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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Whenever an opponent discards a card, Megrim deals 2 damage to that player.
DarkKiridon on Any discard payoffs on mono …
2 months ago
There's also Dark Deal and the Waste Not on a stick for yourself creature: Bone Miser.
Megrim is the other Liliana's Caress for one more mana if you need it.
Tergrid, God of Fright Flip if you're feeling mean? :)
Davinoth on Davros, the Dastardly Dalek [Group Slug EDH]
3 months ago
Necramus: That's a card I hadn't considered! I love BCA!
It kind of falls into a category of cards with Liliana's Caress and Megrim, where it makes it more beneficial for my opponents to let me draw a card at the end step. Similarly (albeit a lot more than the two examples I gave lol) it doesn't necessarily help me achieve Davros' trigger up front.
It is a very powerful card but I feel it would often end up just being a "win-more" piece in the deck. I'm gonna think hard on that one! :)
fluffyeel on You draw you lose
5 months ago
Some small recommendations I can think of:
- You have a lot of drawing for all parties, but your opponents will also be discarding (quite likely, especially given the Memory Jar). I therefore recommend Megrim, which actually is the reason Memory Jar became the first emergency ban in MTG history. You could also run things like Animate Dead, Reanimate, and Necromancy to take advantage of loading up your opponents' graveyards. Of course, Rise of the Dark Realms is a nice showstopper, though it's quite pricey...
- Archfiend of Despair is a delightful combination of Wound Reflection (already recommended) as well as stopping lifegain. I love using it wherever I can. (It's also a demon, so it synergizes with one of your alternate win cons.)
- You could also consider going more of a snow-covered route, so replacing your basic swamps with the snow-covered kind and going with Extraplanar Lens to amplify your black mana. Crypt Ghast also is another mana accelerator.
- The Meathook Massacre and Massacre Wurm are also "board wipe with benefits" that I highly recommend. I also almost always play Kokusho, the Evening Star in every black deck I run. Archfiend of Despair could also be another fun option for removing things and punishing your opponents.
- Some of your artifacts and tutors could be better. Rather than Wayfarer's Bauble, I could suggest Expedition Map instead. Grim Tutor, Planar Bridge, and Beseech the Queen could also make for fun tutoring.
- I'm not sure if Gemstone Caverns and Mox Diamond are worth it here: sure, they're fast and get you more mana quickly (always a good thing), but the multicolored mana isn't so necessary. There are options I might prefer like Mox Amber, Mana Vault, Volrath's Stronghold...
- For a mono-black deck, Contamination might be a great way to lose all friends. I highly recommend it.
Icbrgr on MBC: Classic 8-Rack
1 year ago
@DMFF thanks for the reassurance! I know i have a playset in my collection and ill dig em out and give them a try... would you suggest it as a 3x The Rack 3x Shrieking Affliction and 2x Waste Not?
@ChocolatePuma oh yeah I have always loved Megrim and the strictly better Liliana's Caress! I think the only issue I have with those cards is Empty handed opponents in topdeck mode... it feels really good early buy feels bad in the late game... I don't know of any instant speed discard effects outside of Nezumi Shortfang Flip to rely on Caress? How did you utilize Liliana's Caress? Does it just work better side by side with The Rack than im giving it credit for? I fortunatly have had a full playset for years now and am totally open to trying it out!
eliakimras on Welcome to art class, time to draw. (Suggestions)
1 year ago
I'm at work, so I can't do a thoroughly search for you, but I believe you might get inspiration from Nekusar, the Mindrazer decks. His most effective builds are Windfall-like cards plus Megrim/Underworld Dreams effects with Waste Not out.
Also, run all 2-cmc untapped ramp you can get your hands on: it'll make your deck run smoothly as butter. Azorius Signet, Orzhov Signet, Talisman of Progress, Talisman of Hierarchy, Fellwar Stone.
If you're interested, I can give you more comprehensive advice once I get home. Your build might benefit from some tweaks.
wallisface on
1 year ago
Some thoughts:
20 lands feels really low for a deck running Smallpox, that also needs 3 mana reliably, and ideally 4 mana for Tourach, Dread Cantor. Personally, i'd go up to 24 lands, and then run a playset of Raven's Crime so that you can still make use of any excess lands you might draw later in the game. (i'd drop the Hypnotic Specter for those extra lands, as the card just validates your opponents killspells too much)
I'd suggest running the full playset of Smallpox as it can just prove soo valuable for messing with your opponent, particularly if you're on the draw (which 8rack decks often want to be).
I'd ditch Megrim in place of some kind of killspell. between Shrieking Affliction, The Rack, and Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage you already have enough ways to punish an empty hand - and the opponent might not even have any cards in hand to discard after turn 3 anyway. You also want to be able to killspell the opponents board to force them into having to play more cards and get lower on resources. I think Fatal Push would be a lot more useful than Megrim here.
Duress can be really problematic in that it might not find a card to discard. I'd suggest running 3x Blackmail instead, and then 1 copy of Bontu's Last Reckoning. Blackmail is a lot stronger in that it will at least be guaranteed to force a discard, and the single copy of Bontu's Last Reckoning can come in clutch for getting out of gross situations (though I don't think you want to be running more than 1 copy because drawing 2 in a game is probably not helpful)
Sheld on The Chaos Legion
1 year ago
Hi @zepample,
I play in a very casual meta, so I can afford to play dumb expensive flavorful cards. :)
Here are some modifications you can try to make the deck stronger if your meta is a bit more serious:
Take out some expensive and "timmy" cards. Suggestions: Emrakul, Myojin, Wondrous Crucible, Ovika, Gigantoplasm, Wildfire Devils. While being fun and flavorful, these are in my opinion not great cards in a more competitive setting.
Add more protection for Abaddon and more ways to enable his ability easily. Suggestions: Swiftfoot Boots, Bolt Bend, Logic Knot, Protection Racket, Loyal Subordinate, Court of Ambition. Abaddon is often a remove-on-sight commander so more protection could be necessary and relying on combat damage to enable him could be problematic in a more competitive setting.
Add more triggers from draws/discards. Suggestions: Tergrid Flip, Megrim, Liliana's Caress, Bone Miser. These cards combined with wheels can provide huge tempo swings making the deck much more spiky.
You might need more/better control cards and finishers. My suggestion for another finisher would be Torment of Hailfire.
Hope some of this helps to adjust the deck for your meta. :)
ToxicMCTV on You want more cards? You can’t handle more cards!
1 year ago
Gonna have to use Liliana's Caress instead of Megrim in my Nekusar, the Mindrazer deck now
Have (1) | jakobgui |
Want (2) | Atzaru , Butcher1981 |