Blood Moon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blood Moon


Nonbasic lands are Mountains.

wallisface on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

The word "balanced" is quite subjective here, because at face-value these cards are doing fair 1-for-1 interactions. However, these cards are obviously absurdly powerful, and there's a reason Wasteland is in 60% of legacy decks (and would never ever be printed into Modern, Pioneer, Standard etc).

The big reason why these effects are very powerful is because the owning player has agency over abusing them:

  • The Wasteland player has no inherent reason to trigger the ability if they themselves require mana. However, if they are fine with their own mana-resources, they can cripple the opponents if they have limited options. Because lands are almost always required to play the game, these effects can quickly lock the opponent out of being able to play the game at all.

  • You could compare the effect to something like Blood Moon or Back to Basics, where at face-value the card appears to hit all players equally. But realistically if someone is running one of these cards, they're intending to be entirely unaffected by these effects while preventing their opponent being able to play the game. Wasteland similarly might read like a 1-for-1 at face value, but realistically people play this card with the intention of preventing their opponents from being able to play the game.

  • Wasteland is very quickly abusable with recursion effects like Wrenn and Six's +1.

I think overall though, the cards are technically "balanced" - they are doing clean 1-for-1 trades with on-board resources. However, practically speaking, they are played only with the intention create a locked boardstate - one where the opponent doesn't have the resources to cast the cards in their hand.

There is a big reason Wasteland is the most-played land in Legacy, and why it will never be printed into any newer format - but this is more to it being very, very powerful, as opposed to it being "unbalanced". I would say that in multiplayer formats like Commander, Wasteland is entirely fair in insolation, as the player is losing one of their resources to 1-for-1 trade with only one of their three opponents.

legendofa on Winter Moon

1 month ago

wallisface Sure. I don't disagree with you, but I'd like to find some reason this card got made, aside from minor mana disruption. Fetchland -> basic is a very simple way to work around Winter Moon, and stuff like Blood Moon, Assassin's Trophy, and Field of Ruin made sure every top-end Modern deck can run with only basics. It's just not quite good enough at its most obvious role for the meta-defining decks, and it's a pretty niche effect, so I'm just trying to take a guess at what the developers intended. It's not a great card, but there's some reason it exists.

Icbrgr on Winter Moon

1 month ago

So as time goes on I'm realizing that I'm absolutely terrible at card power level evaluation and I want to ask people what they think about Winter Moon?

Is this card....just...bad?

I bought a playset the other day and I'm kinda just regretting it... my best thoughts on where this card would belong would be in a Skred Red/Red prison shell supplemented by Blood Moon and Trinisphere or something like that; but does the card really do anything to impactfully slow/disable an opponents game plan?

Just curious what other people think about the card in general (maybe im brewing with it wrong or something).

SufferFromEDHD on Wrath of Starke

1 month ago

With that many mountains Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle would be useful. Blood Moon good kind of mean.

Since this is a Homeward Path deck Humble Defector would be right at home.

Gamble this isn't a graveyard deck but a tutor is a tutor.

Icaruskid on No Combo Krenko [PRIMER]

2 months ago

I would replace Treasure Nabber or Frenzied Goblin with Blood Moon. Try those slots Formless0209.

Formless0209 on No Combo Krenko [PRIMER]

2 months ago

If I wanted to include Blood Moon... what should I replace it for?

zapyourtumor on

2 months ago

4 Ragavan is probably necessary maindeck, probably cut the street wraiths for them since wraith isnt really needed in shadow decks anymore

I don't like 4 Sheoldred, I'd run 1-2 molten collapse and 1 angraths rampage main and 1 side instead (hits one ring). They also add more sorceries for delirium.

Don't understand what Ob Nixilis is doing in the sideboard? And Nihil Spellbomb is better than Soul Guide Lantern most of the time. I also do not like shattering spree in such a black heavy deck. Also have 3 basic swamps you can just run Blood Moon over alpine moon, especially since alpine does nothing against titan. Hidetsugu Consumes All  Flip decent sideboard card, rhinos is not popular atm but there might be a new leyline scion rhinos deck, and of course its good against saga and affinity.

Maybe you can run Orcish Bowmasters, but the creature slots are already really cramped so I'm not sure. But its definitely better than Spyro. Maybe a single Tarfire for nethergoyf.

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip is pretty slow but its an enchantment for nethergoyf and basically always a 2 for 1, good in the grindy matchups.

Gidgetimer on Blood Moon versus Prismatic Omen

2 months ago

Prismatic Omen is an enchantment and can't be played as a response unless there is something allowing a player to play it at instant speed. Since nothing allowing it to be cast at instant speed was mentioned I will assume that you meant "later plays" instead of "responds with".

"Priority" has a meaning within the rules. Nothing here is dealing with priority. I will assume that you are using the normal English meaning of the word as a synonym for precedence instead of the rules meaning.

Neither enchantment "overrides" the other nor makes a player "safe" from anything.

When continuous effects are interacting they are applied in a system of layers and then in timestamp order within a layer. Since both Blood Moon and Prismatic Omen are type changing effects, they are applied in the same layer. In your example the Blood Moon was played first and will have an earlier timestamp, so it is applied first making all non-basic lands into mountains. Then the Prismatic Omen will apply granting all of its controller's lands all basic land types. The player(s) who don't control the Prismatic Omen will have all of their non-basics still only be mountains.

If the enchantments had entered in the opposite order Prismatic Omen will give all of its controller's lands all basic land types. Then Blood Moon would make all non-basics into mountains, and the non basics controlled by Prismatic Omen's controller would lose all other land types.

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