Awaken the Ancient

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Awaken the Ancient

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant Mountain

Enchanted Mountain is a 7/7 red Giant creature with haste. It's still a land.

zerowner on Enter the Battlefield

2 years ago

Your current average CMC is very small, and you have several mana rocks. You can probably drop around 3 lands (down to 35).

I'd suggest looking through this scryfall search for ideas.

This one too, for copy stuff.

I'd suggest removing Awaken the Ancient, Akoum Hellhound, and Akroan Crusader. They won't net much value most of the time.

Rolska on learning to build

5 years ago

To be upfront, I don't claim to be a Boros expert so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Boros Charm should go into your sideboard at the very least. Its the ability to protect your board from board wipes such as Damnation that will come in handy against removal decks or those decks that make use of wipes such as white.

Aurelia, the Warleader is a fun card, but you shouldn't run 2 copies in my opinion. Running one copy allows you to draw this sometimes, but you also don't run the risk of getting two in your hand or drawing into it, which with that mana cost is going to be a dead draw more often than not. Though I have seen a lot of decks run 2 of these. I haven't seen them run as many legendaries as you have, which leads to my next comment.

You're running too many legendaries but more importantly, duplicates of legendaries. Just like the aforementioned, you may run into two and it becomes a dead card in your hand or a dead draw due to the legendary rule.

Some fun cards in Boros colors that I like:

EsperControl4Life on Harrowing Blood

5 years ago

+1 because I've never seen a deck like this and I love the idea, however I do think this deck is to slow for legacy. Personally I would take out Harrow for Exploration and take out 1 Awaken the Ancient , 1 Living Plane , and 2 mountains for 4 Simian Spirit Guide . lastly it looks like counterspells would hurt this deck a lot so I would play Red Elemental Blast in the sideboard. Also to help get riftstone portal into the graveyard more consistently I would find room to add a playset of Faithless Looting . Hope you continue working on this deck because it seems awesome!

18ths on Boros? Auras? Reanimation? Awesome!!1

6 years ago

Updated the deck after some absence - I cant remember all the changes, but I definitely mainboarded Danitha Capashen, Paragon and Valduk, Keeper of the Flame. I also switched Open the Armory for Three Dreams and changed something for Awaken the Ancient. I've been looking for some ways to fetch a creature and animating a land proved to be the best choice. This with Three Dreams can steal a win after a late game Wrath, considering that it can fetch a way to protect your 7/7 Mountain too!

Also I've changed Rogue's Gloves for Vedalken Orrery, thanks for the suggestion!

Daedalus19876 on Super Smash Boros | Firesong & Sunspeaker EDH

6 years ago

Awaken the Ancient doesn't gain you life, alas.

Also, Aetherflux Reservoir XD (sarcasm)

Argy on Super Smash Boros | Firesong & Sunspeaker EDH

6 years ago

Please put Awaken the Ancient in this deck immediately.

I won so many Standard games with that thing.

Also, Hanweir Battlements.

+1 for choice of interesting Commander.

Rolska on None

7 years ago


Here's my attempt at it. Taking my original theme for Awaken the Ancient and then modifying it with some of the cards mentioned. I hope this serves as a good base. Let me know if you find something that works out!

My deck:

Rolska on None

7 years ago

I actually just made a few decks with Awaken the Ancient. I love the card, the art, and the flavour.

Terra Eternal

Genju of the Spires (offensively used if you want to nuke mountains of your opponents)

I suggest going Red, White, and Green.

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