Timely Reinforcements

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Timely Reinforcements


If you have less life than an opponent, you gain 6 life. If you control fewer creatures than an opponent, create 3 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.


2 years ago


Hello! Thanks for your response!

One thing that I can take away from your post is Timely Reinforcements is useful. I don't quite understand much of what you said.

Metroid_Hybrid said: "Braid of Fire does hardly anything for you here. This is because Mana empties at the end of each & every step and phase. In this case it's only good for casting Instants and other Cumulative costs during your Upkeep.."

What does he/she mean by this?! I thought that you get mana on unpkeep, like when you tap your lands, then spend it however you want on your turn??? If not, then I can see why Braid of Fire isn't a great choice.

Also, do you think that Harsh Mentor is a good option? Like a Eidolon of the Great Revel but punishing use of activated abilities?? Do you think people often use activated abilities?

lagotripha on BOROS BURN AIKIDO

2 years ago

If you want to play Braid of Fire you want to set up something like grandmaster to cast multiple 'return to hand' instant/ X cost spells, backed up by a second ramp engine, and it needs to win the game. This would be easiest with setting up a Time Warp loop or similar, but there are combo options with red/white that are similar, if a little less reliable.

To do this you'd need to respec the list into a grind/control setup -Path to Exiles and Lightning Helixes with the goal of getting a winning field where you just have better topdecks and a braid that keeps ticking up. This doesn't match the rest of your list.

I'm most used to seeing Boros Reckoner alongside Swans of Bryn Argoll as part of a combo engine, but the deck here doesn't have the parts to do that (wraths/land damage). It will work fine as a 3 drop choice for boros, but it will eat up slots that could be draw engines. You could go a little higher on the curve, run some more removal and try for Light from Within or Acolyte's Reward value, but it will take tuning and likely never quite reach competitive levels.

I've seen mono red tron where you try to cast wraths and burn people out with reckoner damage/ Fireball, but it hasn't been great in a long while.

I have seen combos using Hallow+Plunge into Darkness, a long time ago. It was a janky mess leaning hard on Children of Korlis. Hallow can definitely work for getting a high life total, letting you set up something like Aetherflux Reservoir or symetric burn, but every damage spell for it has big question marks above it.

The rest of your deck outside of braid is an aggressive 'get to low life totals then exploit that' list. This is where deflecting palm shines, but also where risk factor is great. It will, over time morph into boros burn if you keep pushing the power level - the curse of competitive is that you tend to get a generic deck with 6-7 cards that are your own twist on it.

You might get something unique if you focus on cards like Timely Reinforcements, which has been a traditional control staple, to win mirror burn matchups, or figure out Molten Psyche alongside delayed symetric draw - Howling Mine or similar could power a very aggressive list.

I hope this provides ideas and options at least - I don't have any great answers.

lagotripha on Abzan +1/+1 Counters OFFICAL

2 years ago

Hardened Scales alongside constrictor is an incredible engine, with corpesjack menace as a powerful endgame.

The problem with making a list built around them better is that too many good +1+1 counter cards have been printed. Getting a good mix that matches your metagame is tricky when there are so many options, and figuring out what support they need - trample or removal, or graveyard exiling or hand disruption gets quite long-winded.

I'd start by looking at low CMC 1 or 2 - Experiment One & Pelt Collector have been very strong in this kind of list.

In general, I'd look for cards that use counters to track something else - your Ochre Jellys, or things that put +1+1 counters for things you are already doing - like if you ran Willow Geist and Scavenging Ooze.

Thats before considering how to maximise cards like Oath of Ajani or keywords like Proliferate - it might be worth playing some cards that have nothing to do with counters if they suit everything else well enough - life and tokens from Timely Reinforcements can matter a lot in some setups.

If you want somewhere to focus, getting lands sorted is the best place. A good 3 color mana base is expensive and takes some tuning, Lands like Vastwood Fortification  Flip or the various +1+1 counter options take up space and fixing mana and keeping space for them can be tricky.

abbatromebone on Mono White Landfall

2 years ago
  • Side boards are pretty meta dependent so i would want to know what decks you'll know you will face.
  • Wall of omens is amazing in this deck. It draws you a card, and helps keep you alive for the late game. I would at least consider the following: Elite Vanguard can still attack for 2 damage, and will trade better on def when running against low cost creatures.
    Mardu Woe-Reaper might cost more $ but has an affect as well
    Soldier of the Pantheon really good vs 3 color decks being they have more multicolored spells.
    Imposing Sovereign slows the game down for you
    Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is a $ card so you can ignore it, just one know exists being you might be facing one. Esper Sentinel wrote down and forgot how much it costs, which might be a lot now that i think of it.
  • If felt particularly spicy and wanted to go with a more controlling style deck you could put in Timely Reinforcements. Giver of Runes All are cheap 1-2 mana creatures that have an affect. Some of these are better than others, if you only facing mono colored decks then the multi-color interactions are bad, and if your facing a lot of those spells then it has more on an impact than an 0/1 blocker and 2/3 attacker (or i guess at best 4/5).
  • Giver of Runes is a more expensive card but it protects your angel which is very good removal. They would need 1 spell for her and the angel.
  • There is an arguement for honor the pure however its 2 mana do nothing until we start going which feels like a "win more card" so ill say it exists but wont recommend it.

zapyourtumor on Braids pox

3 years ago

I've always wanted to build a braids modern deck, but casting a 4 drop in a smallpox deck always seemed a bit risky to me, while running braids without smallpox always seemed too slow. Here are my comments on your list:

You have some cards that don't add enough to your gameplan.

1) Greater Harvester looks cute, but it sucks. A static ability that only affects you, while the only way for it to cause your opponent to sacrifice stuff is to deal combat damage with a 5/6 vanilla creature without any evasion or trample or anything. Even with Braids wiping your opponent's board this card will definitely hurt you more than them. World Queller is still pretty expensive, but has a much nicer effect that lets you choose the permanent type. I probably wouldn't run either but having another 5 cmc Braids is cool.

2) Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip definitely seems too slow as well but maybe the flip side is okay. I doubt it though.

3) I know you run Thalia, Guardian of Thraben to tax your opponents and make it even harder for them to cast spells along with braids, but you have so many noncreature spells that it's probably not that good here either.

4) Leyline of the Meek synergizes with your token plan, but doesn't help you stretch out the game, deny your opponent resources, or create more tokens for yourself. If you really want to play something to buff your tokens I'd use Intangible Virtue , but I don't recommend it.

5) Timely Reinforcements definitely doesn't fit here. There's a reason it usually isn't played in decks with a lot of other token producers - because then its effect would be useless. Add in braids wiping the opponent's creatures and it becomes even worse. 4 Souls + 4 BB already seems like a good token package to me. It could maybe be a one-of in the sideboard though against hyper-aggressive decks.

6) Cabal Coffers is very questionable, since your land count is probably not going to be that high. If you are going to keep it, definitely add more Urborgs. Also 25 lands is a little high even for a pox deck like this one, I think 24 is the perfect number.

7) Crucible of Worlds does have nice synergy with sacrificing lands (and replaying Flagstones is pretty cool) but a lot of the time you would probably be sacrificing tokens instead. I don't think the card is that great here unless you have Flagstones of Trokair on the field, so if you need space for other cards I would recommend cutting these.

You should probably have more early game resource denial, lower your mana curve, and have more pieces that break symmetry.

1) Braids is a four drop, and doesn't have any impact on the board unless she survives a turn. You definitely need something early game that has a similar effect to braids. I don't think this deck can function without 4x Smallpox .

2) 4x Flagstones of Trokair . No questions asked. Also 2-3 Urborgs (esp if you keep Cabal Coffers). T1 Urborg, Inquisition/Thoughtseize into T2 flagstones + smallpox is backbreaking.

3) Bloodghast gives something to discard to pox, and you can repeatedly sacrifice it to braids as well. Nether Spirit is another option but I don't think it works well here.

4) Multiples of Braids suck, so I'd go down to 3 copies.

5) You could consider Sedgemoor Witch as a token producer instead of Bitterblossom. Not quite as sure about this one; it does something even if you only use the tokens to feed braids and gains life while BB loses life, but it also costs 1 more mana and acts as a juicy removal target. However, with braids on the field you already have removal targets so it probably isn't as much of an issue as it seems.

Your only early game disruption is Thoughtseize. This is definitely not enough.

1) I'd run 6-8 discard spells total between Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek . Honestly, In my opinion the best is a 4 IoK/2 Seize split, since IoK is better early game and you should be able to prevent your opponent from casting 4+ cmc spells anyways.

2) I understand that you are running Vindicate so you can blow up your opponent's lands, but you should definitely have some cheaper removal. I'd probably cut one and run 2-3 Fatal Push . Bloodchief's Thirst or Prismatic Ending could also work, just anything that isn't Path to Exile .

About the sideboard cards

1) Definitely Kataki, War's Wage for artifact hate, make sure to side out Crucible if you decide to keep it though. Stony Silence is another alternative that you can't sacrifice to pox or Braids.

2) Some boardwipes are probably needed, even though they don't synergize that well with tokens or braids. Without them, you'll just get run over by aggressive decks. Best ones are Damn and Bontu's Last Reckoning (first one is more of a 1-2x mainboard card, while second one is probably a 2-of in the sideboard).

3) Grave hate, Rest in Peace is best but Leyline of the Void also works.

4) Kor Firewalker for burn and/or other aggressive red-centered strategies (like rakdos aggro). Dragon's Claw also works if you don't want to sacrifice it to Smallpox, or if the WW is hard to cast.

zapyourtumor on White Therefore Superior

3 years ago

Maybe consider splashing B?

Gives you access to Lingering Souls, Bitterblossom (synergizes with Timely Reinforcements), Zealous Persecution, Sorin, Solemn Visitor

If you stay mono white: Raise the Alarm, Venerated Loxodon

BrassLord on Destructive Control

3 years ago

Howdy! Looks like an interesting budget brew! I see you run Absorb , but I don't see a way for you to produce white mana. So maybe something to either consider cutting, or making it a white blue deck?

If you do go that route, for your sideboard Disdainful Stroke , Ceremonious Rejection , and Timely Reinforcements are useful against Eldrazi Tron or any single target big creatures, like Death Shadow decks, as the life gain helps you stabilize and the creatures allow you to chump block to get to the late game. Celestial Purge is another cheap card to slot in against relevant decks. Mystical Dispute is useful against the plethora of Snow decks out there.

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