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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Demigod of Revenge
Creature — Spirit Avatar
Flying, haste
When you cast Demigod of Revenge, return all cards named Demigod of Revenge from your graveyard to the battlefield.

LunchBox1211 on Card creation challenge
1 day ago
Leyline of Serenity
If Leyline of Serenity is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield.
Whenever a Leyline Permanent enters the battlefield, gain life equal to its mana value. If you gained 7 or more life this way, scry 2 (Leyline permanents are enchantments, angels, elementals, oozes, spirits, and demons).
Of course I had to make a literal Leyline for the leylne permanents.
OK, so Demigod of Revenge functionally does not work for Commander. It's also the reason the entire cycle is NON-legendary, so make a new card that is still this thing, and still conveys the lore and gameplay ideas of this thing (go check out The Seer's Parable, if you need a refresh), but is a Legendary Creature.
wallisface on
Leyline of the Land
1 year ago
I like this concept a lot, and from the look of the list it feels very easy to assemble.
My only thought is that there has to be more obnoxious permanents to cast for 5 mana… you’re not restricted by colour so you can just put any egregious nonsense into play pretty easily. Imo Titania, Protector of Argoth is only really any good in a deck running fetchlands.
I had a quick look through gatherer and the following might be worth considering:
Demigod of Revenge is hyper aggressive and can mess with your opponents ability to kill your board.
Fury (and maybe Solitude) feels like a solid ways to apply pressure and mess with the opponent.
Doom Whisperer rigs your deck so that are always drawing gas. It also works great with the before-mentioned Demigod of Revenge.
Dragonlord Ojutai is a resilient threat if you’re local meta has a lot of killspells.
Garruk, Primal Hunter wins most grindy games just through being a value engine. In a similar vein Teferi, Hero of Dominaria can provide you a lot of advantage if you can keep it alive.
Glorybringer is stronk but might not be stronk enough for the effort to get him into play
Sheoldred Flip probably auto-wins by itself if you can flip her
Keruga, the Macrosage draws you all the cards.
kellpiece on
CBT Demons
3 years ago
I love demon deck ideas. The only drawback is alot of demons have REALLY shitty negative stuff they do as well.
Griselbrand get this boi in there. he fucks. hard. I'd also def keep the Master of Cruelties and maybe even throw in some Lightning Greaves to protect your heavy hitters. Sire Of Insanity also a fuckin sick demon who works well with top decking if you have Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire out. Demigod of Revenge is also a sick ass card thats easy to play with your basic mana set up. Also maybe consider 1-2 Ob Nixilis Reignited for some late game card draw and variation to keep opponents on their toes.
Also dont be too afraid to lean heavy into some removal/burst, black/red has some great options like Bedevil , Lightning Bolt , Fatal Push and Inquisition of Kozilek
Biggest advice would be to dial back on some of the demons/devils just for the sake of having them. Some of em are trash. For example you could ditch the Tibalt's Rager for maybe some Spike Jester or Dreadhorde Butcher
HxC-Spazz on
4 years ago
Thank you for your comments fatalzintomyum !
You made two really good suggestions ! In fact, if you look at the cards selection i made in the description, you will see that both of them (Bitterblossom & Kolaghan's Command) were main deck. This actual version is a test of Mazemind Tome.
The lack of cards draw and the high number of Prowess decks i faced make me wanna try it. As i also put in a one-of Chandra, Acolyte of Flame and have so many three drop, i decided to swap Kolaghan's Command and Rakdos Charm from side to main. This allows graveyard & artifact hate game one, and decrease the mana-curve. I also put Demigod of Revenge in the sideboard for matchups where i need a faster clock and/or if my Ensnaring Bridge are dead.
I can easily go back to my first version if i'm not convinced after some play-testing ;)
Concerning Smoldering Marsh, i never had to regret it. I actually run seven basics so fetching it untapped is not very difficult.
Trypheus on
Haste lays Waste
4 years ago
Kind of unsure about Stormbreath Dragon... I'd like to have another potential finisher aside from Demigod of Revenge, but maybe I don't need it /// it's not that great? idk :/
HxC-Spazz on
4 years ago
Hey zAzen7977, thanks for your comment !
The third copy of Liliana of the Veil and a one-of Hazoret the Fervent were run before the spoil of Lightning Skelemental, but i had to make room for him. He is the finisher i was looking for and even if i love Hazoret (i still play her in my Demigod of Revenge build), i think the deck doesn't really need her anymore. And yeah, i miss Faithless Looting so much... but it had to go sadly.
psionictemplar on
skiing emrakul
4 years ago
Here are my thoughts.
You need more lands. 20 lands aren't enough to cast your higher costing spells as smoothly as you need to. I am going to suggest adding some fetchlands or Fabled Passage to help you hit your land drops and be extra fodder for your Grim Lavamancers.
Speaking of the grim's, I do like the interaction between them and the Eternal Scourge. However, I don't think you need 4 of them. The reasoning behind this lies in the fact that you have to not only get the scourge and the lavamancer on the battlefield but the lavamancer has to stick around as well. That's gonna be a pretty hard thing to do with no ways to protect your creatures. My suggestion is dropping it down to 2-3 copies. A 3/3 for 3 isn't very impressive on the battlefield.
This is gonna tie into points 1 and 2 a bit, especially since you mentioned it. I don't think you want Demigod of Revenge in this deck. My reasoning is not only that you need 5 mana, which will not be reached easily with the current land count, but you will also need to draw extras and have them in the graveyard to have any of the awesomeness that can happen. Without any way to search up creatures it won't happen anywhere near often as you probably hope it will. I think they would be better spots for lands. If you are still wanting to have a large flyer in that slot, then I will nominate something like Glorybringer or Stormbreath Dragon.
Eidolon of the Great Revel? Do you have a lot of small creature decks in your meta? This looks like it would deal a lot of damage to you as well.
In the sideboard you have Pyretic Ritual. This could probably go to the main deck if you didn't want to include more lands. Having 3 seems like it would show up often enough to ramp out your planeswalkers, which can handle the higher mana needs from there. I will suggest swapping them for Desperate Ritual though. Same card essentially, but gives you the option of splicing Through the Breach on. Not only that, but you could up the count on your other sb cards if needed this way.
Through the Breach and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. I think it's gonna be hard to pull off, but if you are wanting to have a suprise emrakul, then I will suggest Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast. His +loyalty works well with your solid creature count and his -2 could put an emrakul on the field for you if you stopped your creatures at 3 cmc. Granted there is a chance of hitting either demigod (which I would drop for this) or the hazoret. Even if you hit hazoret, you could activate lukka again and guarantee emrakul that way.
Anyhow long post ending, I hope you don't think I'm trying to put your deck down or anything like that. I'm just trying to offer ideas to help you enjoy your deck and be more successful.
EzraTerrestrial on
Wicked Devotion
5 years ago
MrNobleMonkey, thank you! Extirpate is an excellent replacement to Surgical Extraction. Nearly get the whole playset for the price of one extraction! As far as Demigod of Revenge I would say it's certainly the weakest card in the deck, but it usually ends up helping me fish out removal spells in order to give Phyrexian Obliterator a better chance. If I swapped out any card it'd be the demigod though. Works far better in my deck Revenge of the Underworld [Remastered] it fairs far better thanks to the engines that can put it in the graveyard. Entomb might be a good option, but I figure we want as many permanents as possible to rack up devotion. Sometimes it pays off if I've got Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, but by and large it gets 5 damage in and then gets killed off. I'll probably end up switching demigod out for either Murderous Rider or Ayara, First of Locthwain.
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