Mogis's Marauder

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mogis's Marauder

Creature — Human Berserker

When Mogis's Marauder enters the battlefield, up to X target creatures each gain intimidate and haste until end of turn, where X is your devotion to black. (Each {B} in the mana costs of permanents you control counts towards your devotion to black.)

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater

3 months ago


I've had my eye on a couple of those cards for a while, with the main drawback being that I'm broke. Most of the expensive cards you see I either traded for or pulled from packs. I'm currently trying to get my hands on a Dauthi Voidwalker and I'm looking to try and get the new tutor with Spree from Outlaws, but I'll keep my eyes out for the others you recommended.

This used to be a Anje Falkenrath Precon that I switched over to K'rrik and slowly upgraded over the years, you can still see a few echoes of that, with In Garruk's Wake being one of the last. I never really had a reason to remove it because it got me out of a couple jams but its been on my cutting list for a while if I can get my hands on one of the cards I'm looking for.

I think you're overestimating how much this deck relies on devotion. Tymaret, Chosen from Death and Mogis's Marauder are basically always online just by playing the deck. I've never really had a position where Sanguimancy was a dead draw because of devotion levels, it was more from immediately after a board wipe or when I was low on life, its a bit more niche but I think its a worthwhile include for the wins it can pull by just drawing 10+ cards. And Gary and Nykthos are just really good cards that are efficient even at low devotion levels.

Thanks for the feedback. About the CMC and lack of graveyard hate, its mostly shaped by my specific LGS. I basically never run into graveyards that need hating, and there is a lot higher emphasis on getting threats down early to avoid being overwhelmed. Plus, I'm a bit of a timmy so its hard for me to resist big splashy spells that I can use K'rrik to cheat out early.

TheVectornaut on Mono-Black Budget

1 year ago

Based on the profile name, description, and seeming inaccuracy of the price stated, I'm guessing this is an AI-based account. Still, I do like budget black decks like this. On the off chance that a human reads this, I'll offer some advice from my experience. First, there's no real reason to be running Gravecrawler here with no other zombies. Something like Dread Wanderer, Bloodsoaked Champion, or Cult Conscript could serve a similar role for much cheaper. On the draw side, Necropotence could be Phyrexian Arena or Midnight Oil, but I really like Blood Scrivener and Asylum Visitor for refilling from empty. For removal, cards like Sinister Concoction and Bone Shards can take advantage of creatures that return from the grave while Bone Picker offers an evasive threat and answer for cheap. For finishers, I like Mogis's Marauder or Foul-Tongue Shriek for a lot of matchups and Gray Merchant of Asphodel for others.

BishopAtavist on Things That Are Not

1 year ago

multimedia I'll definitely keep an eye on those areas. Brave the Sands was already on my watch list for potential things to cut. I already have a Satyr Wayfinder, so I'll go ahead and swap that in. I cut it from an early version of the deck when I was averse to self-mill. Nothing felt worse than milling only instants and sorceries into the yard and not even getting a land out of the deal.

In fact, I'll probably swap in all of those suggestions except I'm going to push back on Ghoultree and Dream Devourer. You're probably right about DD, but I like the idea of putting away a Living Death for an opportune moment. And Ghoultree feels like an easy way to drop a 10/10 for one mana fairly early in the game if I've been dredging well.

I'll look at Ramp too. I know I keep giving the same defense of "when my Fauna Shaman engine is running", but that's another situation where, when it works, I'm playing two lands EVERY turn, no questions asked.

This may be a dumb question, but I ask it in all sincerity: what am I hoping to draw that would keep me relevant in the game, especially if I'm cutting removal cards like Putrefy?

Truthfully, I don't see myself mutating Nethroi more than once per game, so I've been trying to focus on how to just end the game in that reanimation. My ideal situation would be to mutate onto Hydra Omnivore, recur Mogis's Marauder, use Yannik, Scavenging Sentinel to exile Karmic Guide and a big creature like Ghoultree to give enough +1/+1 counters to the Commander to end the game with commander damage for each player, since Omnivore deals damage to each player equal to the damage dealt to defending player. To better achieve that goal, I was considering swapping out Giant Ankheg for Archetype of Endurance since it grants all my creatures Trample. It only gives my creatures Ward 2 instead of hexproof but it might be worth the trade off if I can end the game right there... is that crazy? Am I putting too much stock in my ideal situation?

multimedia on Things That Are Not

1 year ago

Nice discoveries of Mogis's Marauder and Songs of the Damned. Well done, you've added a creative creature combo to use with Scourge of the Skyclaves in your graveyard by reanimating Mogis's Marauder.

If you want to be more competitive with current low budget then think more about the areas of deck building to take advantage of Nethroi as Commander? For some improvements expand on the three most important areas?

  • Self-mill and other ways to get creatures into your graveyard.
  • A combination of creatures to reanimate with Nethroi that wins the game.
  • Ramp to cast 7 mana Nethroi.

In the simplest terms these are the three areas to consider improving. Consider dedicating more deck spots to each of these areas? Out of these three areas you've greatly improved the second one, creatures who are reanimated to win the game. Next, make it easier to get those creatures into your graveyard to reanimate them?

Sources of repeatable self-mill that's not dredge can be helpful. The problem with dredge is you want more draw to have cards in your hand to make up for replacing draw to dredge. Repeatable self-mill that happens at your upkeep then lets you draw for the turn. On low budget I wouldn't play less than 12 sources of self-mill/other ways to get creatures into your graveyard, it's important with Nethroi.

None of the cards I'm suggesting to cut are particularly good with strategies here. Archfiend's Vessel is interesting, but you can only use it once, that's not good enough when reanimation is a main strategy here. Faeburrow Elder is more ramp that can tap for two mana, but if you control a black permanent then it can tap for three mana. It also has 0 power.

BishopAtavist on Abzan Graveyard Recursion Help

1 year ago

I ended up cutting Crop Rotation for Songs of the Damned for a more explosive one time effect. Also, multimedia your comment about haste got me thinking and I discovered Mogis's Marauder which would make for an insane recursion event with Nethroi or with Living Death. Thanks again for all the feedback!

StoryArcher on This (mono-black) deck is SO …

2 years ago

This deck is so much freaking fun to play, especially if you like old-school 'fair' type decks. Just love how interactive it is.

I haven't played much since the pandemic hit (do people actually still play Modern?), so I haven't had a chance to really review the newer sets - can anyone offer suggestions on how the deck can be improved, particularly with regards to the side-board? It's balanced pretty well right now with a smooth-as-silk mana curve.

Keeping in mind the amount of life-gain in this deck, some of the cards I've been tinkering with (to replace Tymaret, Chosen from Death) are a one-of Killing Wave, Collective Brutality, Essence Harvest, Stain the Mind, Dismember and Torment of Hailfire. Creature-wise I'm also thinking a one-of Mogis's Marauder as a sort of timely finisher or a Nightmare Shepherd.

Would Gatekeeper of Malakir be an improvement on Geralf's Messenger here? I feel like between the hand destruction, all the deathtouch and the set of Murderous Rider I don't actually need that much more creature removal, especially if my opponent gets to choose who goes.

I played around with tossing in a couple of Bojuka Bog or Leechridden Swamp but it seems like any lands coming in tapped (especially early) messed with my flow. Thoughts on that?

Regarding sideboard, do I need a better means of dealing with Artifacts or Land? If so, what would you suggest?

Merchant, Messenger, Murderer

Modern StoryArcher


Gomoomog on Rats off to ya!

3 years ago

If you were ok splashing green instead of blue then you could use Bloodbond March which would be killer. Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Mogis's Marauder would be a good win condition with all of your rats out. And if you wanted to switch out Rat Colony for Relentless Rats it would help with devotion but it wouldn't let you bring back Pack Rat or Piper of the Swarm.

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