Migration Path

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Migration Path


Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

Craeter on

1 month ago

Looks pretty good. I'm no Dino expert, but it does look like the predominate Red costs would dictate more Mountains and less Swamps and Foests in general. As for ramp, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx could work with the high Red devotion. Since you have Green, you also have access to ramp staples like Cultivate and you've already got Kodama's Reach. Other possibilities: Explore, Cryptolith Rite, Flare of Cultivation, Migration Path. You could also do Gamble to try to tutor a powerful enchantment, and/or Demonic Tutor.

ViscountVonSausageRoll on Green Counter Gang

1 year ago

Since Managorger Hydra has been suggested I feel honorbound to also suggest his older cousin Forgotten Ancient. A little more expensive, but more shenanigan-able. For instance with Branching Evolution

And since Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx has been suggested, allow me to suggest Rushwood Elemental & Chlorophant to make the most of the devotion. Also Garruk Wildspeaker goes great with it, and well with Wild Growth.

Your profile says you're a newer player, so if you're looking for more budget friendly generic ramp options (Nykthos is kinda pricey) Nature's Lore is pretty hard to beat for pure early value, Migration Path is 4 mana, but it's never dead.

Oh, also maybe Bioshift

Profet93 on Sekki, Ghost Piñata

1 year ago

Just read the description, wish I could upvote again, pinata party!! Invite your friends!

Abundance - Given you need draw, rather than filter, why not replace it with a draw spell? Should you still wish to keep it, why not include Sylvan Library to 1) Synergize with abundance like crazy = 3x cards of your choice without life loss. 2) Top deck manipulation when you need it. 3) Draw in a pinch

Colossal Majesty - Why not swap this with Elemental Bond or Garruk's Uprising?

Awakening Zone - What purpose does this serve, ramp? Double tokens with doubling season?

Terramorph - There is much better ramp in green such as Migration Path.

Asceticism - Vines of Vastwood would most likely better serve your purpose. While not permanent, it's much each to cast and also provides a stat boost should needed. Being able to bluff against removal is powerful in a political meta. Not to mention that wipes that will inevitably come cannot be stopped by the regen clause (for most wipes). Swapping these will lower your CMC and help ensure interaction.

Bonders' Enclave - Draw in a land slot

The Great Henge - Cast right after your commander. Draw, 1/1 counters and lifegain all for 2 green mana.

Ancient Tomb - Ramp in a land slot

Garruk, Primal Hunter - Draw, token production and a maybe ult. Nice for nykthos. Could maybe swap Return of the Wildspeaker should you value versatility over instant speed interaction.

Greater Good - One of green's best card draw, your commander will give u +5 cards. Some good value. Sac outlet also helps prevent against theft and exile effects.

Harmonize - Card draw at it's simplest

Rishkar's Expertise - I see what you're saying in your description. The decision of going tall and or wide. This might be worth considering as it's draw and doesn't effect tempo.

There are other potential cuts but I wanna see what you think of these first before going further

Krom3 on Tatyova's Happy Jungle Fun Times!

1 year ago

hey hey LyrdAduPot thanks for the question!

I havent taken the time to update this list as I've been busy with work and such however I kept Claim in the deck because I recently upgraded the mana-base to have Breeding Pool Rimewood Falls and the new Tangled Islet so it made sense to have a way to fetch them, HOWEVER! in the decks current rendition on here you're absolutely right in that Migration Path works better! :D

LyrdAduPot on Tatyova's Happy Jungle Fun Times!

1 year ago

why would you limit yourself to forests with Skyshroud Claim when you could run Migration Path and get an island or two when you need one?

Triton on

1 year ago

I love angry Omnath! He was my very first deck starting out with the game, and it's amazing how powerful the deck has gotten over the years and countless upgrades I've done on the deck.

I'd also suggest cutting all artifact ramp outside of the mana-positive rocks (like Sol Ring) for land ramp. Nissa's Pilgrimage is another Kodama's Reach/Cultivate, and Explosive Vegetation, Skyshroud Claim, and Migration Path are all really nice ramp cards and hare relatively inexpensive.

Sac outlets like Greater Good, Ashnod's Altar, and Goblin Bombardment are all super powerful with Omnath in play.

If budget allows, I'd cut the landfall pingers + a land for Purphoros, God of the Forge, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle and Scapeshift. Scapeshift is a super powerful card even without Omnath in play, as you can scapeshift a bunch of lands into Valakut to win.

Hope this helps!

Drayven9309 on Adrix & Nev, Multi-Tokes

2 years ago

Regarding your land base I see you're running Misty Rainforest, but not any of the lands it's 'meant' to fetch - these are dual lands that still have land types and are thus fetchable. Tropical Island, Breeding Pool etc. I don't think you need to run Misty as you're only in two colours and green is the king of ramp, so you're unlikely to be hurting for the right colours as well as cutting 1/10th of your deck's cost.

I don't like to spend a lot of money on my land base (especially in only two colours) but there are some cheap dual lands that are good to throw in, these come in untapped if you fulfill certain conditions (which are reasonably easy to obtain, especially in green) Dreamroot Cascade, Flooded Grove, Hinterland Harbor, Vineglimmer Snarl.

(Simic Growth Chamber is fine to keep - make sure you are bouncing a land you've already tapped for mana though, pro tip)

This is just my opinion so take this with a grain of salt. But I would replace the following lands

Myriad Landscape enters tapped, you're in two colours, one being green so you've got better ramp choices.

Blighted Woodland green has better ramp than this.

Lumbering Falls unless I'm missing something you don't need the utility of having a man-land.

Misty Rainforest expensive mana-fixing and you don't have the other lands needed to make full use of it, and again green has all the ramp options.

Temple of Mystery, Thornwood Falls can be replaced by dual lands that usually come in untapped.

Rejuvenating Springs is fine but I prefer cheaper options.

Again, my opinion, but you seem light on removal and ramp while heavy on land. Most decks run 33-36 land, being in green you could probably get away with 33. Try throwing in some of these Nature's Lore/Three Visits, Vastwood Surge, Growth Spiral, Migration Path, Ordeal of Nylea has some synergy, and if you put it on a creature that already has two or more counters on it, you can sacrifice it the same turn you play it. This is by far a non exhaustive list so feel free to google simic ramp and see what other options there are.

As for removal you'll want to make sure you have removal for not only creatures, but other non-land permanents mainly artifacts and enchantments which can sometimes be difficult depending on your colours (I'm assuming you won't have to deal with problematic lands most of the time). Pongify, Curse of the Swine and, Reality Shift are good picks (Curse of the Swine-ing yourself to create lots of piggies is never not funny and unexpected.)

You don't seem to have any boardwipes, these are cards that, in a panic let you just erase everything from the Battlefield (barring lands, usually) and can be great for when your opponent(s) are simply getting ahead of you in terms of having a developed board-state. The best one you have available is Cyclonic Rift but is a bit pricey, others include Wash Out, Evacuation, Devastation Tide and, Nevinyrral's Disk (for an actual board wipe). Unfortunately Blue really only has options that return things to hand instead of thoroughly destroying or exiling and Green straight up has nothing except anti-flying. They do most of their removal through fighting.

This is turning into an absolute wall of text and I'm getting lazy so I'm just gonna finish here by copying a comment from a YouTube video

Ramp: 10-12

Card Draw: 10

Single Target Removal: 10-12

Board Wipes: 3

Lands: 33-38

Standalone (cards that are effective by themselves/with commander): 25

Enhancers (cards that amplify or are amplified by standalones or commander): 10-12

Enablers (covers a weakness or fills a gap in your strategy): 7-8

Cards on your theme: 30(ish)

Consider overlaps (cards that count in multiple categories) and partials (cards that count as 'half' in a given category. E.g. scry 2 as half a card draw card)

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