Heart Warden

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Heart Warden

Creature — Elf Druid

Tap: Add (Green) to your mana pool.

(2), Sacrifice Heart Warden: Draw a card.

Profet93 on Elves go brrrrr

10 months ago

DeoCroma +1 counters are not in my wheelhouse, but I'll do my best to help.

Hurricane - Bye bye fliers

Heart Warden - Elf the mindstone

Devoted Druid - Ramp

Regal Force - Draw

Elvish Guidance - Ramp

Legolas's Quick Reflexes > Arbor Armament

I think fight cards might be a better alternative to plummet. While they are reliant on having a high power creature, that doesn't seem to difficult given the deck. The flexibility allows you to hit other non-fliers as well. Inscription is definitely a potential consideration. Kami seems solid as well. I'd say include them as test swaps at least and see how they perform.

I can offer potential cuts should you wish.

Profet93 on Fynn Fangbearer Pauper EDH

1 year ago

Idk anything about pauper EDH. That being said, here are some card draw options to consider ensuring the gas stays flowing....

Bequeathal - While prone for 2 for 1, its nice to eventually recoup your small investment.

Citanul Woodreaders - Very costly, but helpful in the late game

Heart Warden - Mindstone, the elf

Yavimaya Elder - Always happy to see this fella


Profet93 on Yoink

2 years ago

Also, Heart Warden - elf mindstone. I've always liked, but perhaps its not impactful enough in your build. Nevertheless, worth mentioning.

Is this played in a multiplayer setting? If so, how do you defend against early attackers/aggro? Do you let the token die or do you let ur commander take the hit? I'm usually inclined to let the commander take a hit, but then they just wipe. If I let the tokens take the hit, they just cast a removal spell on my commander. Its like, damned if I do, damned if I don't. Moreover, with an elf deck so aggressive, do you kind of view it as "glassnonish" given that if you don't ramp hard, then it becomes more difficult to win against many opponents. If you do ramp hard, you are a target to the table and they put pressure early on to mitigate all the ramp.

Do you have any mulligan suggestions? I love this deck so much, much more than my own so I want to learn about your card choices and strategy in regards to your playstyle. Any advice/hints would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time as always.

IllWarriors on Kura, Secret Tron EDH (EYW: Green)

2 years ago

Profet93, you've got a lot of good points, here are my thoughts...

  1. I see your point with my inclusion of Thought Vessel and I would agree something like Heart Warden would be a good swap. In my experience with playing this deck so far, I've actually enjoyed having Thought Vessel as well as Reliquary Tower. When to comes to tutoring for lands, there are usually some more important hits before I would go for the Tower. The tron lands are usually first, but then if I do get another chance to search I'll go for some more explosive plays since I'm usually looking for something like Eye of Ugin, Gaea's Cradle, or Sanctum of Ugin to really pop off. In the games where I have been able to draw a ton of cards past hand size, it's been nice to have that redundancy. That being said, I can see myself playing around with swapping it for something more useful in the future.

  2. You're totally right about Tempt with Discovery. However, in my current meta we tend not to run loads of LD. It's just not really how we like to play. In the few games where that has come up, I've just had to politics my way aroud it. It's got a lot of potential for explosive turns, but should my meta shift to feature more LD I can easily see myself swapping it out.

  3. Yup, I think I'll take you up on the Skyshroud Claim. Burnished Hart is a card I like to throw into a lot of decks, but after play testing a bit, it's felt pretty slow since it takes 6 mana total to get the effect.

  4. I like the idea of Skullclamp. I did run Bequeathal, and Skullclamp feels like a repeatable version of that. I think it's definitely something I'll consider freeing up space for.

  5. Eternal Witness should've been in this deck a while ago. I liked the lower cost of Regrowth but I like the value of having another body on the field while I'm setting up or trying to re-establish a foothold in the game, so I'm definitely swapping that out.

  6. Lurking Predators has probably led to the most explosive and fun games this deck has had. You're totally right that I won't get cast triggers, but honestly those have been mostly negligible once Predators has been out for a turn cycle. Hitting any of the titans or something like Blightsteel Colossus most of the time is enough to close out the game, especially if you hit multiple.

  7. I'm always curious as to what others might cut, so I'm all ears.

  8. Land count was something I was worried about with such a high curve, but so far that hasn't been much of an issue. It really comes down to taking the right hand and usually you're just fine. Most the time, once you hit 5 mana and can get Kura, the Boundless Sky out, you're all set. It feels a little low especially when I do run cards like Exploration, but my intention behind that was to be able to get tron lands out faster once they're in hand, and not necessarily to hit a land drop every turn.

  9. I don't run fetchlands because I just don't want to. Would it make the deck better? Absolutely. It's another one of those situations where I know it would improve the deck, so I'm intentionally trying to balance the deck from being too good. The intent behind this deck is to be explosive and play big bombs, but not be a pubstomper. Because of that, I'm making sure to carefully balance how fast the deck can play.

  10. I love Scapeshift! I know I considered it back when I made the deck but it must've slipped my mind. It's a definite candidate, especially as a good swap for Tempt with Discovery.

Thanks for your feedback! I really enjoyed reading all of your thoughts!

Profet93 on Kura, Secret Tron EDH (EYW: Green)

2 years ago

IllWarriors +1 A couple of questions/comments....

  1. I saw your description for the purpose of the colorless mana rocks, both creature and noncreature. Thought vessel is to prevent discard, but given all of your land tutors, isn't it very likely that you can find reliquary tower should you need it? Do you need/want the redundancy? Are you trying not to tutor for reliquary given you want the tron lands? Would you not be better served by adding additional dorks at 1 - 2 CMC? Heart Warden is like a mindstone. If you were to reduce your reliance on artifact ramp given you're playing green, you could add in a Bane of Progress should you wish to mess with all of the opposing artifacts you want inevitably find on the table.
  2. Regarding tempt with discovery, doesn't your meta just wise up and tutor for LD such as strip mine/wasteland each time you get a tron land, effectively netting you only 1 untapped land and 3 cards in the grave? Or are there other utility lands your opponents can find (Nykthos, coffers, urborg, eye of ugin, etc....) that they find more valuable than destroying your tron lands?
  3. Burnished Heart - Given you're playing green, why not add in a Skyshroud Claim, Pir's Whim, Harmonize or another ramp/draw spell?
  4. Skullclamp - Given you will be sacrificing your commander a lot, you have a fair amount of dorks, and the boardwipes that will be seen, I feel skullclamp can be beneficial to you. You can also stack the triggers of your commander and clamp (should you know your topdeck).
  5. Eternal Witness > Regrowth (can be clamped, blocker, etc...)
  6. Lurking Predators - How has this played for you? Given your wincon is Eldrazi, are you okay with losing the casting benefit of the Eldrazi in favor for their static + triggered abilities?
  7. Are you looking for cuts?
  8. Your land count seems a bit low, especially if you have cards that allow you additional land drops. I understand your commander is a tutor, do you often find yourself missing land drops, particularly in the early game?
  9. No fetchlands for crucible of worlds?
  10. Scapeshift - Land tutor! While it may not be needed, it can easily help you assemble tron, find cradle as well as..... Field of the Dead (note it triggers upon ETB for all lands), Castle Garenbrig.

Would love to hear your thoughts on each suggestion, let me know if you are interested in cuts. Solid deck!

ThatWeirdPerson on I Am Hacking the Code... (Momir Vig cEDH)

2 years ago

Awesome deck! Has my vote!

Consider Heart Warden > Coiling Oracle. Both do the job just fine, but Heart Warden acts as both ramp and an elf too.

123456789101112131415161718 on Ezuri's Exuberant Elfball Extravaganza

2 years ago

Hey Profet93, thanks for the upvote!

Flying isn't super prevalent in my meta, and I can usually outpace the decks that do have fliers. While earlier iterations of this deck ran a fair bit more of flying interaction, having Whirlwind and the few removal spells in this deck tend to be enough.

Reap is definitely a meta call, most of my playgroup plays black and being able to return my entire graveyard to my hand most of the time is super good.

I ran Skullclamp for a bit and its a bit too slow in this deck. Due to the numerous lords I run as well, my little 1/1's generally aren't little 1/1's, which doesn't let me equip, draw repeat. If I find games start to go on for a bit longer I might put it back in.

Heart Warden is a pretty cool card, but I don't know what I'd take out. It might be a tad bit too slow as well, as I usually can only cast it turn 2, which only gives me an extra 1 mana turn three, whereas I'm usually aiming for a bit more. Might test it out though as the added draw ability can be helpful.

Glimpse of Nature is busted 100%, I just have no idea what to slot out for it. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Fierce Empath is something always in the back of my mind, but I've found there's enough tutors/card draw en masse to grab craterhoof or regal force pretty reliably.

Thanks for all your suggestions!

Profet93 on Ezuri's Exuberant Elfball Extravaganza

2 years ago



How prevalent is flying in your meta? Is Reap a meta call?

Skullclamp - Draw

Heart Warden - Mindstone, the elf

Glimpse of Nature - Cantrip early game, powerhouse late game. I once had a game I conceded because all I did was make mana off of every elf cast and drew almost my entire deck and I couldn't win (me just playtesting against opponent for early trials). This can go insane.

Fierce Empath - While not an entirely serious suggestion, it's worth considering. Helps you find your craterhoof for finish, regal force/harvest for draw or the other card for lifegain/token production

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