Aria of Flame

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Aria of Flame


When Aria of Flame enters the battlefield, each opponent gains 10 life.

Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, put a verse counter on Aria of Flame, then it deals damage equal to the number of verse counters on it to target player or planeswalker.

MTGBurgeoning on Feather Locklear

3 months ago

I have not considered Mistveil Plains. A little graveyard-to-the-library recursion may be useful, particularly, as you mentioned, with Sunforger on our side of the battlefield. Maybe swapping this in for Needle Spires or Temple of Triumph is reasonable. Vandalblast's absence from the deck at this time can be explained by availability. When this deck was built, copies of Vandalblast were not plentiful. Now, after many instances of reprinting, it is much more feasible to include a copy of it here. As for Into the Core, I've always been a big fan of this card, and for the reasons you mentioned: Instant-speed artifact exile. Blightsteel Colossus is very, very popular in my playgroup, to the point of reconciling ways to answer it for when (not if) if hits the battlefield. Into the Core handles this problem well. Another card I love is Aria of Flame. I have championed this card since its debut in MH1. It is the second card I consider tutoring for after Aetherflux Reservoir. Its enchantment status gives it staying power on the battlefield, and if the Feather engine is revving optimally, then gifting our opponents with that extra life is never a problem. Give it a whirl!

KBK7101 on Judith's Discount Imporium

5 months ago

Aria of Flame might be good!

distantfreedom on Spell Sear

6 months ago

ViscountVonSausageRoll is right. Cast Hidden Strings while Sprite Dragon is on the field and let it resolve, then use the Cipher keyword to encode it on Sprite Dragon and you'll get to cast a copy if it deals combat damage to a player. That free cast of Hidden Strings triggers Sprite Dragon's ability, Aria of Flame's effect, and Thermo-Alchemist's ability, which is everything I could ask for in this deck. For free? No way am I passing that up.

carpecanum on Is it Good? No. Izzet Fun? You Bet!

1 year ago

Aria of Flame, with your boss doubling the effect you cause major damage very fast

maybe Clout of the Dominus for defense

Spacebeest on Prosperstorm

1 year ago

storm build prosper is very fun indeed :)

i have found Dragon's Rage Channeler Burning Prophet and Quicksmith Genius to be quite helpfull in my storm build. The quicksmith is probably even nicer in yours as you can take advantage of the discard.

some alternative finishers to concider Aria of Flame Sentinel Tower.

I'm gonna steal your idea of Pentad Prism, didn't have that one in my list yet!

lagotripha on

2 years ago

I like the idea - this looks mostly like a jeskai control list to my eyes, and could reasonably be built to one of their slow win setups. All told, if you just look for flat upgrades you can take this a long way, especially if you tweak the focus a little.

I reccomend focusing budget on land upgrades - there are incredible budget spell options, but budget land options are far, far rarer. Grab whatever good lands rotate out of standard, replacing the taplands.

Dodging Path to Exile and Blood Moon type effects matter a lot, as do untapped lands in making decks run reliably - going to 5 basic lands instead of the guildgate isn't going to hurt more than the taplands and will help make sure you can counterspell on turn two. If you must stick with a tapland, Prairie Stream is cheap and can come in untapped, Irrigated Farmland has card draw and land types that matter, while Jwari Disruption  Flip can catch someone out turn two in a land heavy hand.

Once you have an idea of how much budget you want to sink into lands the rest becomes easier to plot.

I'd look at Myth Realized instead of ugin's, as its a lot harder to kill, gives a turn 1 play, and likes all the noncreature spells in the list. I feel its the simplest 'flat upgrade' to the list.

Counterspell is a format staple, and does almost everything that mana leak does in this list.

If you want to use ionize and mindswipe, you want to run effects that care about damage dealt, or force your opponent to a low life total first. Paying an extra mana or two for their effects is a serious cost that needs payoff.

The aggressive version would be Delver of Secrets  Flip style, a 'combo' version where you tick up Quest for Pure Flame is an option, as is an Aria of Flame type 'slow' wincon (which would also serve as backup creature removal).

On the note of creature removal, you are a little light. Jeskai control often ran Lightning Helix just so it doesn't die to people playing Goblin Guide on turn one. You might not want it maindeck, but planning out a 15 card sideboard should give you space to grab answers like that - with your maindeck answering combo with rule of law and control with a mirror match, you have a lot of space in the side for aggro answers.

Crayfish on Prowess Turbostorm (Temp Version)

2 years ago

Few things to look at:
-Thermo-Alchemist is worth dropping, doesn't actually benefit from Veyran. Consider adding Kessig Flamebreather in its place.
-You have a lot of effects that double spells (Dualcaster Mage, Naru Meha, Master Wizard, Rootha, Mercurial Artist). It is worth considering that copying a spell is not technically casting it so you don't benefit from effects like Guttersnipe off a copied spell.
-Archmage Emeritus. Enough said.
-Lier, Disciple of the Drowned is pretty solid
-You have a lot of expensive/delve spells that might end up being slower or more damaging than expected. Exiling your spells from the yard invalidates cards like Past in Flames and Crackling Drake, which is counterintuitive. Cards like Apex of Power, Clone Legion, and Spelltwine are fun, but better served in a Mizzix of the Izmagnus deck (another card worth considering!)
-Theres a lot of solid enchantments/artifacts that benefit from Veyran. Metallurgic Summonings, Aetherflux Reservoir, Aria of Flame, Sorcerer Class, etc.

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