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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Alchemy | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Prognostic Sphinx
Creature — Sphinx
Discard a card: This gains hexproof until end of turn. Tap this. (This can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)
Whenever this attacks, scry 3. (Look at the top three cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)
Headers13 on Eligeth 2.0
1 year ago
I've found Prognostic Sphinx is always a solid scry/draw engine if your opponent doesn't have any flying defence in my deck (I Sphinx You'll Find That's Mine)
Headers13 on Scry -> Draw
1 year ago
I've found Prognostic Sphinx is always a good card scry/draw engine when he gets going in my deck (I Sphinx You'll Find That's Mine)
ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)
2 years ago
Defiler of Dreams is a new auto include. The text on this card is busted.
Previously there was no way to reduce the amount of blue mana you pay for sphinxs, and now there is. INSANE value here.
Drawing an extra card for casting blue spells is the cherry on top. While this is on the field when you cast a sphinx, you draw a card. The main reason this is great is because your opponents who are used to seeing all the cards you put in your hand from BFOFs, don't see this one. I'll reiterate from the guide above, information disparity is important. There is a drawback here though, it is incompatible with your Nexus of Fate wincon, because it can cause you to deck yourself.
I am taking out Prognostic Sphinx out for now, but I am not sure this ius the best one to take out yet.
RDWDTR on General Mills
2 years ago
Ruin Crab loses a lot of its punch without Hedron Crab and fetch lands backing it up. It's still worth the playset but I just thought I'd let you in on this since the other guy didn't. The optimal version of this deck is heavily based around running both crabs with fetches (it also typically runs a second color, either white or black). You could try Evolving Wilds and/or Terramorphic Expanse to mimic this, but you're going to really slow the deck down. The optimal version is also heavily based around an expensive card called Archive Trap. Something like Sphinx's Tutelage could help fill this void.
Glacial Grasp, Thought Collapse and Vedalken Entrancer are terrible cards, you don't want them in your deck, trust me. I'd mainboard Dismembers for removal, use plain ol' Counterspells, and play literally any other blue creature respectively.
You could play the full 4 of Sanity Grinding.
Very spicy Sword of Body and Mind, but I really think this slot could be put to better use, especially given the $ value of the card. You don't have many good creatures to even equip it to. Now, if you had a few Jace's Phantasms, that might be a different story. A 5/5 flyer for 1 mana is already nuts, but now it's a 7/7 that mills for 10 and makes wolves.
You need some stronger control elements. I'd play more counterspells in the sideboard... Mana Leak, Negate, and Essence Scatter are all worth experimenting with. You'll get way more mileage out of those cards than something like Thought Scour or Jace Beleren. You could experiment with Unsummon effects too, they pair nicely with counters.
You should consider an alternate win condition. I know this is supposed to be a mill deck, but there are going to be matchups where this won't work (at least not in the budget version). You could accept that and not care, or you could make some concessions. To that end, I would propose just playing like an honest control deck and running 1-2 Prognostic Sphinx or Sphinx of the Final Word. It doesn't have to be mainboard.
Manic Scribe, Overwhelmed Apprentice and Wall of Lost Thoughts are low quality cards that happen to fit your theme. They're not as bad as the other three I singled out, but these would still be among the first places I made cuts.
Idoneity on Illuna, Apex of Blue Shenanigans and Stompy Boys
4 years ago
Ah, Illuna is a commander that has become a favourite of mine, for manipulation of the top leads to quite a bit of value.
I am notably bereft of much experience with the Mutate mechanic, as my list has only had a Parcelbeast, which was thusly removed, but I may offer insights upon the top of the library.
Momir Vig, Simic Visionary is quite the terrifying engine for this deck. It is a Mutate target if it must be, and it combos with the commander directly. It tutors for a big idiot to cheat upon the field, whilst working with the rest of the deck most splendidly.
I have found Thassa's Oracle to be a fine value card, oft sieving through the top four cards of the library, only to find a cataclysmic ten-drop. Moreover, Illuna may Mutate unto it.
Dream Cache is a card I used to run, yet shall admit to ablating. It does the job quite well, but was insufficient in the wake of Brainstorm.
Whiles being rather expensive, Scroll Rack, Mirri's Guile, Sensei's Divining Top, and Sylvan Library are each some of the greatest engines in the entire deck. Bother not with questioning their inclusion. If you get ahold of one, use it.
Cavalier of Gales is an extremely efficient flyer and put a big imbecile atop the library.
Prognostic Sphinx grants a deep scry each turn and Hexproof, thence being a fantastic card upon all fronts.
One of the most condign secondary win conditions in my list is Lurking Predators. 'Tis as powerful as it reads.
Perhaps the best card in my entire deck is Future Sight, with a worsened version being Magus of the Future. These provide a heaven-high amount of card advantage. Everything cast from the top essentially draws a card, additionally providing information of when to cast Illuna.
Courser of Kruphix is just a fantastically efficient creature, attributing defensive value and information.
Long-Term Plans grant an instant-speed tutor for the most devasting card in the entire deck. Try it and love it.
Lastly, Dream Eater has become a favourite of mine, being a splendid combat trick and top-of-the-library aid, whereupon always bringing a sense of dint and defense.
That shall be all from me, sire, but I do hope that you would deign to peer upon my list, being as such:
I have become most pleased with it.
Fare thee well, and might the best of fortune betide.
PyroSwardsman on Yuriko Test
4 years ago
The deck is looking pretty good. I like the creature base you have chosen, there are a couple questionable creatures though. Cloudreader Sphinx seems kind of bad in this deck. If you just want a flying scryer, perhaps Sphinx of Foresight, Prognostic Sphinx, Stormwing Entity, or Siani, Eye of the Storm.
Passwall Adept is just not good enough. its too much of a resource drain. Opt is not helpful in this deck since you immediately draw the card after scrying. Cunning Evasion wont do much good I am thinking since most of your creatures wont be blocked anyway.
In my opinion, you need a few less low CMC cards and a few more high CMC that you can use to get Yuriko damage in. For cuts, I would start by looking at any creatures that cost CMC 2/3 that dont provide value other than being unblockable (Invisible Stalker, Vault Skirge (love that card btw). I would then look at replacing sorceries with instants where possible. Darksteel Pendant and Crystal Ball are not good enough in my opinion and are too much of a resource investment unless there is some sort of artifact strategy I am missing. Dimir Keyrune provides interesting utility but is inefficient. Consider Arcane Signet instead or perhaps even Dark Ritual. Thran Dynamo is fairly efficient for cost to mana provided but it seems most of your mana needs are for color. Key to the City is for yuriko after she is out I assume.. I would probably run Aqueous Form instead because it has a scry effect on attack which is pretty desirable.
Here are some cards to consider in not much particular order:
Chromatic Orrery (high cmc and provides a lot of mana)
Mission Briefing (can add card to graveyard for delve and recast Brainstorm which is arguably one of the best cards in the deck)
Chain of Vapor (way to return a card to hand as well as an opponents card or cards)
Archaeomancer (can get brainstorm back and can be returned to hand with ninjitsu potentially)
Flood of Tears (this is a pet card of mine. You can return a bunch of cheap creatures and then put out something big like a Chromatic Orrery)
Scroll Rack (spendy but so good)
Trickery Charm (does multiple things you want)
Grozoth (requires you to build around it to be worthwhile but can be good)
TheVectornaut on Favorite Mtg Art?
4 years ago
By color, I'd probably go with Knight Exemplar, Prognostic Sphinx, Desecration Demon, Obsidian Fireheart, and Garruk's Horde. I tend to prefer art on creatures that are nostalgic to me.
Also, I love the celestial theme of cards from Theros like Starfield of Nyx.
griffstick on Sharkstorm
4 years ago
Maybe some simple free discard outlets to let you churn through your deck rather easily. when you put Curiosity on Brallin, Skyshark Rider, damage the whole table enough times for a win but if not draw your whole deck. Cards like Aquamoeba, Dream Trawler, Land's Edge, Mind Over Matter, Patrol Hound, Prognostic Sphinx, Resilient Wanderer, Thalakos Drifters, Tireless Tribe, Trained Pronghorn, and Patchwork Gnomes all work. Your choice
Have (3) | SirFowler , metalmagic , TheRealSpecialK |
Want (2) | Atzaru , jw560211_magic |