Stone Haven Outfitter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stone Haven Outfitter

Creature — Kor Artificer Ally

Equipped creatures you control get +1/+1.

Whenever an equipped creature you control dies, draw a card.

McToters on Made for a friend

2 years ago

Of course! Again awesome job with coming up with this for your friend. I would just add that maybe you'd want to consider getting rid of the warrior subtheme, only because you could utilize more slots for heavier equipment and aura spells. If you want some inspiration (not saying it's the exact way to go) check out my Jor-Kadeen deck when you get the chance. Actually looking at your commander here, I should probably think of slotting him in my 99... you're running some neat dwarves here too!

Additional ideas:

Godsend fantastic removal/evasion Sword of the Animist ramp for Boros Shadowspear filthy Prowler's Helm, Trailblazer's Boots, and Whispersilk Cloak for evasion.

Your commander already draws you cards which is awesome, but maybe Stone Haven Outfitter can also be nifty.


amicdeep on $25 Gear Up & Get Mad

3 years ago

I've run something similar competitively on mtgo as a 7tix list. there are a few cards I would highly recommend that fit your budget. Toolcraft Exemplar solid turn 1 and very aggressive, first strike in the late game helps. Stone Haven Outfitter lord and card draw, one of the best turn 2s i had outside of paladin. Kitesail Apprentice only think better than double strike is evasion. this little guy has often been my win con Dispatch path to exile but better in these lists.

ive found deck like this offen struggle againt high numbers of removal spells, having a few cards that are both equipment and creature really can help in the long game Flayer Husk

ive also found Captain's Claws to be viable in the past as well.

my list for on the off chance its useful Arm the legion

budlaorf on Jeska, Thrice commander damage

3 years ago

I have decided to remove Blood Moon , Flickering Ward , Tragic Arrogance and Archon of Emeria .

I have decided to replace these with a little bit more card draw: Mask of Memory , Rogue's Gloves , Skullclamp and Stone Haven Outfitter .

plakjekaas on None

3 years ago

Five years ago, when we had Archangel Avacyn  Flip, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar , Thraben Inspector and Thalia's Lieutenant in Standard, I've heard many a complaint that white was too powerful in Standard back then. Ever since, we've shifted via red to green as the most obnoxiously present color in the meta, and the complaints stay. I do think there's no pleasing magic players.

White already cares about artifacts, however, even though not all of them. Mostly equipments. Which help you ramp Sword of the Animist , Prying Blade , Goldvein Pick and draw Rogue's Gloves , Mask of Memory , Sword of Fire and Ice . White tutors for them like no tomorrow, draws off of them with Sram, Senior Edificer , Puresteel Paladin , Stone Haven Outfitter .

Reznorboy on Court of Grace, the best …

3 years ago

I believe that Mono-White specifically is not as lacking in card draw as many people believe. It may be true that the card draw is not as of high of quality, but it definitely exists. I'm going to make a small list of cards/combos in Mono-White that draw more cards than you paid to play it (i.e., I cast two cards and discard a card to make the combo, but I draw 4 out of it) that I think are better than Court of Grace (all of these have already existed). (Also, of course, artifacts are fair game. Artifacts do indeed get used in Mono-White, and should be treated as such.)

My personal favorite:

Flickerform and Sage's Reverie (and maybe Angelic Gift)

Both can be searched with cards like Plea for Guidance or Three Dreams.

One card combo (my second favorite):

Dawn of Hope

Pure Draw:

Pursuit of Knowledge Survival Cache

Ones that give only lands:

Land Tax Endless Horizons Tithe Gift of Estates Weathered Wayfarer

Ones that are wheel based:

Alms Collector and Otherworld Atlas

(Unfortunately draws opponents cards too, but you will be drawing more)

Ones that are weenie based:

Bygone Bishop Mentor of the Meek

Artifact/Enchantment based:

Kor Spiritdancer Mesa Enchantress Puresteel Paladin Sram, Senior Edificer Stone Haven Outfitter

Also, I don't think that Phyrexian Arena is very good. Your point that it was used in a "fast" format (standard) is invalid because games of cEDH are faster than standard, not the other way around, with games ending possibly by turn 3.

Joe_Ken_ on

3 years ago

Stone Haven Outfitter could be a good card to add in the even your creatures do end up getting taken out.

tbone2072 on Two Kor Walk into an Armory...

3 years ago

I like your deck however there are some changes that I would suggest making.

I would recommend putting in some more ramp especially if you want to play the really expensive equipment you have in your deck like Argentum Armor and Helm of the Host. Another thing that I would recommend is for you to change the ramp that you do have into two-mana artifact ramp like the talismans and signets not only will this make your deck faster but it will also synergies with Akiri by boosting her power.
Most of your equipment is fine but there are some pieces that I think are dubious inclusions in the deck.

  • Lightning Greaves: This card sounds like it would be very good however cards like this come with a very big downside. The downside is that it doesn't just stop your opponents from targeting your stuff it also stops you from targeting your stuff. This means that you will not be able to equip any more equipment to your creatures after you put the greaves on them. I would recommend replacing them with Swiftfoot Boots
  • Whispersilk Cloak: I think that this should be taken out of the deck for the same reason that Lightning Greaves should be taken out and that is that it gives shroud. If you want the cloak for the unblockable then replace it with Trailblazer's Boots or Prowler's Helm and if you want it for the protection replace it with Champion's Helm.
  • Argentum Armor: This card is good if you can get it on a creature but I think it just cost way too much, it takes twelve mana to play and equip in one turn and if you just play the equipment and leave it on the board it becomes an immediate target and you probably won't get to attack with it.
I think that you should get rid of creatures like Balan, Wandering Knight, Armory Automaton, and Fervent Champion. The reason that I think this is because those creatures are designed to hold equipment and that is not what you want because you already have commanders that are designed to do that. You want your creatures to support your commanders not compete with them. I also don't like Stone Haven Outfitter in the deck +1/+1 is not that much and your equipped creatures dying is something you want to avoid at all cost.
Here are some miscellaneous recommendations I have.

And that is pretty much it, if you have any questions feel free to ask.

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