Auriok Sunchaser

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Auriok Sunchaser

Creature — Human Soldier

Metalcraft — As long as you control three or more artifacts, Auriok Sunchaser gets +2/+2 and has flying.

Corrosive_Cat on Boros Rage

4 years ago

Looks sick! Only thing I could think is to sideboard some if not all of the Holy Days; haven’t tested, but I wonder whether you might be better off with some cheap creatures that don’t rely on equipment, just in case; perhaps something like Ardent Recruit or Auriok Sunchaser?

Saccox on Flying Metal Pezzent

4 years ago

The_Big_Elf thanks for your comment,Dispatch it's a great card but need a lot more artifacts to use it in this deck.Auriok Sunchaser it is already difficult to activate.If you want, look at my other decks too and tell me what you think ^^

Hexaflexagon on

6 years ago

Adanto Vanguard? Radiant Destiny? I would take out Auriok Steelshaper because you have no Equipment. On the same note, I would also take out Auriok Sunchaser, Auriok Edgewright, Auriok Glaivemaster and Auriok Bladewarden. You may also want either Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Elspeth Tirel or Elspeth, Knight-Errant depending on your budget.

SirSpookleton on GW PopeMobile

6 years ago

Have you considered metalcraft and "when this becomes tapped" effects? Or would that lean too far away from the midrange-y goodstuff goal of this deck.

Auriok Sunchaser Ardent Recruit These guys could get big fast and start crewing an Aradara Express as a fun-of

Judge of Currents Stonybrook Schoolmaster

Other interesting vehicle synergy Built to Last Caught in the Brights

stevend11 on Daxos Artifact Voltron

7 years ago

In advance sorry for the length and for any duplicates. Ardent Recruit Armament Master Armory Automaton Auriok Edgewright Auriok Glaivemaster Auriok Steelshaper Auriok Sunchaser Brass Squire Etched Champion Etherium Sculptor Grand Abolisher Ironclad Slayer Kemba, Kha Regent Kitesail Apprentice Kor Duelist Kor Outfitter Leonin Den-Guard Leonin Shikari Lumengrid Sentinel Master of Etherium Militant Inquisitor Myr Adapter Myrsmith Puresteel Paladin Relic Seeker Riddlesmith Skyhunter Cub Soldevi Machinist Stoneforge Mystic Sunspear Shikari Training Drone Angelic Armaments Armed Response Armory of Iroas Auriok Survivors Auriok Windwalker Avacynian Missionaries  Flip Avacyn's Collar Balan, Wandering Knight Basilisk Collar Blade of Selves Bladed Bracers Bladed Pinions Bloodforged Battle-Axe Broodstar Butcher's Cleaver Captain's Claws Carry Away Champion's Helm Conqueror's Flail Dispatch Dowsing Dagger Empyrial Plate Enlightened Tutor Ensoul Artifact Explorer's Scope Ghalma's Warden Golem-Skin Gauntlets Illusionist's Bracers Indomitable Archangel Infiltration Lens Inquisitor's Flail Leonin Abunas Lightning Greaves Loxodon Punisher Masterwork of Ingenuity Neglected Heirloom  Flip Open the Armory Padeem, Consul of Innovation Paradise Mantle Quest for the Holy Relic Ring of Thune Shield of the Avatar Shield of the Righteous Shuko Sigarda's Aid Sigil of Valor Skullclamp Spy Kit Steelshaper Apprentice Steelshaper's Gift Stone Haven Outfitter Stonehewer Giant Swiftfoot Boots Sword of the Animist Sword of the Meek Taj-Nar Swordsmith Trailblazer's Boots Treasure Mage Trinket Mage Trophy Mage True-Faith Censer Umezawa's Jitte Vedalken Archmage Vedalken Infuser Veteran's Armaments Vorrac Battlehorns Whirler Rogue Argentum Armor Argivian Restoration Assault Suit Darksteel Plate Diviner's Wand Efficient Construction Elspeth, Knight-Errant Elspeth, Sun's Champion Ensouled Scimitar Fabricate Fireshrieker Godsend Grip of Phyresis Hammer of Nazahn Haunted Plate Mail Heartseeker Helm of Kaldra Loxodon Warhammer Magebane Armor March of the Machines Moonsilver Spear Nahiri, the Lithomancer Norn's Annex Open the Vaults Pariah's Shield Quietus Spike
Remember the Fallen Scytheclaw Shield of Kaldra Sickleslicer Slayer's Plate Stolen Identity Sword of Kaldra Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang Tezzeret the Seeker Thopter Spy Network Thoughtcast Trepanation Blade Whispersilk Cloak Worldslayer Cheers!

Moosemandude on Mono White Metalcraft

7 years ago

Additional deck tips for piloting!

Notable Interactions:

Kor Skyfisher can:1. Bounce a land to net an extra land drop if you have no lands in hand and haven't yet played a land.2. Bounce Thraben Inspector to create extra clues for card draw, especially good against control3. Bounce Flayer Husk after the germ dies to create extra creatures, good against decks plaing Chainer's Edict4. Bounce Tooth of Chiss-Goria which gives you an extra activation for free if you have three or more artifacts5. Bounce any creature post combat to give it pseudo-vigilance

Note: Glint Hawk can do all the things Kor Skyfisher does except only with artifacts.

When facing an aggro deck:

  1. Leverage the size of you creatures to both attack into their creatures and hold them back on defense. Trading two of their creatures for one of yours that has a Bonesplitter on it will net you card advantage in the long run which will put you ahead.

  2. If the ground is filling up, try to have the last flier standing. Regardless of how wide their ground force is, if you have profitable blocks and a Glint Hawk or Auriok Sunchaser left you'll be able to wear them down.

  3. You'll never beat an aggro deck on turn 4, don't be afraid to keep a slower hand if you have some draw power like Kor Skyfisher + Thraben Inspector .

When facing a control/combo deck:

  1. Mulligan more aggressively for fast hands. Control players are the ones you can kill on turn 4. Often a six-card hand with a one drop + Bonesplitter is better than a slow seven-card hand.

  2. Take note of how they plan to slow you down. Black decks filled with removal spells are best beaten by flooding the board and gaining card advantage with Kor Skyfisher because you'll eventually have more threats than they will have removal spells. Alternatively, if they plan to fog you into oblivion with Moment's Peace you'll need speed above all else and damage will be all that matters.

  3. Against combo players it's good to note that they won't risk losing important combo pieces in blocks, especiall if they know that you have Tooth of Chiss-Goria in your deck.

What to side out:

As a basic rule I will side out the Scale of Chiss-Goria first followed by 1x Flayer Husk, 1x Tooth of Chiss-Goria, and 1x Frogmite in that order. Although taking these cards out subtracts form the explosive potential of the deck in the early turns, they quickly get worse as the game progresses to a greater degree than most of the other cards in the deck.

What to side in:

Celestial Flare comes in against any deck that wants to win with one giant creature like a Slippery Bogle of an Ulamog's Crusher. It's good to know that if they attack with a tiny creature to try and protect their big threat, you can eat the small creature then play Celestial Flare at the end-of-combat step.

Dust to Dust comes in against affinity primarily because Dust to Dust turns into a double Stone Rain against artifact lands. This is probably the weakest card in the sideboard since the printing of fragmentize, I would suggest to cut this first when adding cards that better fit your local metagame.

Fragmentize is for any decks that play artifacts and enchantments. Can be very strong when used to blow up artifact lands and is incredibly efficient at one mana. I find myself boarding in all four if they have 10+ possible targets in my opponents deck.

Holy Light comes in against elves and delver, and basically any deck that plays lots of non-white 1/1's. Note: Holy Light will also hit your own germs and Vault Skirges.

Lone Missionary is primarily for burn, but you could bring in one or two against other aggro decks because gaining four to eight life can sometimes put you over the top.

Sunlance is the only removal spell in the 75 and gets brought in against decks that play creatures it can hit. Prized due to its efficiency at one mana, being able to both play a creature and a Sunlance in one turn can easily swing a game.

Note: The third Lone Missionary could be replaced with another Sunlance against creature heavy metagames or a Mana Tithe if combo is prevalent.

ChandrasFollower on

7 years ago

If there could get white in the deck, Dispatch would be perfeckt and Ardent Recruit or Auriok Sunchaser could maybe work. But great deck im making it my self +1 from me.

Boza on

7 years ago

A bit of both. I have a couple of options in my affinity decks. I run Grixis for Bleak Coven Vampires, or white for Auriok Sunchaser and Ardent Recruit. If you want to break away from the mold, Kaladesh has some great options - Reckless Fireweaver, Salivating Gremlins and Cogworker's Puzzleknot for triggering all of those. They work great with Atog too.

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