Contraband Kingpin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Contraband Kingpin

Creature — Rogue


Whenever an artifact enters the battlefield under your control, scry 1.

Poly_raptor on Mishra, Eminent One | Artifact nonsense

1 year ago


Good question lol.

I did forget about Top, but I’m not someone that ever really plays top, but it could be a good addition.

Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge - I’m not running a heavy amount of creatures and planeswalkers, so giving them affinity seems like it’s a bit so so, because there’s a lot of ramp anyway, the expensive cards are also some of the non-creature artifacts. His abilities are good but he is quite a lot of mana.

Jhoira's Familiar is 4 mana, Etherium Sculptor, Enthusiastic Mechanaut and Cloud Key are cheaper.

In one of the first drafts I was running Contraband Kingpin which is similar to artificers assistant but I cut it because i often found id rather cast other things in hand in the play tests.

Mystic Forge always struck me as a combo card but could be useful I suppose.

Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain is similar to the answer I gave for the Koi, Skyswimmer Koi draws off etb not cast so draws from Mishra’s tokens entering. The other 2 don’t really fit the deck I don’t think?

What would you cut for any of the suggestions?

wolfhead on Modern Doran Company

2 years ago

Oh man well I gotta bring up Aegis Turtle again, I love that card and blue also gets you Sidisi's Faithful, Contraband Kingpin, and Deputy of Detention,

But Concealing Curtains  Flip is sweet, and what feels way back in the day I even ran Disowned Ancestor who was okay in board stalls,

God-Pharaoh's Faithful,

Lagonna-Band Trailblazer is cool with stuff like Shape the Sands,

And hear me out, a card that works great with both tower defense and ensnaring bridge is Ornithopter.

Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive does as well.

Gilded Goose gets sweet as your mana curve gets lower,

Permeating Mass cracks me up if you focus more on assault formation and High Alert, But ive never gotten around to trying it.

And I guess Brokers Initiate is just a strict upgrade to Yoked Ox with her mana sink?

Arboreal grazer is sweet I'd definitely keep him and some harbingers

And I know it's a non-bo with collected company but I gotta make the obligatory statement about how sweet Lingering Souls is with tower defense,

Though is it too slow nowadays even with bridge? Shit I feel old. At least it can chump a giant murktide for a while

Omniscience_is_life on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Haloed Remnant

Creature - Skeleton Angel

Flying, Decayed, Deathtouch, Lifelink


Make a Dimir Aetherborn, a la Contraband Kingpin

MagicMarc on Manaless and Bananaless

3 years ago

You could add cards that you can scry with to bury uncastable things at the top of your library

Mystic Speculation would be a good one since it's repeatable with buyback and adds counters to the bone wand or the reservoir. Or simple straightforward scry card like Crystal Ball

Also, there are various other artifacts to do it with too: Sunset Pyramid, Treasure Map  Flip, Seer's Lantern, and Mazemind Tome.

Or scry with legs like Contraband Kingpin, Sigiled Starfish, and Watchful Automaton.

Finally, there are a couple of Jaces; Jace, Mirror Mage or Jace, Unraveler of Secrets.

Lanzo493 on Wish Dragon

4 years ago

Some cards you can cut are cards that lend themselves to strategies different than what you’re trying to do. I mean strategies like going wide, Efficient Construction, or super friends, The Chain Veil, and artifacts matter, Unwinding Clock and Contraband Kingpin. The more backup strategies you have if your main one fails, the less consistent your deck will be. So look at your cards and ask if they are in there because they help your strategy or do some kind of spin off thing. Ornithopter, Raff Capashen, and Sen Triplets are all good cards but for different decks. Those are my thoughts! Hope you can keep thinning it out

Xynarth on Marcheso, the BBC

4 years ago

Contraband Kingpin, Reckless Fireweaver, Underhanded Designs, Skyscanner Artifact ETB synergy.

Atog, Megatog, Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast, Ravenous Intruder Sacrifice Artifact.

Moriok Rigger, Scrap Trawler, Sly Requisitioner, Summoning Station, Filigree Familiar, Gate to the Afterlife, Dies trigger.

Goblin Welder, Skeleton Shard, Silas Renn, Seeker Adept Recursion.

Animation Module Autre.

Je pense que t'as assez de cartes dans le deck qui profite d'artifacts qui rentre sur le jeu ou qui sont mis dans le graveyard. J'irais pour une synergie encore plus token à cause de cela. Si jamais en plus tu n'es pas sur le Throne, Marchesa pump tout le bord de +1/+1. Ça peut très rapidement dégénéré et tu pourras overwhelm encore plus facilement tes opponents.

En ce qui est de ramp, j'irais avec une liste semblable à ceci:

Sol Ring, Mana Vault, Izzet Signet, Dimir Signet, Rakdos Signet, Arcane Signet, Talisman of Creativity, Talisman of Indulgence, Talisman of Dominance, Wayfarer's Bauble, Chromatic Lantern.

J'inclurais aussi quelques trucs qui ont de la synergie avec le Sacrifice, comme Phyrexian Altar et Phyrexian Tower si t'as le budget.

Sinon, diminuer le coût général des artifacts est toujours winner: Etherium Sculptor, Foundry Inspector.

triproberts12 on Should i go Grixis or …

5 years ago

One thing you could do, if you don't want to flesh out a full 4-5 color manabase, is you could play Ramos, Dragon Engine as your commander. You can build the deck Grixis, and just splash for Smothering Tithe and Vraska, Relic Seeker . The nice thing about Treasure and Gold being your theme is you don't need to play any rocks or lands in white or green to splash. Ramos is even an artifact, in case you want to run an artifact theme with stuff like Contraband Kingpin , Daretti, Scrap Savant , Gonti's Aether Heart , etc.

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