Elves of Deep Shadow

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Elves of Deep Shadow

Creature — Elf Druid

Add . Elves of Deep Shadow deals 1 damage to you.

Master_J on Froggin Time!

1 month ago

OUT: Retreat to Kazandu, Saryth, the Viper's Fang

IN: Greater Good, Elves of Deep Shadow

In my first play through as part of my pod, each of my creatures, and my commander, kept getting killed and I was short on mana both games. Taking out some evasion enabler and a low-quality landfall piece to get some more consistency / mana, as well as an alternate payoff from my commander.

Master_J on Froggin Time!

2 months ago

OUT: Cultivator Colossus, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, Fyndhorn Elves, Elves of Deep Shadow, Vampiric Tutor, Not Dead After All, Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Demonic Tutor, Lightning Greaves, Greater Good

IN: Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus, Shakedown Heavy, Hunted Bonebrute, Tear Asunder, Nature's Claim, Culling Ritual, Nature's Lore, Arcane Signet, Unnatural Growth, Underground Mortuary

Trying to work out some kinks in this deck. I find myself without big boys to sac to the 'Rog sometimes. Also, upping the land count a little instead of using dorks that will die to Culling Ritual.

I may also come to regret pulling out the tutors, but I never know what to look for that will help me win immediately, so out they come for now.

zapyourtumor on Daemogoth Dealings (Budget)

2 months ago

Elves of Deep Shadow is better than leaden myr

Unnatural Growth is super win more and a 5 drop, plus it has 4 green pips in a deck with a budget manabase of 12 forests and 8 swamps. I'd cut all 4, and if you really want 1 then at least cut 3.

Fatal Push staple removal spell that also synergizes well with all your revolt triggers. Maybe too expensive though.

Giant Growth and Might of the Masses are again win more; this isn't an infect deck. I'd replace with more enablers (i.e. creatures you can sacrifice or token generators) like Blisterpod, Tend the Pests, etc. I assume Bitterblossom is out of your budget unfortunately.

Balaam__ on Alf

3 months ago

Elves of Deep Shadow might help mana fixing faster than Elvish Harbinger and cheaper than fetches or duals. Elvish Harbinger does have its uses though.

Azoth2099 on Anikthea, Hand of Erebos is Graverobbing

10 months ago


You need Dorks, dude! Birds of Paradise was just reprinted, and is cheaper than it's been in a long time. Not sure how much Bloom Tender is running right now, but I'd slot it in if it's feasible. Lil dudes like Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic, Elves of Deep Shadow & Avacyn's Pilgrim are needed as well. Always play your Dorks when in , unless they're not needed in a very strict, fundamental sense - which is not the case here. Maybe play a few Rituals like Dark Ritual, Cabal Ritual & Culling the Weak too. Final Parting could be cool here too.

Off the top, Aegis of the Gods, Ephemerate, Flickerform, Greater Auramancy, Sterling Grove, Idyllic Tutor, Eladamri's Call, Enlightened Tutor, Worldly Tutor, Pernicious Deed & Aura Shards are probably all worth consideration as well.

Azoth2099 on

11 months ago


Tenacious Underdog & Endless Cockroaches are both great value here! As far as dorks go, there's of course things like Birds of Paradise, Ignoble Hierarch & Bloom Tender, but also Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic, Elves of Deep Shadow for less dollars lol.

Theft effects could work if you incorporate more sac outlets, I honestly don't know if I'd go that route with this one, though. The Commander itself doesn't naturally synergize with that strategy imo, it's essentially trying to generate and kill it's own tokens/creatures to draw cards.

I'm not sure what I'd replace from this particular list, but consider starting a new list with a new approach! That's what I do, anyway.

Oh man, also consider Sneak Attack! It essentially reduces the casting cost of your creatures to , gives them Flash, makes them uncounterable and is also a pseudo-sac outlet. Pretty nice!

DreadKhan on Favorite mtg art

11 months ago

When I was going through the Lord of the Rings stuff, I found lots of good stuff, but Wake the Dragon looks pretty impressive for a new card. I usually like older card art, but there is some really inspiring Secret Lair art that's come out that can compete with just about anything, Mistbind Clique and Bitterblossom both stand out to me, but I like MtG Faerie art. I liked Bitterblossom's SLD art more because it actually features poppies in it, the poppy is a source of famously bitter alkaloids that are known to induce weird dreams in heavier users, ones that are hard to tell from reality, so I thought it was a nice reference. I also love Wrath of God, it's a bit on the nose but it's the exact fit for certain decks.

I generally am a big fan of the art from the early days of Magic, but especially the first few expansions, the ABUR is fine, but Legends and The Dark is crawling with gorgeous cards.

I don't like 'edgy' or 'x-treme' type art, glad to see some Magic sets that move away from that. I very much prefer this over this, less can easily be more. Not everyone needs to dress like a murder hobo that's got more equipment than a regiment! How many long stick things does a druid need??

Azoth2099 on Snake Lady is Back

1 year ago

drader Hey man! So here are my suggestions:

Number one, I think you need way more mana dorks. Arbor Elf, Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic,Elves of Deep Shadow & Deathrite Shaman are all great options. Other cards like Farseek, Nature's Lore, Three Visits, Dark Ritual & Culling the Weak are also always great to have access to.

It looks like you need a bit more card draw as well, I'd recommend Necropotence, Dark Confidant, Dark Tutelage, Ad Nauseam, Toski, Bearer of Secrets & Scroll Rack.

I know they can get expensive, but a few Tutors are essential for a smooth game plan. A few cheaper options are Diabolic Tutor, Profane Tutor, Time of Need, Beseech the Queen & Shared Summons. Diabolic Intent & Worldly Tutor are also relatively cheap due to recent print runs.

Metallic Mimic could also work wonders here, allowing your Snake tokens to host more -1/-1 counters, helping the deck power itself. Young Wolf accomplishes something similar.

Let me know how you feel about these recommendations!

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