Chief Engineer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chief Engineer

Creature — Vedalken Artificer

Artifact spells you cast have convoke. (Your creatures can help cast those spells. Each creature you tap while casting an artifact spell pays or one mana of that creature's colour.)

shadeslayerx22 on Bluesteel Aggro

2 years ago

List is fun, but it seems like once you run out of gas you don't have a great way to refuel. Thought Monitor is a great card advantage card that you can still run out aggressively with some Etherium Sculptors or Chief Engineers, on top of still fitting into your critical density of artifact creatures.

SquatchBearPig on

2 years ago

Molten Birth? Or maybe Siege-Gang Commander in place of Dragon Fodder.

Also, I'm building a similar deck and feeling like I need some ways to take advantage of all the tokens and am considering things like Inspiring Statuary, Chief Engineer, or Obelisk of Urd

multimedia on

3 years ago

Hey, nice budget upgrade so far of the precons.

It looks like you've mixed the Osgir precon with the Breya precon which is interesting. Osgir kind of has some negative synergy with Breya or Silas as Commander because Osgir's best ability is to exile an artifact from your graveyard. With Breya and Silas you want to take advantage of being able to reanimate/recur artifacts meaning you don't want to exile them from your graveyard. Akiri has nice interaction with Osgir because he makes token copies of artifacts that make Akiri bigger. In saying this if you want to better utilize Osgir then play Akiri/Silas as Commanders.

Osgir's exile ability is powerful, but it doesn't go with Breya therefore in my opinion Osgir is out of place. I play budget Breya and not Akiri/Silas thus I may have some bias, but these Commanders seem very different in gameplay. With Akiri/Silas attacking seems important, using Commander damage as a source of winning and value. Breya is less about attacking with her and more about using her ability sacing artifacts for modes for value to control the game. Breya's best strength as Commander is being a win condition combo piece with the two Thopters she creates.

With Breya as Commander I would play Silas in the 99 because he's an artifact, but not Akiri. With Akiri/Silas I would play Breya in the 99 because she's an artifact who's three artifacts for four mana. Akiri/Silas want evasion to be able to do as much combat Commander damage therefore I would include more budget artifacts to give them evasion:

You don't really want these with Breya instead budget combo pieces:

All these Commander choices are better with less creatures and more artifacts. Lots of creatures is not what you want unless they're artifact creatures because all these Commanders abilities are only good with artifacts. 40 creatures is a lot of creatures for any Commander deck that's not tribal like Elves. Consider cutting creatures for more artifacts?

There are some exceptions here for nonartifact creatures:

Whirler Rogue seems very good with Akiri/Silas to make either or both unblockable, but is subpar with Breya. You could cut all the others that I didn't name for artifacts or other cards.

Some cards to consider cutting to get to 99:

I offer more advice. Would you like more advice? Good luck with deck.

Dormin53 on Sakashima + Armix [[Dimir Partner]]

4 years ago


Ornithopter is a free artifact creature drop. It synergies earlier game with Mox Opal, Chief Engineer and, Armix, Filigree Thrasher. Mid to late game it can be used with Vedalken Archmage for a free trigger. Always having a target to pull back with Scrap Trawler trigger and lastly free sacrifice fodder for either Reshape/Kuldotha Forgemaster.

Thanks for the question, do you have a replacement/suggestion?

kdglenny on Token-Clad

4 years ago

Shimmer Myr for instant speed shenanigans and Chief Engineer to ramp

Rorolith on Clock of Golem Turbine

4 years ago

I think you may be going overboard on the ramp. Chief Engineer, Etherium Sculptor, Vedalken Engineer, and Springleaf Drum. You could try cutting most of your ramp cards to add control cards like Ensnaring Bridge maybe? Thought Erasure will allow you to dig for the pieces you need while still disrupting your opponent. Fabricate will just outright get you your combo pieces, so it might be worth running at least a couple.

wallisface on Artifact shit show

4 years ago

Ok, here's my suggestion, using lands and then just the cards you've listed above here:

Now, this is probably the best you can build from what you have shown here. But there are improvements you can then work towards, as a lot of these cards aren't optimal. And depending on the format, some aren't legal (for instance, Counterspell isn't modern legal). I think the following would be a good place to start a decent shell to start a stronger deck from:

From that, you could start working towards something like this, in the longer term (most the additions are pretty cheap and affordable cards):

Hope this helps!! :)

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