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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature an opponent controls

Whenever enchanted creature becomes tapped, you draw a card.

Necrosis24 on Tap/Untap Adavantage

3 years ago

Well if you want to tap/untap your own creatures the inspired ability goes well, but there are not many worth using. You could also look for cards with similar wording to Renegade Wheelsmith and Stonybrook Schoolmaster.

Otherwise there are a couple cards like Azami, Lady of Scrolls that allows you to tap your own creatures to draw cards and then you could untap and repeat.

If you are targeting your opponent's creatures here are a few cards you could use:

Mtg_Mega_Nerds on Bringing Mana Burn Back

4 years ago

Since you haven't linked your deck in the post, I cannot tell you directly which cards to add. I suggest taking a look at my deck and see what works for you. Betrayal

Epicurus on Double Trouble EDH ⫸PRIMER⫷

4 years ago

Somehow you posted your replies to my comment on my profile rather than on this page. I'm going to delete them, but only because they really don't make any sense there.

You're right about Return of the Wildspeaker. That was an "oh yeah, duh" moment for me. You could always include the straightforward Harmonize and/or Concentrate, or the somewhat slower (but much more powerful) Consecrated Sphinx. However, since you have 30 instants and sorceries, you could get away with Lunar Mystic or The Magic Mirror. Or, a kinda funny way to go about it, hit someone else's mana dork with Betrayal, but that one is only situationally useful and more about the lols.

As for cuts to the ramp, it's really a difficult question from an outsider's perspective. It really comes down to which ones you are least excited about when you draw them. Like Bloom Tender is awesome, but how many colored permanents do you get out early enough for him to really accelerate your game? I might be wrong about that, though, because it's not my deck. Same with Burgeoning. Doesn't seem like it would help you much, and appears to be a dead card if not drawn very early, but I haven't been the one playing the deck. Ditto with Explore. Those would be my choices, but you'd be a better judge. All I know for sure is that you're better off dropping at least 2 from the category, if not 3 or 4.

Anyway, that's all I got (for real this time).

Caerwyn on punishment for tapping / untapping

5 years ago

Did a quick Gatherer search, here are some that have not already been mentioned:

n1ckface on Flicker Morph

5 years ago

Cheap creatures you can play early that trigger everytime you flicker something. Cloudfin Raptor Soul Warden

Just some cheap stuff that maybe helps with card draw you will be blowing through flicker spells. Looter il-Kor Betrayal

Hawk_of_Battle on Metal Gear Solid

6 years ago

How about Betrayal for themes? There's also Secret Plans.

Assault Suit is also Metal Gear-ish.

derpytrollerZ on Got your divers license?

6 years ago

Day's Undoing is more for when you just want to clean reset something IMO. If you're aiming to grind down the opponent by making them run out of resources, it might not be the card for this deck. Magus of the Mind requires a bit of work, but if you're playing low cost things over multiple turns, it won't be as effective. Pyrite Spellbomb isn't really that strong imo. 2 mana for either a card draw or 2 damage. If you need damage, just go for something like Abrade. If you need card draw, go for something like Betrayal Sure, you can do both with pyrite, but it just isn't really the most effective at either. Universal Solvent is way too high cost. There are better things out unless you're just using that as a low cost drop to activate abilities. Jaya's Immolating Inferno Could be better than Comet Storm depending on how much you're kicking comet storm. Cyclonic Rift is also a good card for this deck, but i'm pretty sure you've probably considered it and cut it for whatever reason. Hypersonic Dragon can also help if you're needing faster responses with sorceries. Muddle the Mixture can also help as a counter spell and a tutor at the same time. Other than that, i can't really think of anything. I could recommend more if you splash black but i think this deck is fine with 2 colors.

Podkomorka on Pauper EDH Deck Compendium

6 years ago

@wraya2 I recall some removal that hits tapped creatures. Betrayal, Excoriate, Select for Inspection, Sheer Drop, Stonybrook Schoolmaster, Theft of Dreams. You can run creatures with Inspired to reap their abilities.

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