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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Path to Exile
Exile target creature. Its controller may search their library for a basic land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle their library.
Caerwyn on Fire Covenant or Reckless Assault?
2 weeks ago
I would firmly put Reckless Assault in the "bad card" category. To kill a 3/3, you have to pay 3 mana and 6 life--and the price only gets worse the larger the creature is. Consider this, would you play a spell that cost 3 mana and 6 life, but had a "only target creatures with less than 3 toughness" rider? Of course not - three mana is already expensive for removal, and the only time you really should be paying three mana for a removal spell is something like Anguished Unmaking or Void Rend, which give you huge degrees of flexibility in what you can target.
As a note, your deck is missing both Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile, both of which are great cards your deck could benefit from.
NensouHiebara on Halvar, Divine Voltron
1 month ago
I'm liking the idea of the ungifted flicker as an added "save a creature from removal" mode. Going from 1mv to 2mv isn't that of a big deal as long as that extra mana adds something relevant. I replaced Path to Exile with Get Lost for the more flexible removal.
I doubt the nontoken clause would matter in the long term. Aside from a certain frozen abomination (which at least for me isn't anywhere near a common sight), I can't think of any notable token that would warrant burning a killspell on.
vic on (EDH) What happens if you …
2 months ago
I can't figure out what SBA stands for. Do you perhaps mean State Based Effect?
What I was mainly getting at with my question was what happens to Rhys, not the Packmaster. I'm sure I could choose to champion Rhys and that that would satisfy the requirement to keep the Packmaster on the board.
But does Rhys stayed "championed"? I'm not sure if that counts the same as being killed or bounced. As I type this, I just now realize that championing is exiling, so yes, I guess it would go do the Command Zone, like if it got hit with a Path to Exile.
But that raises another question: what if (not that I'm likely to do this, but maybe in a different championing situation) I want to CHOOSE to let it get exiled in this instance, so that if Packmaster is removed, Rhys comes back into play. Am I allowed to do that?
Exoflo on SIX
2 months ago
Avarice Totem is a bad card
Soulless Jailer and Chef's Kiss are too specific cards that are not synergistic
Negate can be replace by a general counter spell
Brand is useless imo
Contested Game Ball just ask people to attack you
Harmless Offering and Wrong Turn are useless if zedruu stick on the field
Scrambleverse is pure chaos. It throws game and does not make it fun anymore, neither for u or your friends
Jinxed Idol is anti-synergistic cause you give creature
You have to many creature-focussed removal and not true "remove all" (like Witness Protection or Path to Exile. Keep enchantment, they are synergistic with Zedruu)
You have to many wincon, choose how you want to win and remove the other (keep them appart and modify you deck if you want to try new thing)
Remove more that 18 cards and add some lands
Consider adding some protection for Zedruu
After that, remove some bad gift and some "givers"
I don't like giving creature to opponent cause they can just sac it, or kill it during combat. That's just my opinion.
I don't like bad gift zedruu, again that's my opinion
Very good choice of commander
More important : play the card you like the most
Tikimoses on Food token
2 months ago
EchoSpice I actually had Path to Exile and Generous Gift. Made a few others swaps as well. Thank you!!
EchoSpice on Food token
2 months ago
Cool deck, you've got a LOT of lands, and a pretty low mana curve. I'd recommend removing a couple of lands, and adding more ramp, or removal, or card draw. Rampant Growth is a great ramp spell, Path to Exile or Generous Gift are great removal options, and because you're gaining a lot of life with food tokens, Greed Is a great option for card draw.
Have fun!
TheForsakenOne on You Shall Not Pass
2 months ago
What I'd cut:
Pilgrim's Eye: Not a very good rate, and it doesn't even ramp
Eldrazi Displacer: You don't have enough colorless mana producers to make this consistent, and there are better flicker effects you have acess to
Eight-and-a-Half-Tails: Clunky protection when it isn't really needed
Avacyn, Angel of Hope: Sadly just a win-more card in this case. If it sticks around sure you're probably going to win but you'll be enemy #1 and you're likely not going to survive that
Sword of Feast and Famine: Probably the most overpriced of the swords, and the most likely to draw hate. It looks good on paper but without a way to capitalize on it you're going to bite off more than you can chew.
The Wanderer: Not worth the 4 mana. There are just better cards that could be run.
Ephemeral Shields is kind of a weird addition. Its just not very good.
2-3 Plains: 38 is just a bit high for a deck that peaks at 3 cmc cards. Maybe add more ramp instead
Suggestions to add
The MDFC's are just great to have due to their flexibility:ℴ=name&q=type%3Aland+commander%3AW+%28game%3Apaper%29+is%3Amdfc
You don't have that many ways to sacrifice artifacts despite having several triggers off of. The standards are Trading Post, Arcbound Ravager and for this deck Oswald Fiddlebender is great because it tutors out another artifact for free. Kuldotha Forgemaster is a must because it can turn some of your dud artifacts into a portal or blighsteel, and at instant speed too.
Metalwork Colossus is just fun, plus with all your expendable artifacts it can be quite persistent
Wurmcoil Engine is just great, and doubling that death trigger is fantastic. Can't play its new little brother, because he's black, but the original is still a classic
Threefold Thunderhulk has two ETB's that can be copied, and he's a sacrifice outlet. I would also recommend Hangarback Walker since you can double the death trigger
If you put in enough Artifact sacrifices cards like Scrap Trawler, Myr Retriever, and Loran, Disciple of History to recur them back to your hand. Also consider Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender for payoffs to all that sacrificing.
Its a dead horse, but Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are never bad choices.
DMFF on Black and White Soul Sisters - MODERN
2 months ago
Firstly, welcome to the MTG community! Modern is definitely a more hostile format, but Soul Sisters can hold their own, especially in Orzhov. One of my close friends in my "close friends playgroup" built his own rendition of Orzhov Soul Sisters as well and it can certainly give any aggro deck a run for its money. Since Lifegain is more of a Control-esque strategy, I do have a few suggestions for your main and side:
Main: - Fatal Push, Solitude (ik a little more expensive, but so so good), or Path to Exile for cheap/"free" removal of onboard threats. I would cut 2-3 copies of March of Otherworldly Light since it requires more resources, but can be great in the mid/late game.
Guide of Souls, the new Soul Brother! (It could be called Soul Siblings!) This card is a more powerful version of the Soul Sisters, so I definitely recommend running 4x of this card once it drops in MH3. I would drop the 4x Auriok Champion for this due to the lower mana cost and higher power level.
Thoughtseize is a great handrip card and the -2 life is barely noticeable in your build. Until you pick up any copies, I would move Inquisition of Kozilek into your main board for better control and knowledge of your opponent's gameplan right from game 1. I would also suggest a combination of both of these cards in your mainboard to equal 6 total. My wife runs 3 of each in her own rendition of the meta Yawgmoth deck.
I would cut the Ghost Quarters for Field of Ruin, reduce them to 2 or 3 copies and move them to your mainboard, cutting some basic lands. My wife actually runs this in her mainboard to mess with greedy manabases to great success.
Side: - Having both Sanctifier en-Vec & Rest in Peace is a bit redundant. I would personally cut them both and replace with 3 or 4 Leyline of the Void to have a good chance of hurting Graveyard strategies before turn 1 even starts. Keep all the Surgical Extractions in though because it is great targeted GY removal that can outright cripple decks.
Flare of Fortitude will be great protection for your board as wallisface stated above.
Necromentia is an amazing tool against combo decks that are becoming more and more frequent in Modern.
Hopefully this will be helpful for you, let me know if you have any questions!
Have (6) | orzhov_is_relatively_okay819 , metalmagic , Azdranax , Downside_Up , JordanSanFran , gildan_bladeborn |
Want (13) | BubblegumLiquorbxtch , TheBl0b , Jayce_Ran , AdamChafee , beesaurs , sstarbuck24 , Jumping_Jordan , TechNoble , aquta046 , Divine-Asura , ZBrannigan , ACrispyTaco , AjaxSlumbering |