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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Counter target spell unless its controller pays . Scry 2. (To scry 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)

Balaam__ on Colossus Anew

3 months ago

Nice creature cheat build. I’d very much recommend playing regular old Counterspell over either Condescend or Dissolve. Scry is nice, but Counterspell is simply more reliable to cast. Otherwise, this looks like a fun time!

unstable_anomaly on All My X’s Live in the Hive Nexus

2 years ago

If you didn't wanna run any of the infinites Seedborn Muse would still be incredibly powerful with any of the instant speed draw spells (Blue Sun's Zenith / Commander's Insight / Diviner's Portent / Drown in Dreams / Even the Score / Pull from Tomorrow / Stroke of Genius). Could easily draw the whole deck for a Thassa's Oracle / Laboratory Maniac / Jace, Wielder of Mysteries win.

Also pairs really well with all the X cost counterspells Condescend / Syncopate / Power Sink / Logic Knot / Clash of Wills.

Just some more food for thought.

Spell_Slam on

2 years ago

The biggest issue with running Tron lands with your card choices is all the coloured costs. Boomerang, Counterspell, Cyclops, and Entity all have double coloured requirements, which will make it hard for you to cast more than 1-2 spells a turn before the late game.

You can either need some filtering lands (like Cave of Temptation), or make some substitutions that will help make your cards more castable. Counterspell could be a mix of Counterspell and Condescend, for example. Boomerang is probably a good cut entirely. Maybe Repeal could be good?

In terms of formatting on TappedOut, If you want to explain card choices within the deck itself, you can create custom categories. In the deck editing window, you can add a category like #Card Draw, then putting all the cards of that category underneath it. Just separate your categories with paragraphs.

Guerric on Mizzix schmizzix

2 years ago

Hi Lord_of_Cardboard! I've been playing Mizzix for many years, and she is still actually both a budget-friendly and over-powered commander at the same time when played correctly. I have a few expensive cards in my deck (mostly free counterspells to ease the early game), but if you took maybe five pricey and unnecessary cards out it would be around the same budget as yours.

The key to Mizzix, as Josh Lee Kwai pointed out when it was spoiled, is playing mostly spells and playing lots of X-Spells. The rule of thumb for Mizzix is that Syncopate is better than Counterspell every time. Because X-spells can be cast for any amount, we can always add more and more counters on Mizzix. If I counter a spell with Syncopate where x=5 and I have five experience counters, I'll pay only a but will get another counter because the cmc is higher. When I then turn around and cast Pull from Tomorrow for I'll draw six cards and add yet another experience counter. In this way you can always add more and more experience counters and draw your deck for ridiculously low mana costs, and get to your wincon. You have a few of these, but a lot more really makes the deck unstoppable.

The original precon was called Seize Control, and that is also one of the best directions for the deck, namely, playing lots of counterspells and shutting down all of your opponents' powerful plays. In addition to Syncopate we have Condescend, Clash of Wills, and Mindswipe, and while they aren't X-Spells Sublime Epiphany and Mystic Confluence can often increase counters while giving you flexibility. You have a lot of the other X-spell counterspells like Power Sink which are great and you should keep, and without the free spells it is also probably good to play good old Arcane Denial and the like for the very early game. You have most of the Blue Sun's Zenith clones, which are also really great and help with the counters.

Personally, I'd recommend cutting on creatures for more spells, which get the most out of Mizzix. I hate hard-casting anything for more than 3cmc, because I always need to have as much mana open as possible to police the board on my opponents' turns. I'd recommend cutting the splashy creatures like Niv Mizzet and even the token generators like Young Pyromancer as they just distract you from your focus on controlling the board. Reiterate (which you have) plus Turnabout is the best way to win and is easily tutorable. Once you have infinite mana you can just win with Earthquake, Rolling Earthquake, or Jaya's Immolating Inferno. In order to avoid dying to the former and having to worry about blockers (so you can cheat on creatures) you really want to get Glacial Chasm, as well as a couple of ways to tutor it (I play Expedition Map and Tolaria West).

This is just my advice, but I've definitely found the deck consistent and oppressive, and I avoid playing it too much to avoid demoralizing my opponents!

My deck is here if you're curious-

Mizzix puts the "X" in Excellence!

Commander / EDH Guerric


lagotripha on ObNoxious Miracles

3 years ago

I know that I've seen Counterbalance lists in legacy miracles, but the wider CMC variety in modern right now means its likely to fall flat.

You could look for some real value from things like Artificer's Assistant, Treasure Map  Flip or Marit Lage's Slumber which offer repeated scry. All of them need support, but it'll offer more reliable access to miracle payoffs.

Condescend's scry is also a major upside.

Icbrgr on Is Grixis Control Weak/Bad in …

3 years ago

I for one have my hopes for prismari command and would love to see grixis do good things with it (what you said sounds pretty good to me)....the only other countermagic i highly recommend to people that you didnt mention is good ol' Mana Leak ... much like Condescend its super generic/mana base friendly and is an allstar early-mid game.... a newer sweeper that I came across while playing MTGA is Storm's Wrath ... the fact that it catches walkers too seems like it could be pretty good?... never thought of silumgar as an option but honestly that seems pretty legit!

Cruel Ultimatum is definitely too slow for Modern in any competitive environment.... Unless the meta became Naya Zoo for some reason and Grixis control could just do whatever it wanted... I just Run Ultimatum because its Cruel Edict + Three Tragedies + Lava Axe + Raise Dead + Concentrate + Soothing Balm + Exile opponents soul.... It's my favorite card and got the playmat to match ;)

I was just wondering why when I looked into what SERIOUS Grixis control looks like nowadays it hasn't topped any events in so many years... That kinda bugs/concerns me way more that Ultimatum being obsoleted.... unfortunatly it just sounds like + splash whatever other color is just a case of "anything grixis can do I can do better" from the sounds of this thread.... oh well maybe someday Grixis Control will get what it needs to be a presence in the competitive landscape.

TriusMalarky on Is Grixis Control Weak/Bad in …

3 years ago

If you're running Grixis Bad Control, you should definitely wait until Strixhaven its and run 3-4 copies of Prismari command. The plan is to cast it on your opponent's end step turn 3, and either kill a creature/artifact if they have it, or double loot to make sure you have the right cards. Then you get the treasure, and you can drop your big boi a turn earlier.

Otherwise, if you're going Bad, you need to make sure you have the right interaction. Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, Fatal Push and Lightning Bolt are key. Also, I really recommend some form of 2-mana counterspell, largely Condescend . Remand is okay but it really depends on the quality of your top end. You should also run some suite of 1-mana countermagic, largely Spell Snare , but that depends on what you end up seeing. You definitely have enough between Snare, Spell Pierce , Miscast , Dispel , and Mystical Dispute that you can run several in the SB and also be able to switch your whole SB around depending on your meta.

Terminate is fine, too.

On wraths, Anger is great. But if you want anything bigger, Languish or Ritual of Soot are what you should run.

On wincons, I feel Ultimatum is too slow for Modern. You want 6-drops at most, like Dragonlord Silumgar or Inferno/Grave Titan. Additionally, cards like Niv-Mizzet, Parun , The Scarab God , Keranos, God of Storms , Enter the God-Eternals , Ashiok, Nightmare Muse , etc. are great, as you can go Prismari into t4 Keranos.

I'd recommend a couple Keranos and a couple Silumgar, actually.

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