Augury Owl

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Augury Owl

Creature — Bird


When Augury Owl enters the battlefield, scry 3. (To scry 3, look at the top three cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)

capwner on Oath of the Birdwatch

6 months ago

Gaea's Cradle / Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip?

Also I want more birds. Keeper of the Nine Gales, Augury Owl, Commander Eesha, Thieving Magpie, Ledger Shredder, Emeria Angel, Wingmate Roc, Suntail Hawk, Thrummingbird, Soulcatchers' Aerie, Airborne Aid just some ideas

Enduring Ideal with Dovescape is a classic

Spitting Image is a cool card I forgot about that one.

Overall cool list, lots of interesting cards. Like I said I'd like to see more bird stuff since the deck seems to be more about flavor than being super competitive, plus low cost flyers synergize well with Derevi!

azja on yuriko edh 500

11 months ago

Hey thanks again for your comments on my primer :)

A few suggestions I have:

  1. Replace 2 mana enablers with weak/no abilities (such as Dimir Infiltrator and Gurmag Swiftwing) with 1 mana enablers (like Gudul Lurker) or stronger 2 mana enablers (i.e., Baleful Strix, Augury Owl).

  2. Replace 3 mana ramp (like Basalt Monolith, Dimir Locket) with 2 mana ramp (i.e., Dimir Signet or Talisman of Dominance).

  3. Soft permission spells such as Spell Pierce and Mana Leak are usually weak in budget/lower-powered pods because the games go longer. Some potential replacements could be Misdirection, Drown in the Loch.

  4. Cancel, Murder, Hero's Downfall, Perplex, Connive / Concoct and Rite of Undoing seem quite weak to me. Some budget-friendly cards I like that you might want to play are Curtains' Call, Portent, Far / Away, Discovery / Dispersal, Submerge, and Murderous Cut.

Good luck in your tournament!

DemonDragonJ on Don't Blink, or You'll Miss It!

1 year ago

I have replaced Crystal Ball and The Immortal Sun with Inspiring Overseer and Loran of the Third Path, which, for some reason, increased this deck's average converted mana cost from 3.41 to 3.42, but I still am glad that I did that, since The Immortal Sun does not suit the theme of this deck, and Augury Owl is better than Crystal Ball in this deck.

DemonDragonJ on Don't Blink, or You'll Miss It!

1 year ago

I have replaced Skyward Eye Prophets with Augury Owl, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.53 to 3.41, which is very nice, because, as great as the prophets were, they did not fit with the overall theme of this deck, whereas the owl does.

DemonDragonJ on Is Vizier of the Menagerie …

1 year ago

One user has voted in favor of removing the vizier, but two have voted in favor of keeping it in, so I shall keep it, unless another user votes in favor of removing it; I actually am looking for a reason to put Augury Owl into that deck, so I wonder if there is another creature that I could remove, instead?

zachz on Problem, Officer?

1 year ago

I love this idea.

There's a roundabout way to maneuver unwanted cards out of your way on your library, using Mindshrieker. It's at instant speed, and while you can use it for attacking/blocking, you can self-mill to cut out an unwanted card you foresaw with Index.

Having a Cloudfin Raptor would also quickly become an annoyance for your opponents, as it is an early game flyer that grows as you do, and if your opponent kills it, easy fodder for your Stitched Drake.

Quick flyers with card draw include Sage Owl, Augury Owl, and Palace Familiar. I'm suggesting a lot of birds. If you do add more birds to the deck, you can use Airborne Aid for card draw. It's a tough sell, but Monastery Flock is a higher CMC alternative to Fog Bank that benefits as a bird?

Only Instant I can think of for this would be Deluge.

Lastly this doesn't help with card draw or advantage, but Flood would control your opponent until the Leviathan showed up. Best of luck!

SithLord on Birb Storm

2 years ago

There are very few birds to be found here. Odd, because this is a tribal bird theme deck. You aren't even running Maskwood Nexus or Arcane Adaptation

So here are some birds I found that would be fun to play:

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician

Augury Owl

Arctic Aven

Falcon Abomination

Aetherstorm Roc

Apex Hawks

Aven Brigadier !!!!!

Aven Gagglemaster

Aven Mindcensor

Aven Squire

Aven Wind Guide

Bay Falcon

Celestial Gatekeeper !

Airborne Aid !

Battle Screech !

Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle !

Steel-Plume Marshal !

Emeria Angel

Judge's Familiar

Skycat Sovereign

Cloudchaser Kestrel

Healer's Hawk

Esior, Wardwing Familiar

Skyway Robber

River Hoopoe

Donal, Herald of Wings

Whippoorwill an exile for so little the cost

Storm Crow why isn't this here?

Spire Owl cheap, but nice

Jubilant Skybonder

Sephara, Sky's Blade this hits the field by turn 4 for 1 white mana!

Ledger Shredder badass name and badass ability

Cartographer's Hawk a fun card that empties your deck of plains

Watcher of the Spheres dude

Flurry of Wings and Settle the Wreckage There is so much fun to be had

Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker_ look at this scawwwwww _ Warden of Evos Isle not needed, but nice for making 5 mana birds cost less

Empyrean Eagle lord

Kangee, Sky Warden all it takes is one 1/1 bird token to scwwwaaa

Kangee, Aerie Keeper you can't run one bird and not have any feathers ay?

Shabraz, the Skyshark its a sharknado

Wingmate Roc the best wingman

High Sentinels of Arashin use your mana ramp to buff your army

Nimble Obstructionist _a tale's end _

Cloudfin Raptor

Emeria Angel dude

Soulcatchers' Aerie

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

Hey @Spirits, sorry for taking so long to get back to you! You asked such detailed questions, so I wanted to make sure I had time to write out detailed answers :D

Karn's Temporal Sundering vs Capture of Jingzhou:

Like you said, just a budget consideration. Yuriko is my pet deck so I don’t use any proxies, but I highly encourage it for others! While the bounce effect of Karn's Temporal Sundering is nice, I’m thinking of replacing it with Time Warp or just cutting it altogether for Treasure Cruise.


Since I don’t have any combos, I’m all in on the Yuriko damage plan. So having an enabler at all times is much more crucial for me, which is why I play 15 of them. Comparing my list to others, it seems 15 is on the higher end, so you could probably get away with cutting a couple. You’re correct about Tormented Soul, it can’t be pitched to Force of Will, as well as the mana base being more blue-heavy. As for the flying enablers, they’re included for redundancy (since there aren’t 15 unblockable 1-drops). It’s pretty rare for every opponent to have a flying/reach blocker, and we don’t really care who we attack, so flying does a pretty good impression of unblockable. Plus, many of them have relevant abilities, especially Faerie Seer’s scry 2 and Wingcrafter which can give Yuriko flying. If you’re mainly trying to win with combo, I wouldn’t play any of the 2 mana enablers except Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive. But don’t underestimate Augury Owl in the “winning with big spells” shell!

Kaito Shizuki

I haven’t tried him out yet, so I’m also unsure whether he makes the cut. Normally I wouldn’t consider playing a planeswalker, since we’re not very good at blocking to keep them around for longer than one turn. But with Kaito, we’re guaranteed 2 activations since he phases out eot, so I think he’s worth testing out for sure.


I think the wincons you described are all totally viable. Most of the cEDH Yuriko lists win with Thassa's Oracle + Demonic Consultation or Tainted Pact since it’s only 2 cards and 3-4 mana (and tough to interact with outside of counterspells). Doomsday is significantly weaker than fish-consul, but its also a reasonable win-con. It’s convenient that cards that would go in the doomsday pile such as Gitaxian Probe and Street Wraith are already good cards for the deck anyway. When I first built this deck, I didn’t include doomsday for power level considerations. Now, I doubt doomsday would be too powerful for my playgroup to handle, but I decided to leave it out since I prefer to win with Yuriko’s ability.

Scheming Symmetry

Scheming symmetry is pretty much my budget replacement for Imperial Seal until we get a reprint. It’s true that you can do some cute plays with Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion or Fallen Shinobi. But most of the time, I save it until someone is below 16 life, choose them to tutor with me, put Draco on top of my library, and eliminate them before they can use the card they grabbed.


I’m a big fan of Mutavault since it allows me to rebuild a turn earlier after a boardwipe, or just to have an extra ninja that usually goes unnoticed by your opponents. Unfortunately, colourless lands are really, really awkward in this deck, so I wouldn’t play more than 1 or 2 at the most.

Drowned Catacomb, etc.

Since I’m currently playing 10 basics, I usually don’t have any problems with Drowned Catacomb and Sunken Hollow entering tapped. As for Mystic Sanctuary, it definitely sucks when you draw it and have to play it as a tapped island. But, imo it makes up for it in the late game when you can grab it with a fetch land and put an expensive spell on top of your library in response to a Yuriko trigger. If you’re including Tainted Pact, or just playing less basics in general, I would definitely cut those lands for City of Brass or River of Tears, like you mentioned.

Colourless Mana

I touched on this a bit in the Mutavault discussion, but you definitely want to stay away from colourless lands as much as possible. Although Ancient Tomb and Gemstone Caverns are really powerful lands in a vacuum, the early mana they provide isn’t worth it imo. I definitely agree with you that Reliquary Tower is a trap. I wouldn’t play it in very many decks in general, especially not in Yuriko. As for Glacial Chasm and Maze of Ith, they aren’t played enough in my playgroup for me to need an answer for them. But if they did become more popular, my plan would likely be to cut Mutavault and include Strip Mine/Wasteland instead.

I hope everything I explained made sense and was helpful to ya! Don’t hesitate to ask me more questions!

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