All is Dust

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

All is Dust

Kindred Sorcery — Eldrazi

Each player sacrifices all coloured permanents they control.

Coward_Token on Bloomburrow

1 week ago

I kinda wish all cards with Offspring had the child in the art

Bloodroot Apothecary -> All is Dust, or something. Feels like it could be a black card.

Profet93 on Evil dead ☠️ (Ode to Sheoldred)

1 month ago

Veethevvitch +1

Sorry for the delayed response. Xtough's suggestions are on point!

Ancient Tomb > Temple of False - Upgrade.

Speaking of lands, you should add a few more, you're running really low. With an avg cmc of 3.25, are 25 lands and your rocks + draw enough to ensure you don't get mana screwed?

I'm normally all for tutors in mono black. I have a mono black tutor tribal deck for that purpose. But given all your draw and your goal to lower ur avg cmc, here are some cuts to consider...

Dark Petition + Increasing Ambition + Insidious Dream (and maybe) Razaeths Rite - Expensive to find what you need. Insidious dream is the prime cut because it folds to counterspells as additional cost to cast, discarding, and not even putting them in your hand. Requires too much set up and support to use to it's full potential.

Forever Young - Black has much better creature recursion.

Lili Dark Realms - It either tutors for a swamp to hand, is a removal piece and a hard to achieve ultimate. If you're going for more cEDH/competitive, why not swap it out for Karn, the Great Creator? Karn can stop rocks, help you remove them and acts as recursion for your own artifacts.

Karn + Infernal Darkness is just great. Infernal you can usually hold onto for 1-2 turns and is counterspell bait for your combos.

Yawgmoth's Will > Magus - Upgrade (or have both)

Maybe an All is Dust to help remove problematic boardstates and enchantments like Rest in Peace. Oblivion stone is also a consider but given almost 20% of your deck are artifacts perhaps not.

indieinside on Uncle Istvan and the Shadow Crew

4 months ago

All is Dust and infinite mana with Rings of Brighthearth combos are already in my colorless deck. So, that's a no go. All of the other cards cost to much to cast. I just don't know. Bubbling Muck is totally going in. If I do add some of this stuff I am not sure what to cut. Profet93

Profet93 on Uncle Istvan and the Shadow Crew

4 months ago


Rise of the Dark Realms - Alt wincon, expensive but powerful.

All is Dust - Board wipe that hits enchantments (and some artifacts).

Neither of the above 2 are needed. While the deck is low to the ground, my fear is that in the mid-late game, after one wipe, it is hard to rebuild. That's where rise comes in handy for mass recursion and all is dust when someone either tries to pillowfort their way to safety or just outvalue you. Thoughts on that?

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse - Deathtouch + Useful with all the drawing. Speaking of drawing, Peer into the Abyss might be useful given you can't always get combat damage. Not to mention since your deck is low to the ground, you should be able to cast a lot of your hand and with reliquary tower + spellbook, not discard it. Lastly, both of them combo with each other for an alt wincon.

Speaking of alt wincon, have you thought of adding Rings of Brighthearth + some more fetches? Rings + fetches = ramp. More fetches = Use bojuka bog at instant speed. Moreover, you can "save" fetches with urborg out. Lastly, Rings + Coffers + Lots of swamps (Urborg makes it less) = . Rings also simply double's your commander's ability.

Bubbling Muck - Symmetrical with urborg but extremely powerful.

I can attempt to provide other suggestions + cuts should you wish. Looking forward to your response.

SufferFromEDHD Disdain for cabalstronghold is the exact word I would use. A lot of people try to add it in their decks thinking it's ramps but the amount of basic swamps needed to make it into a ramp piece simply made it unviable for most decks. The only decks it should have a place in are budget mono black decks that don't run coffers and use mostly basic swamps with little non-basic lands.

I love corpse dance, best with a sac outlet which I don't see in this deck. Hatred is amazing (my Sidisi deck used to be Xiahou dun, I run corspe dance still, but not hatred). Hatred is a difficult card to use because 1) You hold up 5 mana 2) Life is additional cost to cast - so counterspells are your worst enemy. I wouldn't run it without some form of counterspell protection such as Conqueror's Flail. Very solid suggestions though, as always.

Profet93 on Gary Murder Scene

4 months ago

I personally like to run 37, but everyone is different. It really depends on your avg cmc, amount of ramp you have, wincon, etc.... For your deck, I would see how your current 34 lands hold up. If you find yourself needing more, bump it up to 36-37. Regardless, you definitely need some more ramp. Jet Medallion, Arcane Signet (perhaps over or in additional to charcoal diamond), Mind Stone and maybe even a Hedron Archive.

For lands I recommend cutting Hive and westvale for Deserted Temple to untap coffers and Thespian's Stage to copy it or another utility land. Perhaps add in a Crypt of Agadeem. An Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth while unnecessary, is helpful. Albeit, it does provide symmetry to bublicking muck.

While a bit niche and unnecessary, if your playgroup is okay with combos, a Rings of Brighthearth is helpful. It allows double commander activations as well as some of your other creatures. Not to mention Rings + coffers + temple + swamps (urborg to make u need less swamps) =

I would add like 1-4 more removal cards personally depending on how much interaction you want in the deck. You might want to add another board wipe (or 2). All is Dust hits enchantments but not artifacts while Oblivion Stone hits everything. A rest in peace could be difficult for your deck to deal with and I don't see you running anything to deal with that. Perhaps a Feed the Swarm?

First try out your deck and see what you are lacking, either before or after my suggestions. Hope this helps, let me know what you think of each suggestion.

Balaam__ on When Gods Wake, the World Trembles V1

7 months ago

Ah, I thought that might be the case. All’s well then, if you’re playing kitchen table magic or house rules.

Here’s some quick tips to improve the TappedOut experience:

To “@“ someone, put their exact username in double square brackets. Grimhearth becomes Grimhearth. Same thing works to link cards in your deck descriptions—All is Dust becomes All is Dust.

Profet93 on The Dark Brotherhood - Rogues & Riches

8 months ago

TBF, you do have tragic slip and toxic deluge which should get around almost any indestructible creature. Mutilate and Dead of Winter (snow lands) are alternatives as well.

Given you have no way to remove artifacts or enchantments (aside from feed the swarm for enchantments), have you considered adding All is Dust? It gets around indestructible as well (not colorless ones though).

Is there a budget? Shizo, Death's Storehouse, and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth are all solid options.

Skullclamp - You need more draw. I understand your commander draws you cards but you don't always have access to it when it dies 2-3+ times.

Imp's Mischief - Redirect targeted removal, draw, extra turns and can "counter" counterspells.

While not an entirely serious suggestion Vedalken Orrery and Emergence Zone are potential considerations to allow you to flash in black market or better yet, revel in riches.

DrukenReaps on Druken Distortion

1 year ago

Saw the Eldrazi Unbound pre-con. Wish they'd made more than 10 new cards but looking at the deck overall I think it's a good start for someone who doesn't have a colorless deck. It'll give them a taste at least, still I'd wait for the price to drop. These pre-cons seem like they are too much for too little in general.

Obvious spoilers follow. New cards found at this link, thoughts below-

Zhulodok, Void Gorger - Double Cascade is dumb powerful. I want to experiment with this one but might need to go more top heavy to really do that. Still as far as commanders go Kozzy is stronger.

Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate - meh, I mean it's cool and opens a new deck design in colorless but not here.

Ugin's Mastery - I don't like manifest. I do think this is a strong card. The wording indicates that you could flip things that are not actually creatures. So if you manifest your land/artifact/whatever non-creature, attack with 6 power and flip it. Not sure what happens with sorceries/instants or if this is even intended to be read that way.

Skittering Cicada - Neat. Another Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter that I won't say no to. Possibly better with it growing so large after a single cast of any of the 6+ -ish cards.

Rise of the Eldrazi - I'll take win the game for 12 xD Okay not quite that good but when you're dropping the titans and take an extra turn too. Yes.

Flayer of Loyalties - Steal their commander and cause 10 commander damage to someone with it. I just see this as being hilarious. Someone thinks they have a turn or 2 and then they don't. Theft effects are generally just decent, this one pushes the concept a bit further.

Desecrate Reality - Sits at a pretty normal cost for removal in colorless along side Meteor Golem, Scour from Existence, and Spine of Ish Sah but it does more. The restriction of even and odd could be annoying but I think in general it will outdo those other options.

Darksteel Monolith - This has hints of busted. I look forward to Sculpting Steeling it.

Calamity of the Titans - Not as good as the one sided All is Dust but potentially nicer than other board wipe options in colorless. Exile is always great too, which All is Dust doesn't do so mayhaps better in select situations.

Abstruse Archaic - Double the cast triggers of every titan for 1 and a tap. Not to mention other solid colorless ETBs like meteor golem. Could be a little too limited to always be useful though so might not make it in over something that works without needing another card.

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