Artifacts (38)
Uncommon (15)
- 1x Animating Faerie
- 1x Armix, Filigree Thrasher
- 1x Contraband Kingpin
- 1x Deadeye Plunderers
- 1x Ensoul Artifact
- 1x Pitiless Plunderer
- 1x Rona, Disciple of Gix
- 1x Sage of Lat-Nam
- 1x Skilled Animator
- 1x Sly Requisitioner
- 1x Sphinx Summoner
- 1x Tezzeret's Touch
- 1x Whirler Rogue
- 1x Witches' Eye
- 1x Xenic Poltergeist
Common (11)
Chrotion (38)
Uncommon (16)
- 1x AEther Membrane
- 2x Anax, Hardened in the Forge
- 1x Ashenmoor Gouger
- 1x Blood Knight
- 1x Elite Headhunter
- 1x Fanatic of Mogis
- 1x Flametongue Yearling
- 1x Knight of Stromgald
- 1x Mogis's Marauder
- 1x Outrage Shaman
- 1x Rakdos Firewheeler
- 1x Sanguimancy
- 1x Tor Wauki
- 1x Tymaret, Chosen from Death
- 1x Uncle Istvan
Common (10)
- 2x Altar of the Pantheon
- 1x Balduvian Horde
- 1x Disciple of Phenax
- 1x Foreboding Fruit
- 1x Gray Merchant of Asphodel
- 1x Heartlash Cinder
- 1x Lost Legion
- 1x Marshmist Titan
- 1x Mount Velus Manticore
Mythic Rare (3)
Control (38)
Common (15)
Uncommon (12)
Equipments (38)
Common (14)
Uncommon (13)
Fixing (25)
Common (18)
- 1x Azorius Chancery
- 1x Dimir Aqueduct
- 1x Drossforge Bridge
- 1x Evolving Wilds
- 1x Fieldmist Borderpost
- 1x Firewild Borderpost
- 1x Gruul Turf
- 1x Mistvault Bridge
- 1x Mistvein Borderpost
- 1x Rakdos Carnarium
- 1x Razortide Bridge
- 1x Selesnya Sanctuary
- 1x Slagwoods Bridge
- 1x Terramorphic Expanse
- 1x Thornglint Bridge
- 1x Veinfire Borderpost
- 1x Warped Landscape
- 1x Wildfield Borderpost
Uncommon (7)
Fliers (38)
Uncommon (18)
- 1x Aerial Responder
- 1x Experimental Aviator
- 1x Favorable Winds
- 1x Field of Souls
- 1x Jetting Glasskite
- 1x Kangee, Sky Warden
- 1x Lightform
- 1x Mulldrifter
- 1x Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage
- 1x Serra Angel
- 1x Serra Sphinx
- 1x Shepherd of the Lost
- 1x Soulcatcher
- 1x Talrand's Invocation
- 1x Thunderclap Wyvern
- 1x Warden of Evos Isle
- 1x Watcher of the Spheres
- 1x Wingspan Mentor
Rare (10)
Common (7)
Mythic Rare (3)
Landfall (38)
Common (13)
Uncommon (13)
RDW (38)
Common (15)
Uncommon (11)
Rack (38)
Uncommon (15)
Rare (9)
Common (11)
Mythic Rare (3)
Ramp (38)
Common (17)
- 1x Call the Scions
- 1x Elvish Mystic
- 1x Fyndhorn Elves
- 1x Gaea's Touch
- 1x Harrow
- 1x Heart Warden
- 1x Kodama's Reach
- 1x Llanowar Elves
- 1x Nest Invader
- 1x Omen of the Hunt
- 1x Rampant Growth
- 1x Scorned Villager Flip
- 1x Sentinel Spider
- 1x Stampeding Elk Herd
- 1x Tangle Golem
- 1x Ulvenwald Captive Flip
- 1x Wild Growth
Uncommon (9)
- 1x Baloth Woodcrasher
- 1x Beanstalk Giant
- 1x Domesticated Hydra
- 1x Hunting Wilds
- 1x Llanowar Tribe
- 1x Meteor Golem
- 1x Nessian Asp
- 1x Tangled Florahedron Flip
- 1x Webweaver Changeling
Mythic Rare (3)
Removal (45)
Uncommon (25)
- 1x AEther Flash
- 1x Aura of Silence
- 1x Blessed Alliance
- 1x Darksteel Mutation
- 2x Devour in Flames
- 1x Devouring Light
- 1x Gilt-Leaf Winnower
- 1x Hail of Arrows
- 1x Hornswoggle
- 1x Inner Demon
- 1x Kabira Takedown Flip
- 1x Khalni Ambush Flip
- 1x Leonin Bladetrap
- 1x Longbow Archer
- 1x Oblivion Ring
- 1x Puppet Strings
- 1x Sickening Dreams
- 1x Skyshooter
- 1x Spite of Mogis
- 1x Timely Reinforcements
- 1x Turntimber Basilisk
- 1x Vampire Nighthawk
- 1x Vow of Duty
- 1x Vow of Wildness
Common (20)
- 1x Ambush Viper
- 1x Angelic Purge
- 1x Arrest
- 1x Bake into a Pie
- 1x Break Ties
- 2x Broken Wings
- 1x Bubble Snare
- 1x Cabal Torturer
- 1x Echoing Truth
- 1x Encrust
- 1x Enfeeblement
- 2x Executioner's Capsule
- 1x Expose to Daylight
- 1x Fall from Favor
Feed the Swarm
- 1x Garbage Fire
- 1x Judge Unworthy
- 1x Stab Wound
Tokens (38)
Common (13)
Uncommon (11)
- 1x Battle Screech
- 1x Beast Attack
- 1x Call of the Conclave
- 1x Gaea's Anthem
- 1x Good-Fortune Unicorn
- 1x Intangible Virtue
- 1x Midnight Haunting
- 1x Retreat to Emeria
- 1x Squirrel Nest
- 1x Take Up Arms
- 1x Zhalfirin Decoy
Mythic Rare (3)
Femme_Fatale says... #2
- Reasoning for Celestial Flare when white does need some removal? Perhaps a different choice (as I know my non-black non-red removal is kinda lacking).
- Remedy, any number of target creatures, up to 5. This if for Heroic. Same reason that Heaven's Gate and rest of cycle are here. Useful, because it can also stop death by burn.
- Betrayal, acts like a sort of, pseudo-removal spell for blue. Because if blue is drawing cards, they are winning.
- Removing Darksteel Colossus but not Blightsteel Colossus? And removing Ulamog's Crusher but not the other eldrazi? These are for ramp.
- Mind Rot? One of the most pinnacle of commons for rack?
- Wild Nacatl, practically a 2/2 for 1 mana with a potential upside. Same reason the other "as long as you control a forest/mountain" cards are in Zoo.
- Somberwald Sage, excellent ramp utility. You'd remove this but not Shaman of Forgotten Ways?
- Flusterstorm, It's a better Spell Pierce.
- Cinder Pyromancer and Goblin Sharpshooter, why these over all the other pingers?
- Immortal Servitude? The perfect bomb for boros weenies?
- Victim of Night, a solid removal spell.
- Hardened Scales, a wonderful option for the green version of heroic, which I did leave the option to draft. Tempted to also put in the red versions of Heroic too.
- Ferocious Charge, Monstrous Growth and Phytoburst, infect needs the occasional hefty ramp.
- Lava Spike quintessential burn spell.
- Bitter Revelation, 4 mana dig 4 draw 2? Slower decks love cards that dig and draw.
- Grindstone, you said you hated cards that milled for lower, so why this one? This card doesn't mill for little pieces (like 6 each activation), and won't insta win.
I'm too tired to do actual changes.
September 15, 2015 4:03 a.m.
You need to play it and cut the cards that no-one picks. I used to cube with a friend every saturday and once a months (after 4 sessions cubing) he'd make adjustments.
September 15, 2015 5:21 a.m.
Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares are both staples of White. Flare is super reactive, and generally misses utility creatures that never attack. It also only eats the most worthless creature, if you get attacked by a 2/2 and two 4/4's, they'll just sac' the 2/2 and that didn't change much.
Remedy is cute, but would you really take that over any other heroic triggering spell//creature with Heroic? way too often, it's going to be the last card in the pack and just lost to side-boardia, cards that work in only one archetype generally aren't amazing in Cube, unless they do something disgustingly broken.
Betrayal might be OK on a 2/2, but on a beater it's like 'yay, I drew a card... Damnit I died.' There's better removal in colour, and you can splash into a colour with more removal if you really need some.
The BS Robot deals lethal in one hit, Darksteel is just a durdly beater. Granted, most of the times I use BS Robot I'm also jamming Tinker, but he is his own wincon that needs to be answered immediately. Ulamog's Crusher is probably the weakest of the Eldrazi, save Hand of Emrakul. He's 'just' and 8/8 with 'lator 2 that will constantly attack. He might see play if you pulled no other bomb worth using, and at that point, why are you playing green anyway.
Mind Rot is one of the weakest discard engines out there; Hymn to Tourach, Thoughtseize, Duress, Mind Twist, Inquisition of Kozilek, Rakdos's Return, Mind Shatter, and Brain Maggot all either surgical strike answers or rip a giant hole in someone's hand. Rot is fine in normal limited, but really bad when compared to all the other choices.
Wild Nacatl looks really good on paper, but I've never seen her make it into any cube list I've ever played or fought against. A 1/1 for G is lame, and being forced into a second or potentially third colour for very a little upside on one thing just isn't worth it in a majority of decks.
Somberwald Sage taps for three of a single colour, shaman can tap for a mix of colours, though I might be a bit biased in keeping him in because I've been experimenting with him as well.
Flusterstorm is really only good if you have a tonne of combo decks in Cube, most notably Storm itself. A large number of times it's just going to make something cost one or two mana more, wherein, against storm it counters pretty much all the copies of something. If you had Reanimator, Storm, Artifacts, or one of the other six spells a turn archetypes this would be quite a bit better.
I must have missed a bunch of pingers. With the exception of Chandra, Pingers generally aren't going to do very much unless you draft like four of them. I would suppose that Sharpshooter might be good if there are a bunch of X/1's in someone's pool, but in reality, pingers tend to not make the cut.
Immortal Servitude, it's too specific to really be amazing. If it was X or Less it would be far better, though perhaps a bit broken. As is, it's just a less colour specific knock-off of Living Death, and I'm not even sure Death would be great in here.
Victim of Night is generally worse than Doom Blade, Go for the Throat, Slaughter Pact, and Ultimate Price, because it costs BB. I would be a tonne better if you had much more fixing.
Hardened Scales is going to be a dead card to all but one drafter, and even then it might be dead to everyone. It's a really good effect, but not good enough to make someone force Heroic.
Two of those Pump options are sorceries, which kills their utility, and Charge is three mana. At that costs, you've got to be at least four turns into the game before it becomes useful, and I was viewing Heroic as the aggro deck. By the time you cast it, the opponent would either be dead or dying.
Lava Spike is one of the weaker burn spells. It's a sorcery, that only doinks players. It's not going to be picked over pretty much any of the other burn options, and even Zoo is likely to overlook it.
Bitter Revelation is four mana. There are a tonne of options at cheeper costs, everything from Read the Bones to Brainstorm.
Grindstone is another one of those cards that looks great on paper. However, the odds of you running into a single colour deck with this, that also runs a small enough land count for this to hit cards of the same colour almost every time, are very slim. It could be really funny with Painters Servant though.
You need a lot more fixing if you don't want everyone to play one colour, the Duals, Fetches, Shocks, and Buddy lands would all be good. The Signets are almost Cube staples because they essentially give you a free land drop. The Ravnica Bounce Lands can be solid, especially when I see you aren't running Strip Mine//Wasteland.
I would also add Sylvan Library, Brainstorm, Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, and Mana Drain. Tinker, Entomb, Reanimate, Bribery, Sneak Attack, Emrakul the Aeons Torn, Kozilek Butcher of Truth, Consecrated Sphinx and Metalworker could also be quite nice, but they would all kind of dominate this Cube in unfair kinds of ways.
September 15, 2015 2:11 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #5
I always thought that players will very openly go for dual colours in a draft because a single colour isn't very worth it unless it is a specific archetype. I can't afford to put in mana-fixing lands or rocks because that would require numerous spots for them, which I don't really have the space for. I probably have the space for 10 cards, but that is hardly anything when you are only going to be getting one of them.
Also, I've made it so that unless you are playing one of the 5 mono-colour archetypes (control can be splashed for other colours, and generally will be), it is not advisable to go mono anything. Infect can swap B for W to gain access to the protection grants. WU heroic where both W or U can be swapped for G. Weenies can easily go more midrangy with WB and take discard and removal. The only colour one might reliably be able to go mono-colour is white, because there's more white than anything else, standing even 20 cards more than red or black.
Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares are a bit too strong for me. I'll probably remove some of other too powered stuff as well. I'm pretty sure I put in about 10-12 pingers in here, and in this cube that is laden with X/1's and X/2's, pingers are much more powerful than most other cubes.
I need more wraths though ... Just there is only so many black wraths in the game.
September 15, 2015 7:28 p.m.
Possible Black Wrath ideas: Consume the Meek, Decree of Pain, Hellfire, Killing Wave, Life's Finale, and Overwhelming Forces.
Contagion Engine and All Is Dust are both colourless wraths.
Sudden Spoiling is a pseudo-wrath, as are Wave of Terror and Hex.
If you can't tell, I collect Wrath Spells. :P
September 15, 2015 11:19 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #7
Cube has been updated! A pretty massive one too as it changed a bunch of archetypes.
October 4, 2015 5:07 a.m.
greenkingwashere says... #8
I really like how it looks. Solid mid power cube
March 14, 2016 7:41 a.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #9
Hit custom categories greenkingwashere and you can see a general archetypal guideline of this cube.
March 14, 2016 9:12 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #10
Massive update folks! Infect has been fully removed for 8-rack!
Lots more removal, and its own separate detailed listing. Removed weak spirit and flicker sub-themes from fliers. Added a reanimation subtheme to mill/ramp. Added a creature lands subtheme to landfall. Streamlined the chrotion cards.
April 5, 2016 4:52 a.m.
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Cards | 450 |
Date added | 10 years |
Last updated | 3 years |
Top Draft Picks
1.0 | Awaken the Ancient |
1.33 | Nesting Dragon |
1.67 | Doomed Artisan |
2.0 | Flowstone Overseer |
2.0 | Khalni Ambush Flip |
2.0 | Wayward Guide-Beast |
2.45 | Chandra, Heart of Fire |
2.5 | Delusions of Mediocrity |
3.0 | Benefactor's Draught |
3.17 | Hail of Arrows |
3.3 | Skycat Sovereign |
3.4 | Pride of the Clouds |
3.53 | God-Eternal Kefnet |
3.6 | Serra Sphinx |
3.62 | Auriok Sunchaser |
3.81 | Bake into a Pie |
4.0 | Giant's Skewer |
4.0 | Tangled Florahedron Flip |
4.1 | Territorial Allosaurus |
4.16 | Counterspell |
4.18 | The Haunt of Hightower |
4.22 | Ulvenwald Captive Flip |
4.25 | Shepherd of the Lost |
4.26 | Jace, Unraveler of Secrets |
4.26 | Lightning Bolt |
nayrash5 says... #1
Six Hundred is too many, five-forty is typically the max for cubes that are trying to force one archetype per colour pattern, because with six hundred you will often fail to hit a critical mass of things. In example, if someone is gunning for Infect, and gets like, six dudes with Infect and a bunch of pump, he's going to get badly blown-out by someone with all the removal. Also, generally Alt-Win cons are bad, because they tend to get blown away right before a win is sealed. I'll choose Felidar Sovereign, because it's the first one I saw. Once the player with it in play gets to the 35-40 life area, It's going to die. Also, costing six mana and not winning till upkeep really hinders its usefulness. If you can't tell from my list, I'm not really a fan of mill cards that only dunk a couple. This is in part due the scale of the Cube, and also due to the potential for a serious backfire with them. Note, this is just with a glance, I'll probably look more in-depthly later. I can elaborate on any of my card choices if you want me too.
Cards I would cut: Boros Mastiff, Celestial Flare, Felidar Sovereign, Lifelink, Remedy, Survival Cache, Test of Endurance, Angel's Feather, Darksteel Colossus, Decimator Web, Grindstone, Millstone, Obelisk of Alara, Ulamog's Crusher, Pilfered Plans, Immortal Servitude, Bitter Revelation, Corrupt, Darkblast, Mind Rot, Mutilate, Necrogen Mists, Underworld Connections, Victim of Night, Betrayal, Bone to Ash, Countermand, Dismiss, Divination, Dream Twist, Tome Scour, Flusterstorm, Back to Nature, Drumhunter, Ferocious Charge, Hardened Scales, Krosan Drover, Monstrous Growth, Phytoburst, Somberwald Sage, Wild Nacatl, Burn at the Stake, Cinder Pyromancer, Claws of Valakut, Galvanic Arc, Goblin Sharpshooter, and Lava Spike.
Overall, this is a very solid effort for a first cube. I might make some adding suggestions later, IDK.
September 15, 2015 12:22 a.m.