction Helix Combo

1 year ago

Thought about Steelfin Whale or Banishing Knack? I've also seen Midnight Guard Battered Golem and Nettle Drone for creatures that untap, and artifact lands helping with cards such as Thoughtcast. If you include red, pauper has some serious ramp with Cleansing Wildfire targeting an indestructible land you control. Just some thoughts.

king-saproling on Bjiorna and emeral

1 year ago

You might like these: Academy Manufactor, Alaundo the Seer, Quicksilver Dagger, Archivist, Oracle's Insight, Gilded Goose, Glittermonger, Tireless Provisioner, Tireless Tracker, Curse of Opulence, Basilisk Collar, Gorgon Flail, Gorgon's Head, Banishing Knack, Retraction Helix

Personally I would cut these to make room for the above: Laurine the Diversion, Narset Parter of Veils, Rampant Growth, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Elvish Mystic, Llanowar Elves, Vengeful Ancestor, Wavebreak Hippocamp, Thought Scour, Harrow, Fact or Fiction, Kuldotha Forgemaster, Ornithopter, Astral Cornucopia, Everflowing Chalice

Ace_Of_Spades on Over-Jhoi'd

1 year ago

Edits: Out- Foundry Inspector In- Enthusiastic Mechanaut

(3 mana tends to be higher in the curve than I want this effect to be (Cloud Key withstanding), Enthusiastic Mechanaut just fits my optimal curve better)

Out- Mirran Spy , Nettle Drone , Retraction Helix , Banishing Knack In- 2x islands 2x mountains

(needed a slightly larger mana base, and these combos are nice but with summoning sickness, 2 turns takes too long to be efficient

legendofa on Mill Flayers

1 year ago

Welcome to the club, Raijin1989!

For being a first deck, this is very solid in its focus and balance. I'm also impressed with your available cards, like Mana Crypt, Force of Will, The Meathook Massacre...

If you want an instant mill win condition, Mindcrank and either Bloodchief Ascension or Duskmantle Guildmage can knock out an opponent on the spot. If you manage to get all your opponents to lose life or put a card in their graveyard at the same time, you just won.

If you want to disable a graveyard-focused deck, Eater of the Dead is very good, but I don't see a way to tap it on demand. Something like Hermetic Study/Psionic Gift or Banishing Knack/Retraction Helix could push it even further. Alternatively or supplementary, Tormod's Crypt can wipe out a problematic graveyard immediately.

multimedia on My Highest Powered Deck

1 year ago

Hey, you have an interesting/fun deck, but sorry it's casual power level (PL) 5 at most.

Lands in the manabase and ramp sources are a big sign of what PL. A low budget manabase that has Highland Lake and Temple of the False God isn't PL 7-8. Very little ramp with a 4.0 avg. CMC is not PL 7-8. Please get rid of Temple of the False God.

It's difficult to get to PL 8 or higher on a low budget because the best lands and mana rocks are some of the most expensive cards in Commander. At best on a low budget unless playing mono-colored you're looking at PL 6. Your deck doesn't have any instants or sorceries? Izzet has many good low budget instants and sorceries especially for draw.

You have an infinite combo Niv-Mizzet, Parun + Curiosity, that helps to have a higher PL. Although, Niv-Mizzet, Parun is better as a win condition when it's the Commander not inside the 99. You have many potential other win conditions: Purphoros, God of the Forge, Reckless Fireweaver, Impact Tremors, Nettle Drone, etc., but lack enablers to combo with these win conditions.

To increase PL your deck needs to be more tuned to get to the final goal which is to win the game. PL 8 uses just about all cards in the deck to help to assemble a combo win, ramp, tutor, draw, protect the combo or stop an opponent's combo. If a card doesn't help to do one of these then it's not needed in the deck. Don't try to get to PL 8 unless you can spend for expensive price cards instead shoot for PL 6.

Here's some low budget cards to increase the PL of your deck:

xram666 on EDH pauper Glassdust Hulk

2 years ago

Nice deck.

You could add cards like Horseshoe Crab for synergy with Banishing Knack and Retraction Helix. Not as good as Mirran Spy or Battered Golem but it would make the deck more consistent.

random472 on Sulgmar Drifting Death Trigger

2 years ago

I have a similar Silumgar deck and also struggle with enchantment removal. Consider these additions I put in my own deck:
Mercurial Transformation
Banishing Knack
They have limitations but they seem better than nothing.

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