Marionette Master

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Marionette Master

Creature — Human Artificer

Fabricate 3 (When this creature enters the battlefield, put three +1/+1 counters on this or create three 1/1 colorless Servo artifact creature tokens.)

Whenever an artifact you control is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, target opponent loses life equal to this creature's power.

ascanio on Anhelo's Thriller

6 months ago

Cambi che io farei:

Ghoulish Procession --> Demand Answers

Cut/Ribbons --> Sorin's Vengeance

Rakdos Charm --> New Blood

Jadar --> Dark Petition

Poppet Stitcher --> boh, Mana Geyser? Anche se in realtà ti servirebbe uno spot per la nuova Judith.

In boh se vuoi puntare un pochino di più sui tesori: Mahadi, Emporium Master; Marionette Master; Blood Money.

Si può anche dibattere se è meglio Metallurgic Summonings o Shark Typhoon

Spell_Slam on Ognis, the Hasty Collector

7 months ago

Rampage of the Clans is a personal favourite of mine for any deck that creates a lot of artifacts and plays Green. Slap this down at your opponent's end step before your turn and turn all your treasures into 3/3s. That will usually end the game.

In terms of haste enablers, I think Rhythm of the Wild is among the better ones. Urabrask the Hidden and Dowsing Device  Flip are excellent. Song of Totentanz is pretty great at giving you a lot of treasures or enabling hasty dragons for cheap. Any of these would be better than Crashing Drawbridge and Tuk Tuk Rubblefort, and maybe Anger as well.

Beastcaller Savant is a mana dork with haste, so it seems like a great choice here. Probably better than Rampant Growth, despite only being for creatures. Ruby, Daring Tracker is also another good option. Maybe better than Nature's Lore.

There are so many artifact/treasure/token doublers out there to choose from that could make the deck. Xorn, Wulfgar of Icewind Dale, Jolene, the Plunder Queen... I'm for sure missing some.

In terms of outlets, Marionette Master, Mirkwood Bats, Reckless Fireweaver, Mayhem Devil... again there are lots that could make the deck very deadly.

DreadKhan on That's Why it's Called Murder, not Mukduk

9 months ago

If there are decks in your meta that aren't good at blocking, then Rite of the Raging Storm is very scary. It is also a constant source of tokens that are never coming your way. Another Enchantment that can provide lots of bodies is Elemental Mastery, Mastery can make a small army of tokens that are both very good sac fodder and decent chump blockers if you're desperate.

I'm not sure if it's too awkward to make work, but Haakon, Stromgald Scourge is a decent recursion piece, allowing you to recast knights from the graveyard (including Haakon). All in all probably not as good as Gravecrawler, but better than many recursion options since there are many 1 mana Knights/Changelings. Another interesting recursion option that might work in here is Hell's Caretaker, this can turn a chump into the best creature in your graveyard on your upkeeps.

Any reason you're not running Pitiless Plunderer? It has pretty good synergy with your Commander, but also with stuff like Mayhem Devil (and maybe something like Marionette Master, which also works with any artifact creatures). Pawn of Ulamog and Sifter of Skulls both work with any recursive creatures to help generate mana. Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder is a really weird token generator that synergizes well with Gravecrawler or Haakon, providing you an extra body for each cast, helping them go infinite.

It's pretty janky, but Lagomos, Hand of Hatred is a neat repeatable tutor that also makes a token each turn. Another janky card that might do some work in here is Mask of Griselbrand, the buffs can be useful, but the card draw is the real perk, very good in a deck with lots of sacrifice outlets as a weirder Skullclamp. Dream Devourer is a surprisingly good jank 'ramp' source in Black, this also can protect your cards from discard effects by clearing your hand (and still letting you cast the stuff later).

joshjwicks on Pippin warden of isengard pumping …

1 year ago

hi just wondering when i sac the 3 foods with Pippin, Warden of Isengard and Marionette Master is on the feild can i stax the triggers so marionette master has a higher power, so she makes people lose more life.

IHATENAMES on Treasure railgun

1 year ago

1st off. Is this combo how you truly plan to win.

T5 play a enchantment. T6 add counter t7 make smoug and win assuming Torbran and a sac outlet is on the field.

I think it's kinda clunky for modern. Here are a few ideas not necessarily better but tryingtoget more synergy where possible or give a win withouta 3 card combo:

Go rb for more discard interaction and cards like Mayhem Devil to win/ profit from sacs

Run Grinding Station and sac each token with untap trigger on the stack to mill 42 cards. Probably your opp deck

Go affinity like with Arcbound Ravager and or Nettlecyst

Or run Magda, Brazen Outlaw treasure creation and tutoring a dragon/ artifact to play big creatures like Hellkite Tyrant should win quickly. If not on upkeep

Mechanized Production enchant treasure win on upkeep

Pinging like Reckless Fireweaver or Disciple of the Vault Marionette Master

Gidgetimer on marionette master and stack Interaction

1 year ago

Burnished Hart sacrifices itself as a cost. Therefore Marionette Master saw it hit the graveyard and will trigger. Since Marionette Master isn't on the battlefield when its trigger resolves, last known information is used. With Murder or another destroy effect this would be whatever the power was at the very start of this chain of interactions. Though since you killed it with an effect that reduces P/T it would almost assuredly be negative or 0 and therefore no damage would actually result from the trigger.

Swebb87 on marionette master and stack Interaction

1 year ago

Hi, if my opponent has a Marionette Masterand a Burnished Hart in play. And they sack the burnished hart by activating the cost; then in response to the sacrifice, I cast a Defile targeting the marionette master. Do they get the triggered ability from her - Dealing her damage to target opponent from the artifact hitting the graveyard? Or does that happen because she dies before she ever sees the burnished hart hit the graveyard as its at the bottom of the stack?

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