Brass Squire

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Brass Squire

Artifact Creature — Myr

: Attach target Equipment you control to target creature you control.

eliakimras on Wyleth, Boros Voltron

10 months ago

Hello fellow Wyleth, Soul of Card Draw player!

I'm glad you got both Wyleth's and Aesi's precons for a good price. They are reeeeally explosive in gameplay with a few upgrades.

I play a lot of this bad boy, and I want to suggest some swaps below 3 USD for you to take it to a higher ground:

First of all, the ramp. I found out that 2 CMC, untapped ramp is the best for Wyleth. Since he draws so many cards, he can chain rocks and voltron pieces in the same turn, so his next turn is even more explosive than the last one. I almost always have more mana than the Green decks in my pod.

You should run boardwipes that hits your stuff the least:

Also, you can streamline your removal package. All of those are fetchable by Sunforger:

More/better auras and equipment

Cheating equip costs

If you really need to protect yourself against attacks, Ghostly Prison is a way better Palace Guard.

More utility lands

Rasaru on BANE! (Maraxus voltron)

1 year ago

How has the deck been playing recently? Any weaknesses to note?

I absolutely love this deck list, but have a couple of questions and/or suggestions for you.

A. It looks like you have a total of 16 instants/sorceries. Do you ever have an issue with producing treasures with Storm-Kiln Artist? It's an excellent card, but I'm unsure (since I haven't played this list) that you would get enough value here. In it's place you could play something fun like Kazuul's Toll Collector or something that helps you cheat equip costs like Brass Squire. Imagine paying only 3 mana to play a creature, then immediately attaching 3-4 equipment to it for free! lol

B. Although I've played my share of Nettlecyst, I think you have some better options here. It has the opportunity to pump your commmander a great deal, if you're able to take advantage of your treasure generation and get some equipment on the battlefield. But what happens when you play this after all your artifacts get destroyed or exiled? I think in the long term, you'd get more value out of Sword of Forge and Frontier and/or The Reaver Cleaver. The sword costs the same, provides protection, card advantage and has the ability to pump your commander by playing additional lands. While the Reaver Cleaver is not only on theme, but helps put treasures back onto the battlefield, pumping your commander and progressing your Hellkite Tyrant alt win-con strategy.

C. I have some suggestions on your landbase

Great Furnace -> Snow-Covered Mountain - "2008-04-01: A permanent that’s more than one of these types (such as an artifact creature) counts only once." So an artifact land would only pump Bane by 1/1. Ditch this land for another snow-covered mountain to increase your chances of utilizing Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle in the mid/end game.

Darksteel Citadel -> Snow-Covered Mountain - See above comment

Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance -> Snow-Covered Mountain - I appreciate that this can make blockers (Bane should be the only attacker you care about), but cards like Bedlam make them irrelevant. Let's add a snow-mountain to continue to improve our Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle potential.

Cathedral of War -> Command Beacon - Bane is going to be a target. Why bust treasures, when you can just send him to your hand and cast him for way less.

Bonders' Enclave -> Valakut Awakening  Flip - besides your commander (who is going to be a major target), you only have 4 other creatures with 4+ power. You don't want to have to spend mana to equip something, just so you can turn around and spend 4 more mana, to draw a card. This mdfc offers at least 1 card, for 1 less (floor), which is already better.

D. While, Endless Atlas can stick around for awhile, I think (maybe) you might get more immediate value from Seize the Spoils. It's only once, and yes it's sorcery speed, but you get 2 cards immediately, 2 treasures to pump Bane, and can feed your graveyard, giving Goblin Engineer and Goblin Welder more targets.

E. A fun card you could consider, and is a pet card of mine, is Surestrike Trident. It's so fun to watch people's faces when this hits the battlefield and they read what it does :D

Poolplayer on Hammer Smashed face

1 year ago

Hammers from a couple sources but it's all about laying the smack dowh with Colossus Hammer + Murderous Redcap + Brass Squire for immediate 12 to face. This feels good and have had many solitaire hands end by turn 5.

KBK7101 on Tetsuo, Imperial Champion

1 year ago

Tetsuo is definitely an interesting one. I was really hoping he'd be one of the retold legends and am really glad to see he's back.

Unscythe and Scythe of the Wretched are both fantastic recommendations. I feel like the high mana/equip cost of the equipment in a Tetsuo deck would be a bit of a problem, though, so any cost reducers like Etherium Sculptor or equip-cheats like Brass Squire would probably be worth looking through. (I see this deck already has Sculptor and a few others, I'm just making a general statement.)

Rocketman988 on Ronin with the Devil

1 year ago

Adding onto that, it also means the deck now has an equipment tutorable extra combat effect which will come in handy. I'm not sure what I will replace for Astor, Bearer of Blades yet, but it might be Brass Squire. I'd like to be able to keep both equip reduction effects if possible, but I'm having a hard time finding a weaker card in the deck.

Blobby_Bobby on The Queen and Her Knights

1 year ago

Oh, and with all the free equipping you have going on Colossus Hammer can be a real beater. Also Brass Squire. Every knight needs a squire!

I'm sure you're aware of Stonehewer Giant, Leonin Abunas and Auriok Windwalker. I'm a real big fan of the Giant in particular. And if you can get haste on the boy? You got yourself a real Hephaestus going.

Lastly Indestructibility is pretty multipurpose, get that one knight to be utterly unstoppable or keep that one Sword of ---/Embercleave mostly safe from removal. Doubtful, but perhaps Darksteel Forge? Though the CMC of that one is so high I doubt it'd be useful unless you're already winning the game anyway. The Forge is really made for those artifact decks.

Wuzibo on Questioning the Iona Banning

2 years ago

Yeah sure. The odds that you draw any 2 cards are low, and monocolored will always struggle vs an iona if they're playing the named color. In a 1v1, when she would be most oppressive, she can be close to a game over and you would need colorless in your deck or it's basically just over.

Those two aren't the only two ways to deal with her though. You can still use o stone or nevvinyrals or even an All Is Dust. There are artifact creatures, vehicles, and equipment you can still be putting out put out to at least be playing, and they fit into different decks Brass Squire and Wurmcoil Engine. Eldrazi can be cast too, and Spine of Ish Sah. You can get out an ornithoper and Darksteel Forge too. In any color. Blightsteel Colossus or Darksteel Colossus is a thing too. Most ramp is colorless and colored mana can be an issue so colorless big creatures that are kind of win cons on their own are pretty good.

She wasn't even that popular prior to the ban, so if she was so strong, why didn't more people run her? It's like blightsteel with haste enablers as a commander just oneshotting. It sounds so strong, but it's not easy to pull off reliably, and if there's a blue player at the table, they might not allow it to resolve if it hits one of their colors. Someone else might deal with it for hitting one of their colors. She might get caught up in a board wipe because someone else is going wide.

1v1 it would be a problem, since then in competitive everyone would have to build around the possibility of iona, which is format warping. But for the vast majority of players out there she was a rare kind of stax piece to play around and blow up to continue the game.

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