Serra the Benevolent

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Serra the Benevolent

Legendary Planeswalker — Serra

+2: Creatures you control with flying get +1/+1 until end of turn.

-3: Create a 4/4 white Angel creature token with flying and vigilance.

-6: You get an emblem with "If you control a creature, damage that would reduce your life total to less than 1 reduces it to 1 instead."

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

6 months ago

TheForsakenOne unfortunately this is true, however I could see another Commander Planeswalker set where Dack is at the helm. Similarly to how Serra is dead but we got a card for her with Serra the Benevolent

Icbrgr on Angelic Elspeth

1 year ago

So I just got done watching Aether Hub's latest content regarding what happened to Elspeth in March of the Machines.... personally I love it... I also wanna think that this was all possible due to Serra the Benevolent's old pre-mending planswalker magic. I think some could interpret this as being cheap/silly story writing but it kinda just works for me overall as a whole.

Although its not over yet... I think this story arch has been overall satisfying and I'm pretty pleased with it.

Does everyone think that this newfound power/transformation is permanent or just temporary for stopping the phyrexians?

Courtesy links:

Elspeth Transforms

Archangel Eslpeth CRASHES Norn's Victory

Icbrgr on I still don't understand why …

1 year ago

I like planswalkers personally... %90 of the decks that I brew that are not just netdecked or a tribal deck are usually built around a planswalker and there abilities... I just find that kind of deck building to more fun and can lead to some interesting things. Serra the Benevolent is my personal favorite example of this that I've done.

But I will say I can definitely see why there is room to complain about them...because of there existence it's very much so a case of if your deck strategy can use one then why wouldn't you?

  • they are something else to fuel delerium/Tarmogoyf.

  • war of the spark made some into global enchantment effects by having static abilities in addition to an activated loyalty ability.

  • they are a resource lightning rod by either demanding removal or act as a pseudo lifegain by drawing attackers.

  • in addition to a sorcery speed effect/ability which usually gives value by itself... something like Jace, the Mind Sculptor also just wins you the game if ignored.

Icbrgr on Serra's Descendants, competitive Angel Tribal

1 year ago

I'm a sucker for tribal decks in general and angels are just awesome.

A neat tech option could be Chancellor of the Annex to slow down some hyper aggressive strategies... besides that I feel like Serra the Benevolent needs to be here in some capacity.... mana for a Serra Angel that leaves a planswalker behind to then Glorious Anthem if she survives seems strong in angel tribal... at least the flavor is hard to resist lol (but I have my own personal bias I just love Serra).

Icbrgr on Modern Benevolence

1 year ago

@9-lives thank you for the kind words!

This deck is a passion project to be focused on Serra the Benevolent and thats why I'm running her at 3 copies. I know she isn't competitive but she is the focal point of the deck and the general brewing inspiration for my card choices.

playing a Serra Angel for mana that leaves a planswalker behind to Glorious Anthem with if she survives is very meh for Modern but im doing my best to have it work; even the Worship emblem isn't exactly an automatic win but sometimes it works and feels extremely satisfying.

I really wanted to have more burn spells in this list initially and ran a full playset of Lightning Helix in the mainboard but recently abandoned it altogether... as you were saying if I dropped the planswalkers and was more aggressive helix would come back; but with my decks gameplan I feel like I needed to have more for sideboard hate/removal because my LGS plays pretty powerful decks and its hard for a deck like mine to compete... currently is in here for Lightning Bolt for being a mainboard clock or essential removal for Goblin and aggro/prowess and a means to meaningfully interact with some opponents mana bases with Alpine Moon.

KBK7101 on Glorious Angels

1 year ago

Hello and welcome back to the game! Commander is definitely the best format for the game these days (in my opinion, anyway) and Giada is one of the best commanders printed this past year. Great choice!

You can definitely tweak this deck to be a lot smoother, and none of my suggestions will be terribly expensive (which is a subjective term, I know).

Recommended cuts:

Recommended additions:

Oblation and Swords to Plowshares for some more removal. Oblation can also be used on your stuff, either to protect it by shuffling it into the deck or just to draw some cards.

I have a Rule 0 commander deck featuring Serra the Benevolent as commander. While not exactly the same, it can be pretty close to what Giada wants to do.(Rule 0 meaning "Hey guys, would it be okay if I bend the rules and play this? If not, it's cool. I'll use Lyra Dawnbringer instead.") Here's the link if you would like to check it out for some other ideas/inspirations.

(RULE 0) Serra the Benevolent - Song of All (v1.4)

On a similar note, the user Guerric has a fantastic Giada deck on here that I'm pretty sure is the highest rated one. His deck would probably offer much better advice/insight than mind could. His deck is below. (Hope you don't mind me putting you on the spot like this!)

[Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

That's all I have for now. Hopefully this helps some!

KBK7101 on Glorious Angels

1 year ago

Hello and welcome back to the game! Commander is definitely the best format for the game these days (in my opinion, anyway) and Giada is one of the best commanders printed this past year. Great choice!

You can definitely tweak this deck to be a lot smoother, and none of my suggestions will be terribly expensive (which is a subjective term, I know).

Recommended cuts:

Recommended additions:

Oblation and Swords to Plowshares for some more removal. Oblation can also be used on your stuff, either to protect it by shuffling it into the deck or just to draw some cards.

I have a Rule 0 commander deck featuring Serra the Benevolent as commander. While not exactly the same, it can be pretty close to what Giada wants to do.(Rule 0 meaning "Hey guys, would it be okay if I bend the rules and play this? If not, it's cool. I'll use Lyra Dawnbringer instead.") Here's the link if you would like to check it out for some other ideas/inspirations.

(RULE 0) Serra the Benevolent - Song of All (v1.4)

On a similar note, the user Guerric has a fantastic Giada deck on here that I'm pretty sure is the highest rated one. His deck would probably offer much better advice/insight than mind could. His deck is below. (Hope you don't mind me putting you on the spot like this!)

[Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

That's all I have for now. Hopefully this helps some!

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