Kemba, Kha Regent
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kemba, Kha Regent

Legendary Creature — Cat Cleric

At the beginning of your upkeep, create a 2/2 white Cat creature token for each equipment attached to Kemba, Kha Regent.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Thinking Cap
Healer's Headdress
Kemba's Legion
Spectral Guardian
Leonin Den-Guard
Skyhunter Cub

eliakimras on Wyleth, Boros Voltron

10 months ago

Hello fellow Wyleth, Soul of Card Draw player!

I'm glad you got both Wyleth's and Aesi's precons for a good price. They are reeeeally explosive in gameplay with a few upgrades.

I play a lot of this bad boy, and I want to suggest some swaps below 3 USD for you to take it to a higher ground:

First of all, the ramp. I found out that 2 CMC, untapped ramp is the best for Wyleth. Since he draws so many cards, he can chain rocks and voltron pieces in the same turn, so his next turn is even more explosive than the last one. I almost always have more mana than the Green decks in my pod.

You should run boardwipes that hits your stuff the least:

Also, you can streamline your removal package. All of those are fetchable by Sunforger:

More/better auras and equipment

Cheating equip costs

If you really need to protect yourself against attacks, Ghostly Prison is a way better Palace Guard.

More utility lands

Coward_Token on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

I wonder if the art direction for Exsanguinate specified just two people? The fact that it can hit all opponents is a big selling point in commander. Would have expected something more like Bloodsoaked Reveler  Flip.

At first I thought the art for Flawless Maneuver was meant for Fierce Guardianship due to the blue runes, but then I notized that it featured Orzhov characters. Weird choice, could have been gold? Guess it would be hard to distinguish from the fire.

Did anyone ask for Pianna, Nomad Captain to be reprinted? Feels weird that she's a rarity neighbor to e.g. Kemba, Kha Regent. Battle Screech is pretty underwhelming too. Isn't there better draft chaff available?

lespaul977 on Nailed it! (Budget)

1 year ago

Nice deck! You’ve got excellent synergy here. I especially like how Konda's Banner and Kemba, Kha Regent can work together to create and pump up a small army. Good work!

Ervefel on Itty Bitty Critty Kitty

1 year ago

Thank you for the suggestions, a couple of the ones you made were in the orginal build but decided against them for one reason or another. Like Skullclamp isn't in the deck because i dont like adding it to decks that i cant abuse it with (like i can in my Chatterfang, Squirrel General deck), as im trying to avoid Balan from dying as much i dont think i could get the full value from the card. Which is why i adding cards like Sword of Fire and Ice, Mask of Memory and Endless Atlas as they would be more reliable forms of draw.

I put Divine Reckoning in the deck over Tragic Arrogance because i wanted to advoid losing all my equipment and having to rebuild again, plus the added bonus of it being reuseable. But i agree with you that Divine Reckoning might not be good enough so i thought that Promise of Loyalty might be a better fit as it gets around indestructible with the sac effect like Tragic Arrogance does but also means i get to keep my equipment and protects me from the creatures that survive.

Steelshaper's Gift was going to be in the deck orginally but i switched it with Enlightened Tutor instead as it gave me more flexibility with being able to search up any artifact or enchantment instead of just equipment. But i do think the deck could do with more tutor effects so i think im going to take your suggestion and add Relic Seeker to the deck and remove Kemba, Kha Regent, like you i feel she doesnt pull her weight like she used to.

Both Crush Contraband and Return to Dust are good cards but i feel that it can be quite situational which is better.

I agree with you that Oblivion Ring should come out the deck and i feel that Grasp of Fate would be a great replacement as i've enjoyed seeing what it can do in my Brago, King Eternal deck.

I also agree with you on Finale of Glory not fitting the deck and even though it pains me to say it that Caged Sun might be to slow for the deck. So im going to take your advice and add Surestrike Trident and Ironsoul Enforcer as they're both interesting cards that i think could fit the deck nicely and i'd love to see how they do.

Sammycy1 on Equip/Aura Galea

2 years ago

Hey nice deck! The way i see it you can focus more one one direction of this deck and use the other for support: either auras or equipment. Aura Focus: Add: Archon of Sun's Grace Ashiok's Erasure Boon Satyr Copy Enchantment Curiosity Darksteel Mutation Dissipation Field Hydra's Growth Gift of Paradise Hypnotic Siren Ichthyomorphosis Idyllic Tutor Kenrith's Transformation Plea for Guidance Psychic Impetus Unflinching Courage

Remove: Masterwork of Ingenuity Puresteel Paladin Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel Catti-brie of Mithral Hall Resolute Archangel Valiant Endeavor Serum Visions Brainstorm Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Cold-Eyed Selkie Military Intelligence

Equipment Focus: Add: Balan, Wandering Knight Behemoth Sledge Belt of Giant Strength Golem-Skin Gauntlets Kemba, Kha Regent Mask of Memory Mirrormade Paradise Mantle Prying Blade Quest for the Holy Relic Whispersilk Cloak

Remove: Resolute Archangel Ajani's Chosen Valiant Endeavor Gryff's Boon Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Military Intelligence Cold-Eyed Selkie Serum Visions Brainstorm Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel

And if you dont want to focus on one this would be a more Varied apporach incorporating a little from both Both Focus: Add: Fleecemane Lion Geist of Saint Traft Kiora's Follower Mirrormade Spirit Mantle Staggering Insight Utopia Sprawl Curiosity Beast Within Archon of Sun's Grace Curiosity Darksteel Mutation Dissipation Field Idyllic Tutor Unflinching Courage Behemoth Sledge Kemba, Kha Regent Mirrormade Quest for the Holy Relic Whispersilk Cloak Kenrith's Transformation

Remove: Resolute Archangel Ajani's Chosen Valiant Endeavor Gryff's Boon Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Military Intelligence Cold-Eyed Selkie Serum Visions Brainstorm Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel Abundant Growth Goldvein Pick Cream of the Crop Three Dreams

KembaKhaRegent on Cat Tribal Budget

3 years ago

Couldn't help but notice you didn't have any equipment to put on Raksha Golden Cub to have him give your other cats double strike, leaving him as an overcost 7 drop 3/4 with vigilance. Same is true with Kemba, Kha Regent and her token spawning, though she's a 3 drop 2/4 without her ability which is pretty average.

I'd recommend either cutting both of them, or cutting just Kemba and a few other cards to run some cheap staple commander equipment ( Swiftfoot Boots , Lightning Greaves ), as Raksha's +2/+2 and double strike is exceptionally powerful in Tribal Cats and shroud and hexproof are good abilities to have.

As for card draw, you could also kill two birds with one stone and put in Sword of Fire and Ice , but given that that card costs almost as much as the rest of the deck put together, I'd totally understand if you didn't want to run it.

TheVectornaut on Hot Women Card Collection

3 years ago

I actually made an entire deck around this concept that works surprisingly well. Steve Argyle is a particularly great resource for this topic. In addition to Liliana of the Veil and Chosen of Markov  Flip, he's also done Deadly Allure , Guul Draz Vampire , Naya Battlemage , and Night Revelers . Other notable artists are Jason Chan ( Deathpact Angel , Fires of Undeath , Kiora, Master of the Depths , Mayael the Anima , Maul Splicer , Treasured Find ) and Volkan Baga ( Elspeth, Knight-Errant , Korozda Gorgon , Stoic Angel , Student of Warfare ). I ended up going with vampires + knights and some other cards I included are Hero of Bladehold , Knight Exemplar , Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts , Elenda, the Dusk Rose , and possibly the most ridiculous piece of Magic art ever created: Soul Collector . Some cards that came close to making the cut are Angel of Despair , Bloodflow Connoisseur , Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief , Knight of Dusk , Magister of Worth , Avacyn, Angel of Hope , Vampire Hexmage , and Veteran Cavalier .

Other cards that I like (sorted by type) include Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch , Lyzolda, the Blood Witch , Kemba, Kha Regent , Sunspear Shikari , Elvish Champion , Gaea's Herald , Quirion Dryad , Nimbus Naiad , Dreamborn Muse , Mistral Singer , Shipwreck Singer , Siren of the Fanged Coast , Akroma, Angel of Wrath , Archangel of Strife , Basandra, Battle Seraph , Razia, Boros Archangel , and Ire Shaman . Looking at this list now, it's clear I've spent far too much time researching this subject.

WebbofLies on I Play Magic for the Plot

3 years ago

I think Kemba, Kha Regent should definitely be here somewhere...

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