Emeria Angel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Emeria Angel

Creature — Angel


Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may create a 1/1 white Bird creature token with flying.

capwner on Oath of the Birdwatch

6 months ago

Gaea's Cradle / Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip?

Also I want more birds. Keeper of the Nine Gales, Augury Owl, Commander Eesha, Thieving Magpie, Ledger Shredder, Emeria Angel, Wingmate Roc, Suntail Hawk, Thrummingbird, Soulcatchers' Aerie, Airborne Aid just some ideas

Enduring Ideal with Dovescape is a classic

Spitting Image is a cool card I forgot about that one.

Overall cool list, lots of interesting cards. Like I said I'd like to see more bird stuff since the deck seems to be more about flavor than being super competitive, plus low cost flyers synergize well with Derevi!

Last_Laugh on Soundwave Gon' Give It To Ya!

1 year ago

Emeria Angel is another source of tokens. I'd suggest running all 9 fetches you can to fuel it and Felidar Retreat though. Plumb the Forbidden probably deserves a spot too (instant speed makes this card).

It's not Soundwave, but it's Esper tokens... feel free to check it out for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Alela's Aerodynamics: A Crash Course

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago
Here are my most recent updates, with some brief justifications. I've telegraphed most of my thoughts on these before, so I'll try to go for a briefer treatment.

1) Harsh Mercy OUT Darksteel Mutation IN

Harsh Mercy seemed like it would be amazing, but I find I don't often need to wipe the board in this deck, and usually when I considered using Mercy it was to deal with one or two problematic creatures. Unfortunately, they get to pick what they keep and can always keep something, so this turns out to be not as good as we'd think, particularly as we don't really need it to clear blockers since we fly. More targeted removal seems to be what the doctor ordered, and Darksteel Mutation can sideline problematic combo commanders. I may switch this to Fateful Absence eventually, but for now we'll go for the more durable if less flexible answer.

2) Serra Paragon IN Baneslayer Angel OUT

It should be fairly clear why this card belongs in, as it is amazing and adds on the recursion in the deck for the low cost of 4 mana. We can get her going as early as turn three! Baneslayer is iconic and fun to play, but it is higher on our curve and has never been too synergistic, so it gets the axe.

3) Karmic Guide OUT Emeria Angel IN

I was always nervous about the cmc on the latter, but others have assured me it works great, and this update is lowering my curve across the board so I can afford to raise it two for a far superior version of Guide. Emeria Angel lets us get back whatever we want turn after turn, and is a must answer value piece that can do work in the late game.

4) Angel of Invention OUT Steel Seraph IN

This change is more experimental, but the latter costs three when we cast it here, which lowers our curve by two. Its ability is really relevant and synergistic, and allows us to have lifelink the turn we cast this. I do like what I can cutting though as anthems are good here, so there is a chance I go back or re-add it down the road, but for now we are cutting the curve.

5) Sigarda's Splendor OUT Smuggler's Share IN

Smuggler's Share will no doubt be good in this deck and we need to cut a draw piece for it. I agonized on what to cut as Splendor is better in the early game and less likely to be removed, but is bad late game when it won't give us value. Vanquisher's Banner is amazing in the late game but is a bit more of a high risk, high reward sort of card here. I opted to keep banner because I feel like we need more of the latter category than the former. We'll see how it goes, though others have assured me that banner works well in the late game, and it has indeed done that where I've used it in other decks.

6) Ghost Quarter OUT Mutavault IN

While I like having the extra answer to lands, we can't afford too many colorless lands in this deck and I think this is the least needed as we also have Generous Gift. Mutavault is great obviously for the combo with The Book of Exalted Deeds, but it is also a great way to upper our counters with spare mana. If we activate it on our turn before casting any angels we'll get extra counters on said angels when they ETB. This utility can definitely make a difference over the course of the game even without making it into a Platinum Angel land, and the latter is amazing.

7) Eerie Interlude OUT Guardian of Faith IN

Interlude was always bad because you lose all of your counters on the blink since Giada would re-enter at the same time as them. Guardian is awesome because by phasing out they never leave the battlefield and thus keep all of their counters. Of course if you have Teferi's Protection do feel free to play that in place of either this or Cosmic Intervention

ThroughTheBlaze on Giada, Font of Hope

1 year ago

airsoftsniper91 Coincidentally enough, I was planning to do an update on this later today. A couple of the cards in the deck were swapped this weekend. We did some more testing of the deck this weekend as well. It worked significantly better than the previous times due to getting more mana and ramp. The wins that I did manage to get were via combat with the Angel tokens and the compounding +1/+1 counters from Giada. Additionally, I do have some cards on their way from CardKingdom. My intended plan was to replace as follows (I may have already replaced some of these this weekend, and just forgot. That will be in the update I put together later today): Treasure Chest -> Bishop of Wings; Arcane Signet -> Emeria, The Sky Ruin; Marble Diamond -> Near-Death Experience; Everflowing Chalice -> Thespian's Stage; Plains -> Vesuva

The following are also on my "buy when possible" list: Authority of the Consuls, Sephara, Sky's Blade, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Emeria Angel, Guardian Seraph, and Angel of Condemnation. I am adding all of your recommendations to my "buy when possible" list, and will make updates as I go.

Considering the life gain is required for making the Angel tokens, Angel of Grace, Angel's Grace, and Near-Death Experience are counter productive. These may end up being the replaced cards instead of Treasure Chest and Plains, and then I just won't add Near-Death Experience at all. At the very least, they are on the list to be replaced.

Do you have any thoughts, suggestions, concerns, recommendations with the current plan until I can get more of the cards from my list? Thank you for the input!

airsoftsniper91 on Giada, Font of Hope

1 year ago

Saw that you were looking for help and this commander seems pretty cool. Not sure what your budget is, but I'm going to make some suggestions at different price points.

Here's some cards I'd cut: Angel's Grace, Cleric Class, Angelic Accord, Treasure Chest, The Book of Exalted Deeds, Panharmonicon, Arcane Signet, Marble Diamond, Campfire, Mass Calcify, Brave the Elements, Cleansing Nova, Everflowing Chalice, and Gift of Estates

I can provide more explanation on why, but generally these cards are low impact, less helpful than they may seem, or off theme a bit. Some of these are life gain or ETB payoffs but they don't have many ways to trigger them.

I'm seeing a wincon through combat with the deck as is. Giada is Ramp in the command zone but only for Angels, and the starting list only has 17 Angel spells. Turn 2 Giada and hitting all your land drops means we can send out 4 CMC angels turn 3.

I recommend Emeria Angel, Guardian Seraph, Angel of Condemnation

A lot of the Angel's are high CMC but you're running a lot of cost reducers. Due to this I think you need more lands and more Draw. Arch of Orazca, Geier Reach Sanitarium, Sea Gate Wreckage and War Room are all utility lands you can run in mono color that tap for colorless mana and help you draw.

That leaves seven more cards to add back in. I'd go with Karmic Guide, Twilight Shepherd, Battlegrace Angel, Angelic Sleuth, Herald of the Host, Dawnbreak Reclaimer, and Aegis Angel

KongMing on Pattern Recognition #246 - Card …

2 years ago

One of my favorite commanders to generate card advantage was Ertai, the Corrupted. Generally, it was easy in esper to get cheap tokens with Emeria Angel or creatures like Bloodghast, which fuel the repeatable removal of Ertai's counterspell. Goes into the 'repeatable generating tokens' and 'spending less resources' card advantages. Then draw power to fill your hand with options.

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago

Hi all! I'm getting back into the swing of things as I'm back from all of my intense AP Reading stuff and am playing again. I have another gameplay report, some updates, and some other thoughts related to the deck partly inspired by some player comments and questions here. Before I get to that however I want to respond to everyone I hadn't had a chance to yet!


The must-play card from Baldur's gate is Battle Angels of Tyr, which has already replaced Emeria Angel in my deck. Beyond that it's creating a headache for me with my Scion of the Ur-Dragon deck since there are so many more dragons to consider, but I haven't seen a ton more for Giada.


Glad you're enjoying the deck! You can totally write it up and link it here if you'd like! The more resources, the better for us all! As far as protection goes, Commander's Plate is a good choice, as protection is so much better than we think it's going to be. Ephemerate not so much unless we have a blink theme because of the one-off, situational nature of the card. I'd also add that, in my experience, we don't need to worry too much if she dies a couple of times. At 2cmc we can recast her a few times no problem, and smart opponents will not feel it's not worth it when there will be more immediate threats on the board, or will not want to target her when she has already put some massive threats out. They killed her four times the other night, and when they ran out of removal I put out a massive flight of angels to kill them out in almost a single turn! I'd agree on Eye of Vecna being really good draw. Less so on Thorough Investigation; it's rather Dawn of Hope that always manages to be just not that great for me, though time will tell on this all. I'm trying to get Inspiring Overseer back in as it seems good. I have Angel of the Dire Hour in my binder too and just want to warn that it is a trap card. We'll almost never hold open seven mana to use it, so most of the time it will be an otherwise vanilla 5/4 flyer for 7 which is just terrible. If she were 4cmc, then she would definitely be played!


Thanks for the compliment, comment, and upvote! I upvoted your deck too. Feel free to let us know how it goes and share any insights you have from play!


Thanks for the compliment, comment, and upvotes! I am glad you are enjoying the deck, as I have been! As far as cards go, I can definitely see the case for Shadowspear. It does fit the curve and gives us life-link, and if there are Sigarda players or other annoying things like that in your meta it could me a good choice for dealing with that as well. Akroma's Will also probably belongs, for thematic reasons as much as anything. It would be a good replacement for Eerie Interlude, though I have another plan for replacing that card currently. Legion Loyalty does sound like fun and I'd recommend it for more Timmy-minded Giada players. At 8cmc I'm personally not willing to risk it, but that's just me! I can see some ridiculous "I win!" plays with a card like that from time to time! Blessed Sanctuary does sound like fun, and my unicorn/alicorn/pony loving daughters would probably appreciate it very much! That being said, it doesn't do much to help us with life loss combos or infinite attacker/attack step combos, which are pretty common out there, and as such is pretty narrow on those grounds. I play a lot of combo myself in other decks, and my top deck on tappedout is my Inalla, Archmage Ritualist deck which is about the most degenerate combo deck outside of cEDH imaginable. So, my tip from the dark lord about dealing with combos is that the best way to deal with them is to kill the combo player, destroy the combo pieces, or call out the combo pieces so someone else with removal can help us destroy them. That being said, unicorns are fun and flavorful, and if your meta has lots of ping-type infinite combos I could see it as a good meta choice in those circumstances!

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago

jybuckeyeThanks for the encouragement! While I'm not running Herald of the Host at the moment I do have it and it would be good, even if it is removal bait. Battle Angels of Tyr will be an auto-include and I've already ordered it! It will replace Emeria Angel in the list once it releases.

Phule451 I do think you make a valid point, and I am going to published a revised assessment of changelings in the deck soon. Stay Tuned!

I'm also hoping to slide Inspiring Overseer into the deck and to up my angel count by one. I'll have to cut a support piece for it, so I'll figure out which one is the best one to go.

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