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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, Skullcage deals 2 damage to that player unless he or she has exactly three or exactly four cards in hand.

Blackerhawk on Teenybones steels ur tings >:)

5 months ago

How about a The Rack (but it's only one target), a Skullcage and a Nezumi Shortfang  Flip for added damage based on hand size? And a good old Hymn to Tourach to replace one of the other discard cards.

tonylomas on Fast tips

2 years ago

lel xdd like Misers' Cage 5+=2dmg , Skullcage 3/4 ≠ = 2dmg, Black Vise X dmg - 4. too noob? xd lol looks like a bad idea i guess

FormOverFunction on Deck Ideas for Multi-Player format

2 years ago

My favorite commander for this type of case, and forgive me for saying this again (as some will recognize that I’ve posted this before), is Nekusar, the Mindrazer. This gives everyone extra cards to play with while putting the game on something of a clock. In my torture deck (it’s all Razor Pendulum, Thumbscrews, Skullcage, and whatnot) you’ve got a perpetual albeit slow drain on everyone, but it still lets them get cards and play. Pretty hard to beat that combination.

nathanielhebert on

3 years ago

I've been out of the loop for some 20 odd years, but the challenge of putting together a Fog/Burn deck sounds enticing! The "turbo fog" archetype, typically has a card-draw engine in place, and a bunch of fogs to stall out your opponent — as for a burn version, it might make sense to use some direct damage spells that synergize with the extra cards you and your opponents will be holding, due to the draw effect.

Some ideas of cards that play off each other:

DRAW ENGINE: (the card drawing should allow for more consistency, since you'll have more fogs ready for each turn)

Font of Mythos , Howling Mine , Rites of Flourishing

FOGS: (add more fogs, but preferably not "frogs" — they're vulnerable to damage and removal)

Fog , Haze of Pollen , Defend the Hearth , Root Snare , Commencement of Festivities

BURNS: (here's a list of burns that take advantage of the extra cards both you and your opponents will be holding, and punishing the opponent for drawing as well)

Runeflare Trap , Molten Psyche (an interesting burn, since you should have enough artifacts in play, and works with the Runeflare Trap), Spiraling Embers , Sudden Impact , Conflagrate , Fateful Showdown , Gaze of Adamaro

ARTIFACT: (lastly, some artifacts and lands that allow expand your hand size, so you can hit for more with cards like Spiraling Embers and Conflagrate )

Spellbook , Reliquary Tower , Skullcage (another source of damage to punish opponent for holding cards), Elixir of Immortality (so you don't potentially mill yourself)

GoblinElectromancer on Suspend Deck

4 years ago

For land put in four Spirebluff Canal and four Steam Vents and maybe two Shivan Reef and take out five mountains and five islands. Take out Skullcage for Crashing Footfalls.

KayneMarco on Sacrificial Treachery

4 years ago

Since you’re using a discard strategy have you considered cards that punish opponents for having a low hand count rather than Megrim effects? Cards such as this list:

With these types of cards your opponents will be taking damage even if they haven’t discarded. The problem with megrim type cards is if opponents have nothing to discard the megrim type cards are just dead cards at that point. The cards I suggested on the other hand will be doing damage every turn. I’m not saying use all of them just saying some of them could replace megrim type cards. Myself though, I’ld make room for all of them because I go all in when it comes to certain themes.

FenrisBurgess on

5 years ago
  • Playing a deck like this will inevitably lead to your opponent without much of a hand.
  • This will leave the spells that damage your opponent for discarding mostly useless.
  • At the same time, this means anything they happen to come across, they will play almost immediately, meaning your discard strategy won't be nearly as effective.
  • The Rack type effects are best for this kind of deck.
  • Examples of viable rack type cards are Paupers' Cage , Skullcage , and Bulwark .
  • You are already using these in the forms of Lavaborn Muse and Hellfire Mongrel
  • Black Vise type effects could be useful if you plan to force feed your opponent, but since you're making them discard, I don't see much point in that.
  • If your goal is to discard, running mill cards isn't going to help your strategy. You're reducing the deck's consistency by including them.
  • You're going to want to run Painful Quandary simply due to its taxing nature.
  • Lastly, you have a lot of mana rocks, but no artifacts that serve any utility, and more questionably, no Chromatic Lantern . While you have some X and higher cost spells, all that mana could be a dead draw, especially considering you're running 37 lands already.
  • Add in something like Strionic Resonator , or anything else that can make use of your permanent's abilities.

  • Keep in mind you're using a strategy that is considered low-power unless it is executed in a specific way. I don't see you having very much fun with this deck as it currently is, but who knows, maybe you are.

Steelspike on New to EDH and would …

5 years ago

Mill is pretty hard in EDH, since there's at least 40 more cards in libraries than normal and you usually have more than one opponent.

Also, most folks hate playing against mill, and then there's those folks who play "graveyard matters" decks like Meren, or Muldrotha that you end up helping.

I would honestly add red and run Nekusar, the Mindrazer as your commander. Almost the same concept, but it mills to your hand, then yard. Plus, you can run cards like Sire Of Insanity , Library of Leng , Black Vise , Skullcage , The Rack , Megrim and whatnot.

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