Foundry Street Denizen

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Foundry Street Denizen

Creature — Goblin Warrior

Whenever another red creature enters the battlefield under your control, this gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

DraxCummuni on Grumgully Tribal

2 years ago

Ammonzy Goblin Lackey and Guardian Project both would be great. I was looking at Foundry Street Denizen, Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei, and Sparksmith to help lower costs as well. I know I need better land, and I will be getting some soon. What about more/better sac outlets? Using persist could get me infinite mana.

Also, what about cards like Flameshadow Conjuring and Molten Echoes?

Wolfpig on Muxus

2 years ago

I'd trade Dockside Extortionist for Foundry Street Denizen and Coat of Arms for Stoneforge Masterwork. Dockside is great but the costs verses value in an Aggro deck don't add up when you can get 10+ damage from a 1 drop source like Denizens by flowing tokens or creatures out. Coat also buffs other aggro's so its a meh piece for me usually when Stoneforge masterwork does the same for 1 creature at a cheaper cost in mana and $. I'd suggest Thran Dynamo over Arcane Signet also for ramp. It would combo better with your mana rituals. Also a Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle wouldn't hurt either.

MistaMint on Torbran's Goblin Hose

2 years ago

TapatioDorito I like those suggestions, and I wish you'd put them on the actual suggested part lol.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker would be a good addition to the deck and I'll have to ponder on it. I'm going to be putting Foundry Street Denizen in place of Swab Goblin, as much as I love saying it's name

WhiteEagle_12 on Gobsmack

2 years ago

I would go down to a maximum of 21 mountains, and then replace Frenzied Goblin with either Foundry Street Denizen or Goblin Guide. I would also replace Goblin Instigator with Warren Instigator. It's good damage and better aggro. I would also replace Ib Halfheart with another Goblin Piledriver. Additionally, I would switch out two copies of Shared Animosity for Goblin Grenade, it's just too good to ignore in a goblin deck. From there, I would remove all four of either Dragon Fodder or Krenko's Command to put in two more Goblin Grenades and two Lightning Bolts. With the three slots that you freed up from cutting land, I would add in two more copies of Lightning Bolt and one more copy of whatever you chose to replace Frenzied Goblin.

jcub3333 on

4 years ago


Cavern of Souls: cannot pay for bolt or grenade. you really need 100% of your lands to tap for red mana or the consistency of the deck is hit hard. not being able to be hit by counter magic isn’t that much of an upside because if the opponent is playing counter magic the matchup is likely already good fo us.

Goblin Chieftain: chieftain costs 3 mana for one card that is super susceptible to removal. the whole premise of the deck is “no lords 8 whack” which means you will always be pumping out damage and not give the opponent one target that can ruin you (the one exception being Goblin Piledriver but it has such a huge upside with way less investment and if it’s removed it’s not the end of the world). if you take Reckless Bushwhacker out of the deck it falls apart. unfortunately that one card choice is not personal preference it’s just too core to the deck. some people do still decide to run chieftain but you cannot take out reckless bushwhacker for it.

Reality Hemorrhage: is in the sideboard for decks that run Kor Firewalker, Burrenton Forge-Tender, and Auriok Champion. because it has devoid it is not red and can kill these creatures.

Shared Animosity: is definitely worth testing 3 mana might be a bit much but the potential of the card is high.

Mogg War Marshal: saying war marshal is 10000x better than Krenkos Comand and Dragon Fodder would be an understatement. you can sac him to grenade without going down a goblin. you can sac him to Skirk Prospector for extra mana he gives Foundry Street Denizen 3 power of the course of the game. It itself is a goblin so you can play it off the top of the library with snoop. It does many other things but these are just a few that spring to mind. you almost never pay the echo and you can just give the summoning sick goblin haste with your bushwhackers.

TriusMalarky on Returning players - where to …

4 years ago

Since you're just playing with friends, you get the leeway of not needing to spend tons of money acquiring decent cards. That means that, overall, you can get a lot more bang for your buck.

I'll be giving you my personal preferences for a casual player who may or may not ever get into slightly more competitive play, AKA FNM.

  • 1) There are bulk boxes available for $15-20 of a thousand or two assorted cards. Keep in mind a lot of the cards might not be legal in Modern, but they do tend to be acquired from mostly newer sets(from the two I bought, ~70% of the contents were standard legal at the time of purchase). I recommend one of those to just about everyone who's getting into the game. They might not end up giving you tons of great value, but it's solid card fodder to help you learn and explore more archetypes and strategies.

I also recommend picking up cheap staples by the playset. The following are a bunch of cards you can probably get for $2 or less apiece, in many cases for the whole 4 copies.

That's mostly just a pile of suggestions, though. The lands will be absolutely necessary for any multicolor deck you build, although wait a month or three to get the Thriving lands because those currently have an immensely low supply and will be reprinted shortly.

Swilliam on Red Deck WINota... s

4 years ago

Hey, your spin on this deck is awesome! If you aren't opposed to your Goblin Rabblemaster's forcing your goblins to attack every turn, you could play some copies of Foundry Street Denizen or Legion Loyalist. Neither have two power, but are sure to have awesome synergy with your main combo.

lagotripha on Krenko Mace but wtf is happening

4 years ago

I like this idea, but I feel it could be a little wilder, in BUDGET 3 COLOUR (yay!)

If you are playing taplands, Terramorphic Expanse/Evolving Wilds gives budget access to all colours, while tri-lands give access to 3 colours. Naya Panorama combined with Jungle Shrine and basics is about as reliable as your current base.

If you are having trouble with tempo, colourless 1 and 2 drops are good alongside panorama and land searching- if you already run draw spells to look for your combo, making up card disadvantage from Renegade Map isn't backbreaking.

Green gives access to budget fixing and ramp, letting you power out the mace/boss while swapping out the feather/clarion package.

Syr Faren, the Hengehammer is a little too hard to cast with that double green cost, but a list running Wild Cantormight power him out.

Glistener Elf will make your opponent immediately get very scared, regardless of anything, and slapping a mace on it will double that. Ichorclaw Myr is cheaper and will force their removal.

Goblin tokens to go with prospector might help, with Kuldotha Rebirth taking advantage of artifact mana fixing- letting you go wide as a back up plan, letting you fight through the kind of removal these combo decks often have trouble with.

Breath of Fury is a spectacular alternative combo. It also lets you lean into a feather/heroic gameplan with cards like Akroan Crusader/Foundry Street Denizen. Alternatively, a more midrangey list with Brimaz, King of Oreskos or the rabblemasters. Haazda Marshal/Precinct Captain offers a low cost target.

Anointer Priest is going to be ok in the sideboard. Tithe Taker can be a budget thalia, sorta.

Thorn Lieutenant should be fairly cheap rn.

Knotvine Paladin is cheap and duplicates mace effects - serving as a budget alternative to Voice of Resurgence

Proliferate cards are budget and have strong interactions with the deck, doubling mace counters or +1+1s, so a backup plan featuring them and some random 'put a +1+1 counter' creatures will stack up pretty well.

Good luck and happy brewing.

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