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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Vampire Shaman


Whenever a creature an opponent controls dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield, tokens are put into the graveyard before they cease to exist), you may gain 3 life.

Whenever an opponent discards a card, you may gain 3 life.

EchoSpice on *Insert Witty Name Here* Rodolf Duskbringer

9 months ago

Cool commander! Description made me giggle lol, +1


EchoSpice on Reign of the Markovs (High Power Edgar Markov)

10 months ago

Cool deck, always love vampires :D Sanguine Bond and Sangromancer? They’re a bit pricey manawise but solid cards and both go infinite with Exquisite Blood

Oakiegg on The Wheel // Nekusar, the Mindrazer

10 months ago

MechGD That's a huge point out that I never realized, thank you so much for pointing that out! I have actually been looking for a piece to swap out Vampiric Tutor or Cyclonic Rift and that fits in perfectly; There are other options that are out of place in the deck for sure--e.g. Sangromancer is only included since I play in an Aristocrats-heavy meta--I've always felt off using Day's Undoing and being required to take it out entirely doesn't hurt bad whatsoever.

Thanks again!

DreadKhan on Power Word Death

11 months ago

Phyrexian Totem isn't the easiest card to use, but most deck don't use a lot of instant speed burn spells or Flash creatures so as long as you've killed off their blockers it's a solid attacker. It can also force the opponent to keep blockers home. In practice, since it swings for 5 it can be fine to lose a few things to it in my experience (provided you're already ahead that game), and in situations where you can't use it to attack it's still a mana source that helps you cast your Obliterators.

Haha, yeah, I don't know if there is anywhere local I can buy cards, it's such a niche interest here, but online stores can make it easy to find cheaper versions of cards, though you have to do online shopping (which I wasn't eager to do). I know of a few European and North American companies who sell tons of stuff, and I think has sellers from all over, and you can set the site to restrict sellers to ones that will ship to your area (it used to be pretty buggy, I have less trouble with it now).

The nice thing about 1 drops is that they allow you to start pressuring the board early, and some of them have useful abilities like Deathtouch, which let them trade with your opponent's better creatures. If you're not sure that Deathtouch creatures are good enough (or evasive lifelink creatures, like Cutthroat and Vault Skirge), you can also try out cards like Duress, Inquisition of Kozilek, or Ostracize, since you get to pick what they discard these can be incredibly useful for only B mana. The best of these is probably Thoughtseize, followed by Grief and Unmask, but Inquisition usually works well in a format where people hate using cards with MV higher than 3. Some more 1 drops you can consider are Cryptbreaker, which is a zombie tribal card that can make tokens and draw cards eventually, and Foulmire Knight, this has Adventure and can draw a card if you draw it later in the game, and a 1/1 Deathtouch can block fairly well.

Dark Ritual isn't quite an auto-include in every deck, but it's one of the best cards that's legal in Legacy, it's especially useful if you can use all 3 mana and can play it turn 1. In your deck as is, if you have Ritual you can play a Gatekeeper or Messenger turn 1, either of those is a fair bit of value that early, and Vampire Nighthawk is really good with Dark Ritual since you can start gaining life turn 2. It turns a Grave Titan in a turn 4 play, at which point it's a very strong creature when you're sneaking it out so early, and while it's unlikely, you can end up with 2 Rituals in your opening hand and play Titan turn 2. If you use 1 mana discard spells as well as Hymn to Tourach, you can cast both (for the record you should cast the Duress type effect before Hymn) turn 1 which should decide most games on turn 1. Dark Ritual is a key card in decks that are trying to be fairly competitive, so if you want to make your deck stronger it's a great card to consider.

With all your removal (and the discard you've got), have you thought about x1 or x2 Sangromancer? It's a 3/3 flyer for 4, which isn't terrible, but it can gain quite a bit of life while still threatening your opponent. I guess it'd be a creature version of your Incursion, it won't gain as much life but it'll deal more damage.

If you want something to accelerate your games there is Phyrexian Arena, which was printed into Standard again, so it's extremely cheap compared to a few years back. It's not the best draw effect out there, but drawing a card each upkeep is pretty good value if you're not playing the fastest games, this card is also good with Dark Ritual, but it will cost a bit of life over time.

wallisface on Bow Down to Sheoldred

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • Your mana curve is excessively high, which will lead to some really slow/clumsy turns. Modern decks typically can't justify running more than 4 cards costing 4 mana, and run nothing above this cost. You've got a whopping 16 cards costing 4-or-more mana, which is far too high (in particular you have no chance of ever casting those 8-mana cards). Added to this, you have almost nothing to do turn-1, meaning you'll often be starting a full turn behind your opponent.

  • Your land base is far too low. 20 land decks typically expect to be stuck on 1-or-2 lands for a decent chunk of the early-game. Even after lowering your curve, you'll likely still need at least 23-24 lands to be able to reliably cast any of your spells.

  • Some of your spells seem really suboptimal. You generally don't want to be paying more than 2 mana for a removal spell, so stuff like Vraska's Contempt and Oblivion Ring seem super sub-optimal. Go Blank, Heartless Pillage and Mind Rot are all pretty weak in Modern, especially as the opponent is very likely to already be empty-handed by the time you're able to cast any of them (in any case 8 cards with this effect is excessive). Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Sangromancer, and Vizkopa Guildmage all don't really do much.

Squidcod on Jesus take the Wheel

1 year ago

I like some of the cards you have in yours. Mine is Drawing Cards Friendly Like

I know you weren't looking to go as creature focused, but I did hit up some nasty creatures in mine to help body block or draw hate to save me from having to recast my commander as much (another good reason for campfire).

You have way more ramp than me, so maybe cost concerns arent as much of an issue, but there are some cheap and mean combos I've got. Helm of the Ghastlord to ensure they never have a hand. Sigil of Sleep to ensure they never have creatures. Sangromancer I mean, this can net you like 3x7x3 life in one go if you play your cards right.

Personally I found that a number of cards were a bit slow, or less useful and ended up removing them, but like I said you have more ramp, so maybe yours can take it better. Triskaidekaphile when you're cycling hands is unlikely to happen without some combo. Magus of the Jar Just for some reason felt way to slow for it's cost for me, and doesn't even get the discard benefit.

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