Back to Nature

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Back to Nature


Destroy all enchantments.

Apollo_Paladin on Golgari Knights

1 year ago

This seems like a creature beatdown kind of a strategy more than anything, so I don't think those 4x Penregon Besieged are doing much for you here. Perpetual effects are neat, but there is MUCH better control than this available.

If enchantment builds are what you find you're weakest to, drop those Penregons and put in some Assassin's Trophys and/or some Back to Natures that will help you manage them better. Dropping your own enchantments to make room makes Back to Nature particularly appealing, especially in Best of 3's.

Either way, +1 just for seeing another Arena player on here. Go ahead an add me if you ever feel like talking dech tech, or running some test games, or whatever. (Info is on my profile)

Hope this helps! Cheers!

RiotRunner789 on Lands vs Enchantments

2 years ago

Any commander with green and white could do with green being more important for mass enchantment removal.

Cards to consider: Aura of Silence, Bane of Progress, Aura Shards, Aura Mutation, Allay, Aura Blast, Farewell, Austere Command, Back to Nature, Calming Verse, Cleansing Nova, Heliod's Intervention and Cleanfall.

If course the best enchantment removal is Disenchant.

Batman18 on

2 years ago

Damping Sphere? It also doesn't hose your cards during your opponent's turn so your Veil of Summer will still be 1 green and not 3 colorless and a green. Leyline of Sanctity? Pithing Needle? Naturalize, Nature's Claim,or Back to Nature,Disenchant, maybe some Oblivion Ringlike effects. Cut Rest in Peace unless your meta is graveyard heavy. Why are you running Secure the Wastes in the sideboard?

RiotRunner789 on Tovolar's pack

3 years ago

I would cut Tibalt's Trickery and Back to Nature. Unless your meta is really enchantment heavy, it's a big feel bad to have to blow up your own Asceticism. If enchantments are big, try Calming Verse instead.

Your limited creature removal is a bit heavy (too many fight mechanics). Keep the best and cut at least 2.

Also, 31 creatures is a lot. I would trim down to 25-28 personally but you should cut at least 2. Try concentrating more on cards that protect your commander (and thus your main draw engine).

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Green does actually have wraths, but they typically lean toward the eradication of artifacts / enchantments, or creatures with flying (for some dumb reason). Back to Nature, Calming Verse, Creeping Corrosion, Essence Filter, Glyph of Reincarnation if you can set it up properly, Hush, Multani's Decree, Primeval Light, Rampage of the Clans, Reverent Silence (Honestly an overpowered card in certain groups), Seeds of Innocence, Serene Heart, Tranquil Domain, Tranquil Grove (WHAT?!), ... there's more but you get the idea.

As for creature wraths, only Whirlwind.

Also Green has MLD with Tsunami. It becomes true MLD with Stormtide Leviathan in play. And with Archetype of Imagination, you've just told the entire table to go fuck themselves.

:) Because Simic gonna Simic.

But by far, my favorite wrath is Wave of Vitriol.

Predatory Dominance


This spell costs less to cast for each creature you control of the chosen type.

Choose a creature type. Destroy all creatures except for the those who share the chosen type. If this spell cost or more less to cast, end the turn.

How's that?

Make another wrath that doesn't hit creatures. Any other permanent type is fine. Just leave the creatures alone.

Oof_Magic on Score Points and Make Friends (Modern Prison)

3 years ago

Courser of Kruphix doesn’t have enough hate. Our other draw engines will often times net us multiple draws per turn. More creatures also fills the symmetry break of Out of Time. Spinner and Sythis are equally vulnerable but far more versatile.

Resurgent Belief is a card I keep in the back of my mind should cards like Fracturing Gust and Back to Nature become more popular side options.

If Mana Bloom weren’t limited to once per turn, I could consider it. Even then, it’s a repeatable cantrip. What hate to cut? Alas, the limitations.

That is not how sagas work. That would be pretty strong value if it was.

Starfield of Nyx has always been a trap finisher for the deck. It’s very tempting and sounds like anti-hate to get a thing back every turn. But there’s a lot of nuance that goes against Starfield. Once your enchantments are creatures, they are not only weak to creature removal but combat as well.

TypicalTimmy on What Conversations do you not …

3 years ago

Not a conversation, but the lack of understanding that your meta is not my meta, and my meta is not your meta.

If someone's group runs heavy enchantments, then a card like Back to Nature makes sense to run. Telling someone to remove it from their deck because YOU think it's garbage is not helpful, because in THEIR deck it may be absolutely necessary. You don't know what their table looks like, so don't judge so cruelly on their decisions.

BrassLord on Fear the Night - Werewolf eldrich horror

3 years ago

Possible sideboard includes that are budget Back to Nature for Boggles, Sorcerous Spyglass for a catch all, Ancient Grudge and Smash to Smithereens for Affinity, Tormod's Crypt for graveyard shenanigans, Ghost Quarter for Tron, and Thragtusk or my favorite Bottle Gnomes for any Aggro!

But sideboards are always dependent on what you play against! Hope that gives some ideas!

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