Killing Wave

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Killing Wave


For each creature, its controller sacrifices it unless he or she pays X life.

kamarupa on Cloaked Whispers

3 months ago

I love the concept of this deck, but it is def not going to be easy to make it work well. You have some obvious needs in 1) getting the combo pieces 2) having enough mana to cast them all before your opponent stops you 3) having room for defense and removal and 4) making sure your cloaked creatures die.

1) You not only need have some way of assembling your combo, you also need a way to put a spell on top of your library. I have to do this with my deck Cover Girl. The only spells I could find that made sense in that deck were: Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Brainstone, and Scheming Symmetry. I suggest running 2x of each of the first. Scheming Symmetry is a pretty big risk, so I advise against that here. The upshot of Jace is that you can cycle through your library 3 cards at a time, so you not only get to control your top card, you also get to filter for what you need.

2) Provided you employ some added filtering with Jace and Brainstone, I think you can remove some of your extra threats. This will allow for a little ramp. I guess I'd probably go with Birds of Paradise unless you're worried it will get bolted for being a bird. Then I'd probably go with a land enchantment like Fertile Ground. I think with the high-ish cost of your combo pieces, a little ramp is going to be helpful in creating a consistency in speed. (not to be fast, just to be as fast as it can be more reliably)

3) It occurs to me that cloaked spells could be blockers IF you both don't have all the combo pieces in place AND you whiffed with Hide in Plain Sight. Those are somewhat narrow conditions, so it's probably best not rely on that. I see you have room for 35 more cards, approx 24 of which will probably be lands, so I'll have to wait and see how much room you have for more defense and removal, but I think you have to include Bone Splinters. It's not as fast as I'd like but it pulls double duty in kicking off the final step in your combo and it does it for 1 MV instead of 3 like Start / Finish. I'd probably throw in 1x Fog, too. And Assassin's Trophy and Abrupt Decay would be excellent additions to the mainboard and sideboard. I'd probably go 4xBone Splinters, 2xAssassin's Trophy, 1xAbrupt Decay in the main and then extra of the instants in the sideboard.

4) Bone Splinters helps make sure you creatures die, but a board wipe like Killing Wave would probably be useful as well late game.

Rhadamanthus on Would Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin …

4 months ago

This took some time to be confident in the answer and I went back and forth a few times. The way I read the rules about it, this won't work. This comes from the detailed rule for paying life as a cost and the detailed rule for how multiple simultaneous actions are performed during the resolution of a spell or ability:

118.3b Paying life is done by subtracting the indicated amount of life from a player’s life total. (Players can always pay 0 life.)

608.2f Some spells and abilities include actions taken on multiple players and/or objects. In most cases, each such action is processed simultaneously. If the action can’t be processed simultaneously, it’s instead processed considering each affected player or object individually. APNAP order is used to make the primary determination of the order of those actions. Secondarily, if the action is to be taken on both a player and an object they control or on multiple objects controlled by the same player, the player who controls the resolving spell or ability chooses the relative order of those actions.

Because the actions all get executed at the same time, the player will lose the life from Killing Wave all in one go, meaning Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin will only trigger if an opponent pays just 1 life total this way.

This might be the least confident I've been in an answer to a rules question in a long time but no one else seems to want to touch it and it's the best I was able to come up with.

wallisface on MODERN DIMIR 2023

7 months ago

Some thoughts:

jamochawoke on We killed 1/3 of Europe

8 months ago

The deck is fun but honestly it's missing some of Black's power. That being explosive mana ramp, hand control, field wipes, and targeted removal. Since you're aiming to give your rats Undying anyways I'd at least run 1 wrath like Damnation, Decree of Pain, Mutilate, Killing Wave, Life's Finale, Necromantic Selection, or the ultimate end game finisher Overwhelming Forces where you don't even have to hit your own creatures and draw a card for each kill.

Caerwyn on Killing Wave + Rune of …

11 months ago

First, TappedOut has a Rules Q&A section for questions about cards, rules, of card interactions. It has some added functions, such as the ability to mark an answer when you no longer have questions. I have gone ahead and moved your thread.


For your follow-up question, Shroud will not prevent Killing Wave. Shroud only prevents things that target - and Killing Wave does not target. Spells which target will always use the word “target” in their rules text (with the exception of Auras and Mutate, where “target” shows up in the rules themselves). Because Killing Wave does not say “target” it cannot be stopped by Shroud.

Epidilius on Killing Wave + Rune of …

11 months ago

Rune of Protection: Black

Killing Wave

No, because Killing Wave doesn't deal damage.

TheVectornaut on Dead of Night

1 year ago

I think the biggest weakness of this deck is that it's hard to curve out early with so many of the slots occupied by cards at 3 CMC or higher. The ideal play pattern is probably to slam down Champion of the Perished on turn 1 and then follow up with a zombie or 2 every following turn until finishing with a bomb. This is difficult to do with Relentless Dead as your only 2 drop, and if you don't draw Champion, the lack of 1 drops makes things even worse. I'd recommend adding something like Gravecrawler, Diregraf Ghoul, Cryptbreaker, or Dread Wanderer to provide early pressure in the absence of a champion. Then, on 2, I personally like Undead Augur for the draw, especially paired with a sac outlet like Carrion Feeder. Other 2s could be Waste Not with a discard package, Graveyard Marshal as a lordless Cemetery Reaper, or you could dedicate the slots to cheaper removal. Invoke Despair is very flashy but seldom as efficient as a Thoughtseize or Fatal Push. On 3, you have enough cards, although I would still offer Geralf's Messenger, Diregraf Colossus, and Lord of the Accursed as other options to consider. To make room, the most obvious place to start is the bloated 6-slot, and as much as I love using him in my Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest EDH deck, Champion of Stray Souls is very slow in 60-card formats. Helm of the Host, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, and Killing Wave (without a drain package with Gray Merchant of Asphodel) also seem underwhelming to me. It should be noted that I'm using modern as the basis for my evaluation. If your local casual meta is slow enough, running more big guys isn't as big of a problem, although I'd still try for more 1s and 2s just to avoid games where you're bricked until turn 3.

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