Altar of the Pantheon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Altar of the Pantheon


Your devotion to each colour and each combination of colours is increased by one.

: Add one mana of any colour. If you control a God, a Demigod, or a legendary enchantment, you gain 1 life.

Housegheist on Go-Shintai - Shrines, Gods & Gates [Primer]

2 years ago

Interesting take on Shrines and Gods.

I took a different approach for this. Maybe you can take sone inspiration.

You better worship! Meet the Gods on Shrines!

Commander / EDH* Housegheist


As for Manalith… aren‘t Arcane Signet or Altar of the Pantheon straight upgrades?

Mox Amber or Faeburrow Elder would fit perfectly, too.

Housegheist on You better worship! Meet the Gods on Shrines!

2 years ago

Icbrgr Thank you for your comment.

This was the intention. With a lucky starting hand this thing can be explosive af.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx would be great… but is that expensive and unfortunately i don‘t own a copy.

Nyx Lotus instead could be an option. But what dies not cut for it?

I already hesitate with Altar of the Pantheon, which makes gods to creatures a little bit earlier.

tiffanyann on Theros Ability: ̶O̶f̶f̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ - Worship

3 years ago

Don't know if it would work as a mechanic. They would probably print more rocks like Altar of the Pantheon but maybe stackable? (Devotion increased by the number of Charge counters on artifact, pay:add charge)

GrimlockVIII on Representation: List of Tribal Support in Pauper

3 years ago

@Gattison: Technically, the common Changeling Shapeshifters count as Gods and Demigods, so if you really wanted to for some reason, you could actually get the lifegain bonus from Altar of the Pantheon as long as you have one of those guys out.

Also here's some Zubera support lol:

Ashen-Skin Zubera, Ember-Fist Zubera, Floating-Dream Zubera, and Silent-Chant Zubera

SueMe on Representation: List of Tribal Support in Pauper

3 years ago

Here's one you may not have heard of: Altar of the Pantheon

ElendVenture on Five Color God Stuff

3 years ago

@greykiller Devotion in for the red gods can be a little tricky sometimes, which is why I ended up adding Altar of the Pantheon to offset that. But since only two of the gods require exclusively red devotion ( Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded , and Purphoros, God of the Forge ), they usually end up with the needed devotion through their other colors without much effort.

But overall, devotion isn't really an issue for me. Having Golos, Tireless Pilgrim as the commander, he usually poops out enough permanents every turn that I don't notice a lack of devotion when it matters. Using Esika, God of the Tree  Flip makes that deck much slower, but I do end up playing her as the commander about half of the time because of the flavor. More than half of the Theros gods are in White and Green though, so I usually end up having a couple of those in the field as creatures pretty early, and the rest of the colors just fill in with devotion as your board presence increases. Mostly you can curb any problems by being more selective with your mulligans, and that just ends up coming through experience.

As for winning, The World Tree changed everything for this deck. Before that I would usually end up winning with a big swing after dumping most of my deck on the field with Omniscience + Enchantress drawing, through Phenax mill if I was feeling cheeky, or through Purphoros damage if I got him out at the beginning of my Omniscience spill. Now it's just too easy to crack The World Tree on turn 6/7 and win with Purphoros damage.

Abzkaban on The Bridge to Yggdrasil

3 years ago


I mean if I use The World Tree , then I’ve got enough devotion to turn all of them on as they hit the field which is why Purphoros is able to deal damage. Just value, though, it is admittedly harder to turn them on since I’m not running the Theros demigods or the Lorwyn avatars. However though some goldfishing I’ve been able to turn some of them on as I develop my board state. Golos can sometimes put several gods out, and Altar of the Pantheon helps with devotion. Wild Pair is a great 2-for-1 to help up that devotion count.

PartyJ on a Child of the Gods

3 years ago

Two new cards have been added to this deck:

The last set we decided being legal in our playgroup will be 'Theros Beyond Death'. Any suggestion untill 'Theros Beyond Death' is more than welcome. See the reason in the deck description.

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