Lightning Bolt

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lightning Bolt


Lightning Bolt deals 3 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

sylvannos on MH3 Elves

6 hours ago

@Icbrgr: Summoner's Pact because you can often win the turn you would want to cast it. I'd also back it up with 3~4 Lead the Stampede. I've found Collected Company and other stuff that dumps elves into play just not worth it when you're only getting 1 and 2 CMC dorks.

I've played elves in Modern before:

U/G C-c-c-combo Elves!

Modern sylvannos


My conclusion wasn't speed or consistency, but just how badly you lose to any deck with red in it. Lightning Bolt on Elvish Archdruid on turn two ends the game. Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer flipping a mana dork for them to cast ends the game. Wrenn and Six sniping a creature each turn ends the game. And God have mercy on you if your opponent casts a Pyroclasm or Anger of the Gods or Kozilek's Return.

The good news is Fury was banned. The bad news is not much else has changed. Priest of Titania is still going to die to burn spells and there's nothing to be done about it.

tl;dr--only play elves if your meta has no red decks.

plakjekaas on Hilarious whiff and miss

1 week ago

Assume no mulligans (7 cards), no fetchlands and no extra carddraw (past turn 5, 5 cards drawn); the hypergeometric calculator says that no bolts in a sample size of 26 cards is about 9,5%, that feels like it should be smaller.

Say you cast Faithful Mending twice and played 3 fetch lands, upping the sample size to 33, that increases the chance to see at least one Lightning Bolt to 96,4%. About one in 30 games still, that is expected to happen.

Icbrgr on Hilarious whiff and miss

1 week ago

I was playing a casual game with my brother yesterday essentially playtesting our modern decks with some new cards we got before going to our LGS next week... he is playtesting jeskai control and im playing my Hollow One brew.

here is the story.... we were in the end game (passed turn 5) and i successfully resolve Goryo's Vengeance bringing back Griselbrand.... after attacking my brother is in bolt range and all 4 copies of my Lightning Bolt are still in my library... i activated Gris twice bringing myself down to 1 life... drew 14 cards and not a single lightning bolt.... lost next turn on the crack back to Kaheera, the Orphanguard.

Im not sure if im salty or impressed.

Balaam__ on Mono Red Burn

1 week ago

I like seeing new takes on well worn archetypes, but it can also make it difficult to offer suggestions. The absence of Lightning Bolt is puzzling, for one. It’s S+ tier and should always be run without question.

There’s some other stuff here that’s borderline unplayable, or else is sketchy enough to call into question if it’ll ever prove useful, like Bolt of Keranos. I suppose it all depends on the parameters you’ve set for yourself with the build and/or how competitive you want it to be.

wallisface on Jurassic Park deck

2 weeks ago

Some general thoughts:

  • Your mana curve is very high. I would suggest either work towards lowering the mana curve a bunch, or adding in a bunch of ramp effects to allow you to play those bigger cards quicker. Ideally you'd do a bit of both. If your intention is to keep playing Ravenous Tyrannosaurus then it probably makes sense to run a bunch of mana-dorks so you actually have something weak to have it devour (i'm sure Llanowar Elves and its kind tastes delicious).

  • The other option to the above, is to not run ramp, but instead run a bunch of interaction to slow your opponent down. Basically tons of Flame Slash and Lightning Bolt to keep the board clean and give your Hunting Velociraptors Prowl ability an actual chance of being useful.

  • currently with the amount of high-mana cards in the deck, you're almost never gaining any benefit from Amped Raptors enter-the-battlefield trigger. I would suggest either lowering your curve enough to be able to profit-from this card at least 2/3rds of the time, or else remove it from the deck.

  • Life Finds a Way is an entirely pointless card to run when the only card you have that makes tokens is the second activation of Welcome to ...  Flip

  • I don't think Rhythm of the Wild is useful enough to do anything here, even for a super-casual environment. I feel like Welcome to ...  Flip is pretty similar to this (it is more useful, but just sooo slow).

  • I would remove Savage Order, you have very few dinosaurs with 4 power, and if any of these are out then you're already in a good spot (and swapping one for another seems largely pointless considering its costing you a card)

wallisface on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

4 weeks ago

halanvaina My main suggestion is to stop trying to build a deck around Crumbling Sanctuary... 5 mana is far too high for a card that only lets you begin to enact a plan. It also undoes any work you've done towards defeating your opponent before its cast.

Good red cards i'm seeing in the meta include:

^ all of the above seem to be fairly frequently used within the meta, as seen from the links already provided in my last post.

From your statement "Mono red is a difficult color to work with outside of aggro" - yes this is true. But one thing worth noting is that your deck isn't doing any of the typical things a non-aggro deck would be doing... so your current build is kindof aggro, just extremely slow. If you're wanting to build towards Midrange or Control, you need a LOT more interaction with the opponent to slow them down. If you're wanting your deck to be more geared towards Combo, then you need to have reliable ways to win the game extremely quickly. In any case you can't decide to be both a slow deck and a non-interactive deck - your deck needs to either be very fast, or very interactive (that is the case for all decks generally speaking).

From your other comments:

  • What specifically do you think Feldon's Cane is helping you with? You keep defending it in a super vague way but I'm seeing absolutely zero reason to be running it (I also just re-read Crumbling Sanctuary and realised Feldon's Cane doesn't even help with that, so I honestly have no idea what value you think this artifact is bringing).

  • The problem with Devastating Dreams is that it costs you and your opponent the same amount of lands and creatures - your deck includes both of these so you're unlikely to make any big advantages in this area (especially as your deck needs a LOT of lands to function). But then, it additionally costs you (and only you) a bunch of cards from your hand. I don't see how that every advantages you.

  • On your comment "It does damage to each creature, and makes the both of us sac ideally all of our lands". What do you gain from losing all your lands? As the opponent almost-assuredly has a lower mana-curve than you, won't they just get back into the game quicker? Especially as they'll still have a hand of cards. Yes it can work with Mogg Maniac but your deck isn't geared around pulling off this combo so it feels unlikely to give you a payoff high enough to warrant this interaction.

My suggestions would be as follows:

  • What archetype are you wanting this deck to slot into? If its aggro, you need to drastically lower the mana-curve (i.e, have nothing over 3 mana. You need to be able to reliably apply enough pressure to deal lethal by turn 4-5). If it's midrange, you still need to lower the mana-curve a bunch, but additionally you need a bunch of cards that interact with your opponents boardstate and slow them down. If it's control, you need to have the vast majority of your deck as interactive pieces and game-controlling effects. If its combo, you need to reliably be able to win the game by turn 4-5.

  • Once you know what archetype you're wanting to build, you need to decide what strategy you're wanting to enact here... so far it feels like there's no clear direction going on - I can assume by the name of the deck you're wanting to base this around Crumbling Sanctuary, which I can't ever see working unless you're building some form of control-shell, which will likely need more than just red as a colour-base. But in any case, you need to ditch all cards that aren't either enacting your plan, or strengthening the archetype you're in.

If you'd like I can try and build you some kind of example list, though i'd need to have a clear indicator to the answers of the above 2 questions on archetype and strategy.

Gidgetimer on Will Copying a Spell Cause …

1 month ago

Oh, I see where the confusion is. I didn't say the combination of the -2, Lightning Bolt, and Fork gave three triggers. I said that copying Lightning Bolt with the -2 gave two triggers. Then I said that copying Lightning Bolt via Fork gives three total triggers. They were two different thoughts explaining Ral, Storm Conduit triggers based on how you copy a spell. I guess I could have been more clear by using a different ability, like Lithoform Engine, as an example. This would have made it more clear that there wasn't an assumption of the -2 in both scenarios.

You are correct about there being four triggers with the -2 AND Fork. Copies of spells are not cast, they are simply created on the stack. Some abilities, like on Isochron Scepter, let you make copies of cards not on the stack and then cast them. These abilities will trigger Ral from casting, but they will not trigger it from copying the card (since what was copied was not a spell.)

lXTensionXl on Will Copying a Spell Cause …

1 month ago

Gidgetimer I was going off your 1st response where you said the combination of his -2, Lightning Bolt, and Fork would only trigger his passive 3 times. I'm still pretty new to MTG, and thought that it should trigger his passive 4 times. I was thinking possibly a 5th because of when you get the copy of Lightning Bolt from casting Fork, and then you cast it. But I guess it wouldn't be considered a cast if it was a copy that was created and placed on the stack?

So in my mind, it would be:

  1. Active his -2 ability
  2. Cast Lightning Bolt (1st trigger)
  3. A copy is made from his -2 ability (2nd trigger)
  4. Cast Fork that targets Lightning Bolt (3rd trigger)
  5. A copy is made of Lightning Bolt by Fork (4th trigger)
  6. My questionable 5th trigger was then "casting" Lightning Bolt after the copy is made
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